Our flight home from Seattle was delayed because they couldn’t find the pilot. I guess this would freak out some people, but I thought it was pretty funny and ordered another beer.
Anne and I sat at a table with Felicia and Misha Collins, and shared stories from the convention while we waited to get on our planes. Misha, Anne and I were on a flight to Burbank, and Felicia was on a flight to LAX.
“You’re a dummy for flying into LAX,” I told her.
“It’s closer to my house!” Felicia replied.
“I don’t know why anyone would fly into LAX on purpose. It’s the worst airport in the world. It’s like people got together, put all the bad ideas for airport design onto a chalkboard, and used them to design it. I bet if you looked at it from the air, it spells out HA HA YOU STUPID SUCKERS COME HERE ON PURPOSE.”
“Why would I drive all the way from Burbank to my house when LAX is closer?”
“Because Burbank isn’t LAX.”
“Well, you’re delayed, so there.”
“I bet you we get home before you do, even though our flight is delayed.”
It’s not uncommon for us to talk to each other like we’re 8 years-old.
About twenty minutes later, Felicia told us all goodbye. A minute or so later, she texted me that she was on her plane and gloated a little bit about how comfortable it was.
This year’s Emerald City wasn’t as awesome as it’s been in years gone by. They were trying out some new things, I guess, and not all of them worked. The layout of the show was really strange, and it didn’t feel cohesive to me. Felicia and I were in a gaming area instead of the usual media guest area, which just didn’t work for us. It was very small, so it got ridiculously congested when people got into lines to meet us, and it was so far away from everything else, we sort of felt like we were at the kids’ table. The photo-ops were really tough for me this year. I’m adjusting my brain meds, and though I felt back to normal by the end of the day on Sunday, Friday and Saturday weren’t that great. I know it’s not a big deal to most people to put your arm around a person, but it really freaks me out (and knowing this makes me feel totally crazy, so if you’re thinking that you’re not alone) to have hundreds of people I don’t know grab me and hold on to me. I always ask the photo-op people to ask the attendees to respect my personal space, and for whatever reason this didn’t happen this year. Without meaning to be weird or uncool, people were super grabby and hands-y and I felt super anxious more than once.
That said, there were some truly wonderful and memorable moments. Here are a few pictures I took:
When Joel and I made the Lil’ Wils, we hoped that people would get excited and make things for him to wear and play with. I have some really great clown sweaters and a cape of dicks for him, but this is the first actual fez I’ve seen.
“You have to sign this,” a young woman said to me.
“I do?” I said.
“Yes. You said ‘when someone puts a picture of Nathan Fillion in front of you and asks you to sign it, you say yes!'”
She spoke the truth, so I signed it. It’s pretty great that he had already written that he loves me because I didn’t write that myself as far as you know.
Last year, she asked me to sign her arm so it could be made into a tattoo. I was kind of freaked out by the responsibility, but then I thought about it for a second, and realized I could maybe inspire her and anyone who reads her arm to be awesome.
I have met a few derby girls who have named themselves after me in some way. I love that.
This was my view of the 3000 seat main theatre during the Wil Wheaton vs. Paul and Storm show on Saturday morning. I was very concerned about the early morning show time. I didn’t think the audience would be ready for what we do while they were still waking up, and I have never been so happy to be so wrong. We filled it up (and added some SRO at the back) and the audience was on board from the beginning. We had so much fun, I went ahead and did a little bit of stand-up jokes that I think they liked. When we asked if the audience wanted to hear a 20 minute song about pirates or do a Q&A, the ARRRRRRRRRRR! of 3000 people was all the answer we needed. This show was one of the highlights of the convention for me.
How great is this cosplay?! Last year, she was a Gameboy, and this year she was Tetris. She sewed each Tetris square onto her dress by hand. I’m not sure you can see it, but she has them on her fingernails, as well.
This guy, Paul, couldn’t make it, so his friend asked me to hold his picture up for a photo-op. I asked her to hold it so I could pretend to put my arm around him. Then when she brought it to my table to be autographed, I filled in the rest of him. I am easily amused.
I mean, honestly. How great is this?
