My friend Rich, who writes and draws Diesel Sweeties, occasionally gives me wonderful gifts, like that awesome 8-bit drawing of me in the infamous clown sweater that sits on what would be my blog's masthead, if blogs had mastheads.
When I got home from working on The Big Bang Theory yesterday, this was waiting for me:
Today's my last day on this episode, which seemed to fly by much faster than the last one. I'm so excited for the audience to watch the taping tonight, because I know how awesome the episode is, but I'm also sad, because I'm going to miss seeing and working with these incredible people every day.
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As awesome as this picture is…it gets kicked up to 11 with the pixelated fire!
8-bit Evil Wil Wheaton is awesome! Can’t wait to see you tonight.
Ha! That’s awesome! Have a good last day working :-] Just enjoy it as much as possible, it’s your last day to be a dick, after all. Hehe.
8 bits of a smirk = winning.
Great image. Just wondering why your S is backwards… hidden message maybe? 😉
I would never say “Made of Win” like the damn kids today, but that is totally awesome.
My head just exploded. DS + WW + TBBT!!
Must… Not… Cross-stitch…
You're going to get a nerd pile-on, so before that happens: it's an homage to Bizarro Superman, who came from the Bizarro world and had a backwards "S" on his chest.
Wow, I didn’t know eyeballs could bulge in 8-bit rendering. Nicely done.
Must… Not… Cross-stitch…
Fixed that for you.
LOL, nerd pile-on! Sounds kind of kinky…
That is, hands down, the most awesome thing I have seen today! *Adore*
Totally awesome! Man…i really wish I could do 8-bit art like that 🙁 Who woulda thought assembling pixels could be so freakin’ difficult?
PS: Are you allowed to tell us the air date for your Big Bang Theory episode? Or not yet?
Oh, yeah. It airs on April 12.
Is it me or does WW look a bit like Crockett from Miami Vice, sans jacket?
Wish I could rock the beard but the Filipino genes scream “DENY!”
Awesome, thank you!
As I’m more of a generic nerd rather than a comic book universe nerd, my explanation would have been that Evil Wil is obviously the mirror universe version of our Wil so his S is obviously backwards.
Hey, I’m up for a … no, never mind.
Well played sir, well played.
I think I refreshed this about twenty times, wondering what was fixed and if I stupidly misspelled basic words. (Go, English degree, go!)
But then I got sidetracked and started to wonder… if, theoretically, someone were to send you something, a small little geeky token, is there a PO Box or some such address available? I mean, not that this is related in any way to my first comment. At all. Ever. No way.
Wow, I had no idea that sitcoms still taped shows in front of a live studio audience. I just assumed that they added a laugh-track to the shows. That is just smothered with awesomesauce!
Do you know how one goes about getting tickets to a future taping of TBBT? Is it one of those “I know someone who knows someone who can get me tickets” type of things?
Oh shit. Stupid Typepad didn’t render the tag correctly. It was supposed to strike out the word “not” so it would read: “Must… Cross-stitch…”
I hate it when Technology messes up my jokes!
I’m torn. Obviously Evil Wil should have the beard, but real Wil has a beard too. How do we know who’s evil?!
Oh Darvelous…don’t you start…I mean stop…dammit! Always starting a good vexing but never following through…wacky parallel universe neighbor you is more fun. 😛
That's the thing … you don't know until it's too late.
Yes, but if wacky parallel universe me properly posted in response to bizarro Wil the consequences would be dire indeed.
Still, nothin wrong with the right kinda nerd pile-on. Just sayin.
See, now I hadn’t thought of that. Consequences. But then again, when have I ever thought of those? Wacky parallel universe neighbor me would bust Bizarro Wil’s balls a lot less than the real me busts the real Wil’s, though.
I’m usually the one to think about consequences.
*puts this in his Google Calendar, Windows Calendar, and cell phone calendar*
… um, I mean, well I guess I might watch it, yeah, if I’m not too busy or something.
…yeah… ^^;;
Wacky alternate universe me, however, is extremely random. Which one of us is posting? Are Wil’s balls safe?
Well jeez, Captian Obvious, tell me something I don’t already know! Where’s that nerd pile-on at?
You can get tickets to TV shows ‘relatively’ easily. Check out Audiences Unlimited. This link works for TBBT (, but if you go to it lists all the shows.
And many sitcoms still tape in front of audiences, but a laugh track is also added in post. Personally, I really enjoy being in the studio audience!
Well, today I’m doing laundry, so … my place. Door’s open.
