Last night was the first night in almost two weeks that I haven’t had a series of horrible nightmares that woke me up at the end of every REM cycle. I woke up this morning next to my dogs (Anne is still in New York) who seemed as happy to snuggle next to me as I was to snuggle next to them.
GenCon was, on balance, awesome. I played some fantastic new games, spent some great time with friends, and ate a couple of fantastic meals. The only bummers were a day of fucking awful anxiety that threatened to keep me in my hotel room, and a single person (out of hundreds) who was a dick to me when I explained that I can’t stop to take pictures because it draws a crowd and then I get pinned down in one place, unable to enjoy the convention.
There’s lots going on right now that I want to write about, and being on hiatus from The Wil Wheaton Project should afford me time to sit at my desk and be a proper writer for the first time in months, but today I am home, and I need to rest and reload my HP and Mana.
More to come.
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Wow that really makes me mad! Being from Indiana I take pride in the fact that every year I hear so many comments about how good-natured and loving the people at GenCon are. The fact that one person was a dick to you is one to many! I know there will always be that one person but GenCon is so much more than a convention, it’s a family! I’ve always felt that way and you don’t mess with family!
Oh, how I know and hate that anxious feeling. Good on you for making it out of the hotel room.
Sir, welcome home. I so get you. I’m capable of ruining a whole vacation because of that fricking paralizing anxiety.
I admire you so much for being able to fight it! Now snuggle with your dogs some more, and happy writing!
Thanks for Sharing Wil. I suffer from Crowd Phobia pretty hard, and it’s just been this year that I have really allowed myself to talk to others about it. I have missed friends I love some times at these shows ’cause I needed time to hide in the room. I am not famous like you in any sense, but I also know a ton of people in the industry through my Job at Evil Hat, and I get stopped occasionally in a busy intersection. My brain jumps into fight/flight mode immediately, and then I walk away feeling like a total jerk hastily excusing myself to go hide.
I walked right past you in the Magic area with Fred Hicks, but just wanted you to keep the pace, and happiness you had on your face …rather than stop you and try and make a quick introduction. When I was about 8 years old, I was in Lake tahoe playing video games at Harris. I saw Robin Williams a few cabinets down playing a game with his kid. A small crowd started to form, and I heard the sadness in his voice as he asked the people for privacy so he could just play some games with his son. That’s stuck with me forever, and y’all just need some time to be fans too.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know you sure aren’t alone, and I really appreciate your willingness to help people like me work through it too.
Yeah, I wish this worked at a show like GenCon. The thing is, I don’t just want to walk across the hall; I want to browse booths and play games and actually enjoy the show. I can’t just keep moving, so Jamie’s method won’t work for me.
that’s what i was thinking when i watched the video – great if you need to get from a to b – sucks if you are actually interested in the show. stop and you are doomed.
A possibility, which would totally be up to you, would be to blog or tweet that it was okay if people took a picture of you if they saw you browsing at a booth (as long as they were respectful of you and other attendees, etc, etc, don’t be a dick….)
It’s also totally okay to not want your picture taken. Especially when you are there as an attendee and not ‘working’.
I wonder if your fans would respect some sort of “Off-Duty” T-shirt or hat or both?
I think that a fan should respect a no with the explanation given. No one should have to wear an Off-Duty sign in whatever form it may be.
I was hoping the shirt would stop the need for “no”. To permit him to move without explaining all the time.
Have you ever considered trying Adam’s method of going in costume? We could totally hook you up with some clone armor… 😉
Unfortunately that’s where Adam’s method comes in…and who wants to do that.
I wonder if a foghorn is an acceptable means of crowd-clearing…or if instead one must train in the ninja arts and resort to smoke bombs to get away.
On a more serious note, I don’t suppose advertising your wishes like at helps…?
Yeah it still looked pretty stressful to me.
So someone is going to cosplay Wil next year at Gen Con? The attention cosplay draws at Con has always detracted from my desire to cosplay my favorite characters (or ask any of my favorites for a picture!)
I was so happy to attend your panel on TableTop at Gen Con and as in the past your words have helped me plow through my insecurities and negative thoughts to create. It’s because of you I’m just about done with my first skirt design and I’m continuing to push myself into doing things that I don’t think I can. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and struggles with us, it helps more than you know. As always a final thanks for NOT being a dick. 😉
I’m glad it was overall a good experience. I didn’t get to go this year, but I still remember meeting you at a recent one and having you sign my tin of ST:TNG playing cards and the look of astonishment when I gave you a soap with dice (made of soap) embedded in it. 🙂 Highlight for me!