I have no idea how this happened. #Vandaleyes
I forget what this is called. Bead Art, maybe? A young woman built this from my avatar, using little plastic beads. The windows on that TARDIS glow in the dark.
I love this picture. Felicia photobombed my picture of the Tabletop Day sign while we were playing Zombie Dice at the Geek and Sundry table. You’re playing on Tabletop Day, right?
My space mom has pretty awesome business cards.
Cutest 11th Doctor EVER.
Hipster Slenderman. I KNOW RIGHT.
Some other great things happened during the con, but they’re going to get their own posts because I have to get to my real work now.
I fell asleep in my seat before the plane took off. I woke up somewhere over Northern California and reached over to hold my wife’s hand.
“I just love you the most,” I said.
“I love you too.”
“Did you have fun this weekend?” I asked her.
“I did,” she said. “It was great to see friends. And your show was great.”
“Thanks, dude,” I said. I leaned back in my chair and dozed for most of the remaining flight. When we landed, I turned my phone on and got a text from Felicia:
DAMMIT! We landed early so we've been sitting on the tarmac for fifteen minutes!
I laughed out loud and sent back:
We're at our gate. I'll be home before you get your bags.
She sent:
I hate you and your stupid airport.
I replied:
Boy, it sure is peaceful and quiet at the Burbank Airport tonight.
She said:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkk yyyooooouuuuuuu
A few minutes later, I sent her this picture:
Walking to my car!
She sent:
Ugh. At baggage claim.
A little while later, the best text I’ve ever sent:
The reply was so very very sweet:
In car but not halfway home. You win ... THIS TIME.
I took a victory lap, and my dogs joined me.
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You are the best, Wil Wheaton. Thanks for taking the time to visit our city.
This was my first Con, and it was madness! I enjoyed it, though. My friend, Lauren, is the woman who slapped the Nathan Fillion magnet down in front of you for you to sign. She is gratified that you have referred to her as “young.” I thought you were very kind and gracious, and I understand totally how one can be squicked out about being groped by strangers. You comported yourself well, and we fans thank you for it. I intend to take my autographed, plush Wil on many adventures. Groping will not be tolerated!
You should have drove to Felicia’s house and sat in the driveway in a lawn chair drinking a beer when she came home. 🙂
I think that would qualify as a violation of Wheaton’s Law.
-I made it from LaGuardia to Burbank with a connection faster than my friend make it from JFK to LAX on the same day. Viva la Burbank!
-Those are Perler bead.
-Would a seated photo op help with no touchy touchy? Perhaps two chairs to prevent hugging? I’ve noticed many conventions set up two strategically placed folding chairs on occasion.
I wonder if there’s some sort of visualization technique you could use to prepare for the human contact, to help offset the anxiety. (Though obviously, having the people in line respect your personal space is most important.)
I agree with you wholeheartedly about putting you guys in the gaming area. That was crazy town banana pants. Otherwise, though, I thought the ECCC folks did a great job, they were clearly trying to address the crowd issues from last year and, as you say, trying some new things.
Your standup was terrific, you and Felicia are fun onstage together, and I wish I’d made time to pop downstairs while you were at the gaming tables. See you next year!
The crowds were SO much better this year! But I definitely agree that it felt a little disjointed. I suppose it’s always going to be a bit awkward in that convention centre because of the layout, and how ECCC was spread over four floors.
But I definitely appreciated the work they put in to cure some of the congestion problems. You could actually browse the show floors this year! Last year it was pretty much cattle-truck crowded and pretty pointless to wade into the exhibitors’ hall.
I love your relationship with Felicia Day. It makes me laugh. Reminds me of how my sister and I interact with each other.
Do you by any chance have any advice for trying to communicate issues to the staff? I’ve tried with regard to disabled access, and once the discussion got hard, and bad things happened at the con, they stopped communicating. The people who come to this con – both guests and attendees are often just the best and most fun people, and it is my one chance a year to really be able to have fun with friends and also show some gratitude to guests – I want this to be a better planned thing where everyone feels respected and relaxed so more of my friends and more of my favorite talents will attend! Is there anything we fans can do (if the staff aren’t quite available) in addition to things you’ve previously mentioned to make things more comfortable for you?