Yeah. I think…only he would know the true answer to that, or Anne would. I’m having flashbacks of a post from a few years ago where Anne got the word “venereal” in a game of Scrabbble and Wil bought magic balls, and they were telling one another about it over the phone and it so did not sound right to the people overhearing their conversation. Wil should pull that one out of the vault someday because it was funny as hell!
OK. My turn to bring the fabric softener?
After the mess you made last time… oh yeah, it’s your turn.
Hey, guys?
I don't want to be a dick, but this isn't a BBS, and I get e-mail notifications on every comment. You're clearly having fun, though, so … maybe hit up teh soapbox?
Ahahahahahaha! Okay, I’m gonna cry uncle on this for a couple of different reasons. Number one, we’re totally monopolizing Wil’s blog with our completely off-topic banter, and secondly because you are obviously pwning the crap out of me.
Sorry about that, Wil. I was right in the middle of saying the same thing while you were probably writing this reply. You’re not being a dick, we’re just being idiots.
Nah, you guys are hilarious. It's just that … well, it was sort of taking over my blog and 🙂
Wow. Holy nerds taking over your blog! Scary! 🙂 Hubby would have known the Bizzaro thing and I should have since I just watched that with my toddler who we are gently crafting to be a future geek, I guess. Superman, Super Hero Squad, Batman, Transformers (the original, Hubby says he must only watch this because the new ones SUCK) and Green Lantern (he now runs around the house with a bunch of Green Lantern rings of various colors because the husband got them at a comicbook shop called Comic Books Your Mother Threw Out. This is perfectly named for my husband whose mother did once throw out all his comics. This scarred my husband for life and I hear of it often after his therapy sessions. And when he comes back from the shop, clutching his latest in the Green Lantern … Black Lantern whatever it is…issue.)
I’m sorry … it is called Heroes Your Mom Threw Out. I don’t know HTML enough to link to it, but it is located here….
As if you would care. 🙂
Blackest Night…that’s it! OK. I’m done. Done.
Okay, I’m confused. Looking between EvilWilWheaton and Non-DickWilWheaton, I see that the first sports a smile, while the second has a frown. The real Wil Wheaton’s caricature looks somewhat less-satisfied with life. Is EvilWilWheaton’s smile an act? I the real WilWeaton’s frown because that figure never appears on The Big Bang Theory, replaced by the Evil version once the set’s threshold is crossed?
I’m perplexed, Wil; I really am. I’m even more bothered that I never noticed that the original figure was frowning until I had the Evil you to compare it to. Ouch.
I’m way behind on the Big Bang Theory so I haven’t even seen your first appearance. Still, it’s nice to know I have something awesome to look forward to 🙂
If you become ‘the nemesis’, and I really hope you do, you’ll be back there all the time. In the meanwhile enjoy the moments…then tell us about them in your next Radio Free Burrito!
Speaking of BBSes, Wil, have you heard the buzz about the Portal update? This should be right up your alley:
“A few hours ago, Portal for the PC was updated, with the following as the only patch note:
“‘Changed radio transmission frequency to comply with federal and state spectrum management regulations’
“In addition, a new achievement has appeared called ‘Transmission Received’, with no explanation of what it is or how to acquire it. The folks over at Shacknews did some digging, and it appears that the patch added a whole bunch of new sound files to the game, all of which are just Morse Code. There’s 17 minutes of new audio in all, and the sound clips seem to be triggered by doing various things to the radio in Chell’s pod at the very beginning of the game.
“It gets even more awesome, though. Some people on the Valve forums ran the audio files through an SSTV program, and got some REALLY interesting results.
“I haven’t checked it yet this morning, but the images generated via SSTV contained characters that formed an MD5 hash. That hash converts to a Washington phone number, that has been confirmed to be a BBS that, when dialed into, displays a screen referencing Aperture Science.”
(Not trying to pimp my own blog, but it’s the only public place where I could collect & post the relevant links together!)
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!
If your return to BBT is anywhere near as popular as your first appearance, I highly doubt today will be the last time your evil twin pops up on the show.
Oh, it’s completely hilarious show, Phil, you really should start watching it. My Mom turned me onto it during Season 1, I think maybe three episodes into it, and I was immediately hooked after watching one episode. It’s impossible (for me, at least) *not* to laugh hysterically at practically everything that happens to the characters and the dialog that goes on between them. The characters are all great, and the actors who play them do a fantastic job in their roles. It’s chock full of nerd references, so it obviously has an appeal with the nerd demographic, but it’s also an extremely well written show. The writers really know how to pull of some awesome setup and follow through dialog/scenarios. Plus, as Wil pointed out with the coffee table picture he posted the other day, the attention to detail is just sublime. I highly recommend that you check it out, I have a feeling that you won’t be disappointed.