It’s time for the Wiggle Waggle Walk!
Here’s a video that I helped Marlowe make last year:
This year, we’re doing the Wiggle Waggle Walk again … but we’re doing something really really awesome for people who donate to our team. Here’s Anne Wheaton (the better half of Team Wheaton) to tell you about her Secret Project:
Isn’t that cool?! I’m so proud of her; she’s been working on this for most of the year, and we’re so excited to finally offer it to the world. Getting your own calendar is really easy:
Go to our Wiggle Waggle Walk page.
Make a tax-deductible contribution of $40 or more.
When you get your receipt in the mail, you’ll also get your calendar.
There are a limited number of these available, so I encourage you to get in on this as quickly as you can.
Here’s why we do the Wiggle Waggle Walk in words:
We did our first Wiggle Waggle Walk in 2009 in memory of our dog Ferris, who had suddenly died from cancer only a few weeks earlier. We walked a shelter dog for adoption awareness, and ending up adopting that dog, who we named Seamus. Seamus has turned out to be a wonderful addition to our family.
As honorary committee members for the Pasadena Humane Society (which we became part of because of our fundraising over the years), we were visiting them in August of 2012 to see the plans and progress for the addition to the shelter. They’re adding a low cost wellness clinic, an obedience training facility and a pet supply store. They are also adding additional kennels and a grassy play area where dogs can be brought out for socializing and exercise. We are so excited to assist in fundraising efforts to help with this addition. Pasadena Humane Society has a very high adoption success rate (96%) and adding on to the shelter will help with the care of these adopted pets. This is a 20 million dollar project so they need all the help they can get to make this possible.
An unexpected bonus of visiting the shelter that day in August, was being there when a dog was brought in by someone who found her wandering a local park. She was a 4 month old pit bull mix who was thin, dirty, had kennel cough and was the sweetest dog ever. We instantly fell in love with her. We waited to see if she would be claimed by her owner, which she wasn’t. A week later, she joined Seamus and our other rescue dog, Riley, as well as our two rescue cats, in her new home. We named her Marlowe.
If it were not for the Pasadena Humane Society, Marlowe, like so many other stray dogs and cats, wouldn’t have a chance to receive care and shelter and the opportunity to find a good home. This is why we support them in their efforts to maintain and expand their facility. Please help us support them by making a 100% tax deductible donation for the Wiggle Waggle Walk.
And here’s why in pictures:
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I get something in my eyes every time I watch Marlowe’s video. People doing their very best to help animals in need really get me in the feels. Every time. 🙂
Oh! I so need to get one!
Will you and Anne be autographing these? I think my son would love something you autographed… okay, me too, but he is a big fan of yours!
I’d go $80 for an autographed, by Anne and Wil, calendar. Wil doesn’t get to Denver much and when he does ticket prices are insane. I’d rather my money go to a good cause than a con promoter.
Very awesome! My previous kitty who I had for 14 years came from the Jefferson Parish Louisiana shelter and got to travel from there to California to Texas and to Oregon. Our current kitty came from Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood, Oregon where I also volunteered for several years.
Yay rescues!
Three cheers for C.A.T.! They currently run the adoption center where I work and are just awesome!
Wonderful project! I adopted my dog through and rescued him from the Toledo Human Society. My cats have also been rescues from local shelters. Save a life, and adopt an older pet.
Excellent! Awesome pets! I am positive you will raise a lot of money.
As always, I will take this opportunity to donate to a shelter local to me.
Awesome 🙂
And yay, I can finally sign in with Twitter!
No matter how I try, I can’t help but fan girling over the Wheatons! THIS IS WHY! Wil and Anne you are both so nice, caring and wonderful (based on getting to meet you once, twitter and blogs)! Anyone who cares about animals and does so much to help is amazing.
I will definitely be making a donation in honor of ALPHA Canine Sanctuary in Bakersfield, my rescue pups Harriet and Lily, and my rescue kitties Annie and Trixie!
Thank you for all you do!
Major cool points are always given to people who Opt to Adopt a shelter animal.
Great job Anne and Wil!!!
Hugs and Licks,
Sheldon (dog), Leonard (dog), Guy (cat), and Gabby (cat) from Montgomery County Animal Shelter
Percy (cat) and Izzy (cat) found outside very young and very alone
Michelle (human adult), Davin (human kid), and Maggie (human kid)
Thank you so much for all of your hard work fundraising for rescue and shelter animals! It means so much to those of us who have ever worked with a shelter or rescue to know that you (and other celebrities like you) are willing to use your notoriety to help these animals out. They have no voice except for that of the people willing to help them. And those people are few. So your aid means a lot. And I hope that your continued efforts will inspire both your fans and your peers to either volunteer or donate on a regular basis so that one day pet overpopulation will be greatly reduced and much more manageable.