I’m really glad to know that you know Mr. Collins! I have only seen a tiny bit of his work, but everything I heard about how far he goes to embrace the fans and how patient and generous he is makes me so happy, and grateful. And knowing that he’s also pleasant to be around when with fellow talent, and a seeming adherence to the Wheaton’s Law philosophy, I’m hoping he starts showing up more and more in the nerdosphere!
Finally, thank you so much for continuing to attend the con, and giving so much to us! It is very appreciated!
Even though it is totally not true, I’m thinking it so I’m going to say it: ComicCon wasn’t as good this year because I wasn’t there. No one in the entire world knows (including the con organizers), but I usually do a lot of “behind the scenes” work.
I’m glad you had a good time and I’m so sorry I missed it all.
I expect to hear about your upcoming trips to local open mic venues.
I’m really glad I read your post about not wanting to be touched before going to comicon. I had my photo op with you and Felicia on Sunday. In the photo Felicia’s arm is around me and my arm is around her. The side you are on my arm is in the front because I was trying so hard not to touch you. It looks a little weird but I was glad that I was able to respect your wishes and not touch you.
This was my first comicon and I only went on Sunday. I was so happy to be able to get my picture taken with you and Felicia. Thank you so much for coming. I really enjoyed your panel. You are hilarious. 🙂
The Tetris costume (including what looks like a real (if not live) Game Boy) is great. I hope the sexual imagery of a long skinny block about to slot into the remaining space in the row (in her skirt) was intentional.
I’m surprised no-one on the con staff was on the ball enough to at least ask you about photo ops and people having their arms around you. Weird. I would think that would have been question #1. Sorry about that.
Your discussion with Felicia is awesome, in both directions. I will point out that sometimes (often even) airports that have a bad reputation are just really busy, and not as bad as some people think. I point that out knowing full well that you are in fact a professional level traveller based in LA and so you of all people would know, but on the other hand, people constantly tell me how awful Atlanta and Chicago are, and I don’t think they’re that bad.
My wife and I were there on Sunday and can attest to the mishandling of so many things at ECCC this year. The one thing and only thing she wanted to do was meet you, and that turned into a cluster-fluff. Those in charge of the photo area were flustered and over worked. I felt bad for them largely because they clearly didn’t know how to handle the crowds that had amassed. I felt even worse for my wife though. She was close to tears at how neglected she felt by the staffers. Eventually she got in for the photo, but didn’t have the time to even thank you.
So Wil Wheaton, I would like to personally thank you for being an inspiration to my wife and I. I want to thank you for persevering even in the face of your own demons. We the fans couldn’t ask for a greater ambassador than you sir. Thank you for being you, don’t ever change.
Hey Wil it was great to see you again at ECCC this year! I hope you enjoy the Geek and Gamer Fitness t-shirt. If you get a chance I would love a picture of you wearing it to put on the website. Let me know 🙂
It’s unfortunate that people think it’s ok to just run up and grab a stranger whether they are a celebrity or not. I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if someone did the same to them. This was my first con and I agree it could have been better in terms of organization but I really did have a great time. I very much appreciated being able to meet such great people who all come together for variable interests under one roof. I also have to give props to you Mr. Wheaton because honestly, I didn’t like you before I saw your panel with Felicia Day, I thought you were a dick. Turns out, I prematurely judge you and can see how I may have some things in common with your personality and your viewpoint on people; I was the dick! Thanks to you and Felicia I have decided I will stop hiding behind my curtain and do what I want, play what I want and not be a dick, lol. Can’t wait to see you again at another con. 🙂
Those little beads are perler beads. I know this because my 10 year-old daughter went through a perler bead phase, and I vacuumed up about eleventy million of them. They are tiny and obnoxious, and the one of your avatar is particularly impressive because (in my experience) the perler beads will fall off the little holder thingy (industry term) if you bump it even a little, so go her for making such a big piece of art with them.
I hadn’t thought about geeky perler beading, though. My daughter never uses them, now. Hmmmmm.
It’s apparently a geek “thing” now – the last 3 or 4 cons my husband has gone to (he usually sticks to anime cons) he’s come home with some kind of perler art for the kids as a keepsake. This year, they’re all ponies. Last year it was a skull and crossbones for the boy and a monster high skull for the girl. The smaller pieces can be worn as a necklace centerpiece, or if they’re melted enough, used as a keychain fob or whatever. 🙂
Wil’s tardis is cool.
Glad you were able to enjoy some aspects of the Con even with the challenges…nay, chaos of everything. I admit, I felt like a total dweeb when I asked you to sign my nieces shirt and couldn’t even bring myself to say anything. At least I remembered to smile. Ha!
Comicon was amazing for us, first timers all! It was way more fun than I had originally anticipated. Both meeting you and going to your “cage match” was the highlight for half of our group!
Thank you for being so funny and cool.
Thanks for putting up with all the people. Finally getting to meet you was the highlight of the con for me after missing out at PAX last year. I hope I gave you enough space. Thank you for being awesome and an inspiration.
(Btw we’ve gotten a bunch of friends into board games because of you and Tabletop and we’re planning a tabletop day event!)
Wil – loved seeing you at the convention.
I totally agree with you about the layout. It was crazy. I never wanted to leave the main hall, because walking around was not really all that fun.
I did venture down to your area, but it was packed. I had a press badge, and my contact told me if I wanted an interview with you to just walk up and ask for one. I thought that seemed awkward and unprofessional, but I thought I might as well try. Didn’t happen. Couldn’t get anywhere near where you were. Maybe next time.
Ok, now I don’t feel so bad about missing the one thing I went to the con to do, a photo op with you. Since it was my first con I didn’t realize that chaos wasn’t normal. I would have been in line in time had I not gotten lost like 5 times! Where they had you one minute from the next was bizarre, I was a crabby pants by the time I decided to just eff it. lol. Anyway, you might have seen my request on the last posts comments but is there a way I can buy a signed photo from you? (btw I loved the idea of you taking a photo with the photo of the person who couldn’t come, that was awesome.) 🙂 I’ll plan better next year. Thanks! and glad you feel better.
Anytime I fly to California I fly into Burbank and it is just delightful. One of the most delightful airports I’ve ever been, actually.
Pointless comment is pointless.
Thanks Wil, great photos! I was at your Saturday morning show with Paul and Storm and enjoyed it thoroughly, if from a distance. Next year it would be nice if they scheduled it later in the day though so we’re not rushing from getting our badges to the show and arriving late. Of course next year I’ll be ponying up the cash for a full 3-day pass so I’ll already HAVE my badge! 🙂
This was my first Con too so I haven’t any previous experience to judge the organization by. I didn’t realize the set up was different from past years but I was disappointed your table was in another area from the main hall. I’m recovering from a partial knee replacement so a lot of walking and standing was out. Next year will be better.
This was a very satisfyingly awesome post. Thanks for sharing with those of us stuck at our desks writing instead of wearing costumes and acting like a 12-year-old. (Also, WHY IS WRITING SO HARD?!)
Blargh. Now I feel like a jackass for hugging you the last few times I’ve seen you. I’m sorry, dude. ;/
You’re not alone in feeling weird about touching strangers/relative strangers. It takes a while for me to be comfortable with people getting into my personal space, and that’s only if I like them.
So if I ever make it to a Con that you’re at, we can have a totally
awkwardawesome picture taken together!ECCC was my first con ever, and I truly enjoyed myself. I agree with what you said about some of the organizational issues, however. It was my feeling that they maybe underestimated the fan interest in yourself and Felicia Day. The area where they had you guys signing was not conducive to the amount of fan traffic you generated. I was SO HAPPY I got my autographs done on Friday afternoon, because every time after that when I passed by your table, they were turning people away! Plus, your panels were among the most crowded of all that I attended. Guess they didn’t know about Wheaton Fever.
Funny you mentioned it, because I DID notice that in the picture I had taken with you and Felicia on Friday, she was right up on me while you were standing about a foot away! I didn’t take it at all personally, as I had read your recent blog post about “con crud” and your reluctance to touch or be touched by fans. I completely understood that–in face, I gave you a bottle of hand sanitizer just in case! I would hope that any fans would realize that the price of a photo op does not give them the right to maul you, but some people are pretty dense.