Don’t forget that YOU guys deserve so many thanks, too. To work with shelter/rescue animals is a wonderful thing that takes a very strong, caring, loving person. You guys are the best for the work that you do! Without your kind, I would never have found my shelter-adopted bully breed… who ended up rescuing me, and not the other way around. Seriously, thank you.
I’ve thought of posting many times, but this is my first. I love what Anne has created with this calendar! What a great idea. I donated to your fundraiser, with love & purrs from our 3 cats. The spirit of Nikki, who was a stray baby kitten I adopted – she was with me for 18 years (I still cry 2 years after losing her). Winter is another stray we took in 4 years ago who has the softest fur ever. Lucy is a silly orange kitten we adopted from the SPCA of Northern Virginia last year (she is named after Lucille Ball). I just donated to them as well! These girls have given us SO MUCH LOVE and make us laugh every day. They’re family. I’m happy to help make it possible for someone else to find a forever friend in a loving animal 🙂
Thanks! – Linn
So glad that they were able to take donations from the Great White North! Our meat-head Akita “Max” was a rescue dog, and he’s one of the best things to come home to every day! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have something in my eye.
I love that you all are outspoken advocates for animal adoption. I have four adopted kitties, two of whom came from a local rescue organization in my area.
The calendar looks delightful — what a neat idea to reach out to famous nerds who have also adopted animals!
This post sure kicked up a lot of dust. I seem to have gotten some in both my eyes. But seriously, well done Team Wheaton. The calendar and video are fantastic and will likely raise lots of money for a wonderful cause!
I have donated! I’m in England, I hope I still get my calendar!
I love you, and Anne is just amazing. And your dogs are the most adorable things in the world. So are the cats. Official request for more cat pictures 🙂
Me and my two rescue cats send snuggles to all the Wheatons.
You will absolutely get your calendar! Thanks for your support!
Great project, well done Anne and thanks Wil for the help! Put in my donation already.
I pity the Pitty who pities the Pitty. (Best when said a la Monsieur T)
This is awesome!
I also wanted to say that my dog loves that Marlowe video – she has watched it many times, and I just had to turn if off because she got so excited she barked at it.
Am I correct in assuming that the calendar is only available in the USA? I would love to donate and have the calendar but I’m all the way over in Australia!
In any case: awesome job being an advocate for this charity! *highfives*
I’m pretty sure the PHS will ship worldwide, even to Australia!
Thanks for all you do for the Humane Society. My 2 dogs (Arkham & Shawshank) came from the local shelter as did 3 of my 4 cats, the other came from another shelter. I also worked as an Animal Control Officer for 12 years and am president of the Kentucky Animal Care and Control Association, at least until October where I hand over my position to another amazing shelter to continue doing great work. It means so much when respected people really push shelter adoptions and you and Anne are the best. I will happily donate to team Wheaton and hang my calendar with pride. I just have to make sure that Arkham & SHawshank know they are just as cool if not more then any pet in the calendar.
Team Wheaton, PLEASE STOP BEING SO AWESOME! It’s too much 😛 But really, you guys are amazing for doing this. I also have a shelter-adopted bully breed, and I could not be more thankful that I found her. In all honesty, she’s the one who rescued me, so causes like this are very near and dear to my heart. I’ll definitely be donating, and tell Anne that this was a fantastic idea. You are a lucky man, Wil Wheaton!
Thanks for doing this, Team Wheaton. I have two cats, brothers, who are the light of my life and my comfort when I get home. I got them at The Cat Care Society, a shelter here in Denver. If I had infinite money, I’d make sure no animal lacked for a warm and loving home.
To you and Anne, both angels xxx
Will donate when I get my next paycheck, all the cats I’ve had have either been adopted from a shelter/vet or re-homed. Both of my current cats are rescues, Eva (some jerk dumped a declawed cat on the street and she is missing part of an upper eyelid because of it – you can see a little bit of her eyeball – thankfully, it doesn’t bother her) and Earl (he was hit by car/moped/bike and taken to Beltline Emergency Vet by the police and treated pro-bono, he had his tail amputated because it was paralyzed and his broken hips pinned back together). Adults pets are awesome to adopt 😀