I thought that you and Felicia were extremely friendly and personable and I was stoked that I got the opportunity to meet you both. Plus, your panel with Paul and Storm was AWESOME! Definitely my favorite panel all weekend. If you guys put together a tour, I would totally follow you like The Dead. (I swear, I’ll do it, I have a T-shirt…)
Wil, this was my wife and I’s first ever ComiCon so we have noting to compare this one to but a few pseudo-random thoughts:
The whole gaming area was laid out weird and the space didn’t seem that well utilized. Plus, putting Geek & Sundry and well as tabletop BEHIND the escalators was weird when a whole big section off to the left didn’t seem like it was hardly used at all.
The area where people waited to meet you and Felicia was not suitable to house all the people waiting. Maybe they underestimated how popular you would be?
The Paul & Storm Vs Wil Wheaton was fan-freaking-tastic and, although I can tell you are still working on leveling that particular skill, I thought you had a good stand-up set. Good job!
My wife and I have been arrrranging arrrrr own pirate jokes. 🙂
Still giggling over “The Nun-dertaker”.
After all was said and done, we both had a good time although we both were quite tired by the end. We hope to do it again next year.
I know I can’t say really say our enjoyment was because of you, but I do anyway. Thanks for a great time and hope to come again next year.
Oh, and Sir Patrick Stewart was a delight as well! I could not believe how warm and friendly he was, considering he had probably posed for a thousand photos by the time my husband and I got our turn. When he said, ‘Hello, how are you?’ in that…Patrick Stewart…accent, I nearly fainted.
There’s something about feeling at home with a certain con and it clearly shows here. Granted some new stuff may have missed the mark (as it happens for cons which have been established for many years), but it looks like you had a good time. I also love your photos, especially of the Tetris cosplay! It reminded me of one cosplayer I saw at Anime USA 2012 who wore a dress, hairpiece, and brooch made ENTIRELY out of Pokémon cards!
Also, the next to last text – BEST TEXT EVER. Reminds me of the Greyhound vs. Megabus chats at Anime Club. Greyhound may be somewhat affordable, but Megabus gets you to places.
@Melissa Trece Tucker – Looks like that was a great highlight to your day! And that accent! 🙂
Every time I read about a ComicCon — Emerald City or Dragon or the big one — I think, ooh, that sounds like fun. And then immediately the rational part of my brain kicks into gear, and says, No, No, NO, NOOOO, that does NOT sound like fun, that sounds like hell on earth. (Hell is defined as other people, yes?)
I think you’re a super-hero for tolerating other people touching you for a whole weekend. If we ever meet — which we won’t because I can pretty much guarantee that any place you’re in has too many people for me — I promise not to touch. Can we set up an introverts club, no touching allowed? Some kind of DFTBA type code that means “I adore you, but contact makes me flinch?”
Your stage appearances certainly were fun! Thank you for bringing your A-game to ECCC and providing entertaining entertainment.
This was my 2nd ever comicon. (ECCC 2012 was my 1st) I had more fun this year than last year even with the weird room layout. I don’t participate in signature collecting so I did’t experience that aspect of the ‘con and it sounds like that was the broken part this time. The trade show seemed better this year than last. I didn’t see as many forlorn artists sitting alone wishing someone was at their booth this time. The press of customers was constant everytime I wandered through.
There was a wonderful crepe place outside the front doors. I ate dinner there every night! That was a highlight too. 🙂 Did you find some good food in Seattle?
My favorite celebrity sighting was outside the Geek & Sundry panel. There stood Bonnie Burton and Anne Wheaton visiting. The inner fan-boy wanted to call out “Bonnie! Anne! I saw your vandaleyes’d Hawken battlemech downstairs. Woohoo!” My inner adult said internally “They seem happy and content. Don’t break their cover. Let them enjoy their conversation. Be respectful.” So I passed by and enjoyed the rarity of the moment and continued into the auditorium to find my seat for the panel with you and Felicia. Felicia certainly has an ability to verbalize a cogent argument in response to complex issues opened by some questions. (ie. misogynist gatekeeping geekiness) She also had some elegant responses on her panel Friday.
Perhaps if you had bow ties on a stick, the arm that would go around you would instead hold a bow tie stick. Or a Wil Wheaton beard & mustache on a stick to hold in front of their face. You could dress as Gandalf and set up chairs in a forced perspective shot so they look like hobbits and they will be too far away to touch you. 😉 I hope you find an answer ser.
Thanks again!
Wil If I ever get a chance to be at a photo-op with you I will acknowledge this post and ask if it is ok if we invade each other’s personal bubbles. Personal space is important! (maybe even more important than burritos) and I respect that. 🙂
and the conversation about the airports made me laugh out loud.
Im glad I got to meet you, it was the ONLY reason I went to comic con. Never again btw, wanted to leave when I saw the line. Not wanting to waste our money and some convincing from my husband that we should stay because I really wanted to see you, we endured it. I was almost the last person to get through on Friday night, and just wanted to thank you for being so friendly and the only celeb not charging for an autograph. Also, I cringed at the thought of signing someones sweaty shoe which you did for a guy ahead of me, all the while holding a smile while doing it. You seemed really nice, and ended up making it worth it for going. I enjoy your writing and honesty and looking forward to what project you do next.
I’ve really never been to a big con and I want to, but I’m so overwhelmed at the idea of the crowds I don’t think I can do it. I’d be terrified if they were there to see me.
It’s always a pleasure seeing you at ECCC… but yeah I did a major WTF when I saw the floor plan this year… seriously who decides its a good idea to put autograph lines IN FRONT OF THE ELEVATORS… Oh well perhaps they’ll get their shit together for 2014
Anyways, thanks for always being awesome!
I hope that more people volunteer at ECCC next year and in years to come. Attendance is growing and more hands on deck will be needed to keep things running smoothly. Wil, have you ever written about volunteering at Cons? It’s a great way for the average geek to be involved and give back to the community.
Anyway, I’m glad you and Anne had a great time in Seattle. It was a beautiful weekend and we always love having you here. I mean, we always love HAVING YOU IN US.
Burbank Airport, huh? You are one brave soul. As I recall, the runway is too d@#! short …
This was a delightful post to read, but also terrific comments. I am continually uplifted by the caliber of the community that follows you, Wil. They make me proud to be counted as fellow fans! I am sure there are some that would challenge my assessment, but overall, I am truly impressed.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, too! Terrific! The vandaleyes Felicia is most excellent. 😀
Emerald City sounds like fun, I’m slightly jealous of anyone who attended.
Only 15 minutes at the tarmac at LAX? Felicia Day was lucky. I once did an hour after flying in from Amsterdam. We even had to back out of the first gate we got assigned. The captain told us his honest opinion of LAX at that point, the only funny bit of the whole experience.
Cool pics! And the visitors seemed very cool!
I was amused to see him say that LAX is the worst airport…
There are two US airports that spring to mind that I find worse:
-Hartsfield Georgia they have a degree in holding up foreigners with a connecting flights and behaving like d*cks.
-Chicago O’Hare… It’s so boring that there were serious moments that I considered to start slashing my wrists — luckily for me that was after 9/11 so all pocket knives and sharp objects were in my luggage. Especially as I used to be a smoker and that “smokers” fishtank was so toxic! It could have made certain past regimes extremely envious about the toxic fumes in that glass cube!
In Europe I find Heathrow the WORST!
In Heathrow they even managed to send us to a non-existing gate (well it existed but was closed to to refurbishment).
Perhaps it’s nationalistic but I really like: Schiphol Amsterdam, especially the business lounge is like heaven! Back in the days that I flew across EMEA for my job I strictly flew business class and every time it felt like settling into the Savoy.
And I know it’s their job but when you walk in and they give you a gentle nod of recognition and say: “Welcome back Mr Doetjes, another diet coke for you sir?”
I feel, as a resident of the general region, that I should defend O’Hare. The flaw in this is that I simply cannot come up with anything good to say about it! Awkward.
First, thanks so much for the compliment “young woman” – that made my day as I’m actually 3 months older than you (April 29)!
Jessadg is right, the avatar and Tardis are made with perler beads but you are also right, I would tend to call it bead art or 8 bit art. Jessadg – the avatar was made with 2,001 beads and used 3 large square pegboards (aka little holder thingies). I did knock a few beads off a couple of times but it wasn’t too bad. If you are thinking of trying to use your daughters beads to make geek stuff I highly recommend it!!
Wil, it was awesome to have you at the con! Sorry that you got stuck in such a weird section, it would have made more sense to have all of the celeb signings in one spot. I really enjoyed both Wil vs. Paul and Storm and the Geek and Sundry panels, both were absolutely hilarious. I also was glad I got to attend the Inside TableTop panel with Boyan and I had a chance to play a game with him. I can see why you guys have him as a producer and also as the master of teaching games. He is wonderful and gracious and really good at teaching the games. Kudos to a great team and I hope to see more TableTop in the future (with perhaps Lords of Waterdeep?).
The show was awesome dude! You and P&S had us in stiches, but what was REALLY funny was the next day when you spit your water all over Felicia at the Geek and Sundry Hour! We almost died laughing!
If I were you, I’d have totally driven from Burbank airport directly to Felicia’s house, and be casually leaning against my car with a beer in my hand when she got home…
hahahaha. Next time!
About the touchy-feely thing:
Don’t you know you OWE us? That we OWN you? By having you seen perform as a character on (now) several TV shows we have enjoyed we know you so well that you should expect us to leap into your arms like old long lost buddies. By simply appearing in public any place you have consented to this assault!
I never understood that. Seriously. I like your work & think you have played some really interesting people but I don’t know you and you sure as hell don’t know me. Why would I think it is OK to do what I would never do to a person I had just met? I just don’t get it.
On one hand I guess you should be happy that people like your work and think of you as a down to earth accessible guy. OTOH, if it were me I’d seriously consider trying to get stopped on a DUI and accuse the cops of being part of a Jewish conspiracy just so people would think I’m an a-hole & leave me alone!
The psychology of fans meeting thier idols will leave you spinning in your boots. It also depends on culture to I suppose, in America, it used to be common place to shake hands with a stranger if you had some sort of agenda with them, that’s just being freindly, and I think that still bleeds into today. So its not altogether unreasonable. But, it can be gross because there are a multitude of nasties on some ones hands that you wouldn’t ordinarily whant to touch yourself.
When you think about how much air and dust(90% dead skin) you have drawn into your lungs, or even drinking water that used to be in another person/animal, it’s not so bad.
However, for the photo ops, all the touching and grabing–seems excessive if its more than just the hand. As I’ve aged in years I’ve found there is a direct inverse correlation with touching freinds, it rarely happens anymore.
Thanks for making me aware of the bunch of people with all the bad ideas for airport design. So that’s why! They moved straight on to build BER, obviously looking for a new challenge and finding it in creating the worst non-operating airport in the world. It’s probably also going to spell out something nasty, but luckily we’ll never know what because we’ll never even get to see it from an airplane window…
You are correct, Wil Wheaton! Burbank is an INFINITELY better airport than LAX.
SEA-TAC is not the most exciting airport to be delayed at. Totally agree on LAX – had a layover there once flying in from New Zealand, and as the gateway to a city that is all about entertainment, it was a real letdown. You made me all curious about Burbank airport now though!
But seriously, how rad are those Tetris SHOES! Totes amazeballs.
Hi Wil, Thank you again for taking the time to visit our city. I completely understand about the touching my husband is the same way and does not like to be around lots of people. I too think that you guys where in an odd location and the people handling you lines were dicks at times. Thanks for being a good sport when i wore my i wish this was Nathan Fillion shirt in our photo op. i appreciate your sense of humour. I hope next year the lay out is more concise and the communication is better.
All I can hear as I finish this entry is Dr. Claw’s voice coming from Felicia:
“Next time, Wheaton. Next time.”
Thanks for the fun con report, as always, Wil. I’ve been away from the internet for just over a week. It was a great break, but it’s nice to be back, too.
I love reading the back and forth banter, glad to see I’m not the only 40+ year old child.
I hope you come to Philadelphia Comic Con this summer! It’s May 31 – June 2. Nathan Fillon is supposed to be there too! You should get a booth next to him or across from him and then you can keep sending photos of each other to be signed with people across the way. My favorite picture from this entry is the last one with you and the suitcase. Thumbs up!