Nothing beats “pet therapy” – except perhaps “wife therapy”, and I’d totally understand you not going there on a blog!
sorry to hear you had a jerk at gencon. I try not to take pictures of people, except for candids, or unless they insist on posing.
I had a good time at Gencon myself. I didn’t almost bump into you on the street this year. (according to my friends I’ve almost done it the last two years)
If you get the chance sometime, you should go on an Indianapolis Microbrewery tour. I highly recommend Beir Brewery, and Flat12. Then again, with so many breweries in town, you’ll find a favorite.
Take a leaf out of Adam Savages book (and of course now Daniel Radcliff) and go in full costume
I’ll never understand people who seem to thing you owe them something! Blows my mind!
The frequency of my nightmares go up, and the duration of my actual sleep goes down, as I approach Dragon Con each year. This morning I woke up at 4:45 to take a leak and didn’t get back to sleep again. I just lay awake worrying, worrying, worrying, going over all the things I have to do in the next two weeks, and berating myself—as I do every year—for not being more diligent about doing it sooner. Add the fact that my day job duties (hurr hurr “doodies” hurr hurr) just got turned up to 11 and I’m pretty sure I’m not making it through the con without the help of your friend and mine, Alprazolam.
You have my sympathy, is what I’m sayin’, and my empathy also.
god I’m tired
Hi sorry for the things that made life harder for you. My heart goes out to you. I just want you to know that I had an amazing time meeting and talking to you and Anne and actually all the other cool people like Teri, John, Ivan and of course Bo at the S3 get together.
The human experience of meeting and talking to people that make all these cool game related things happen is my favorite part. The best part of gaming isn’t winning it is the people I share time with.
Thank you so much for being so gracious to me even as apparently struggling with some big things.
I had a smaller struggle. I actually hate cash n guns because it involves pointing a gun like thing at wonderful people. I lost someone when I was young to gun violence and things like Ferguson or all the war and violence are things that I just want to have end. We should all feel safe and be nice to each other. The one game I get to play with Wil and I almost got up or should have asked for a punt, sigh!
I felt overwhelmed to say anything. Dumb me. Then anxiety about the whole ting throughout the game.
Anyway, I draw the line at first person shooter games and games of real looking guns and I need to learn to stick by that better. Everyone has to find their way.
Thank you for being so generous and awesome and the great conversation. I had the best time (sushi go with Anne was awesome) and really I learned a lesson that regardless of the situation I should speak my mind. I feel better speaking it now.
PS my friend was super excited that you liked Diet Sharknado 😉
Piece and Boardgames,
I would try and not be a fanboy, but yeah I’d probably be psyched to run into you at any Con. However, your reasons for not wanting to take pictures are completely valid and logical. So I am glad that for the most part you were not dogged at every step for pictures, after all you are there to enjoy the Con and not for photo ops. I currently live in Europe so slim chance of dropping by at either Comicon or Gen Con, though I really wanted to – I am a great fan of Paizo’s Pathfinder, and I am discovering a great love for boardgames, many of which I heard of from TableTop. So, from a humble fan, thanks for the great work you do. Hope you keep getting better – anxiety is horrid… Keep strong!
May I just say… fuck anxiety. In the ear. With sweaty TNT. Chill and stay awesome, my man. I appear to have turned into Marc Maron. Oh well. Guess I have to deal with THAT shit now. BOOMER LIVES!
Try some Steamed Crab Surprise. Not only will it refill your hp and mana, it will also boost your Spirit.
Hey Wil. I was with an exhibitor booth and had finally gotten a chance during open floor time to wander around. I was walking and there you and Anne turned the corner. I was, admittedly quite a bit star-struck. I quickly whipped out my handy dandy camera and took a picture of the back of you and Anne. I knew your stance on asking you to stop or even interrupting your “being normal” time. I was just excited that you got to be there on the con floor in general. I definitely had to defend my reasons of why I didn’t just try to stop you to some people who didn’t know your feelings on the situation. I’m glad to hear that I made the right decision.
Thanks for being a bright spot in my day as you wandered the halls. It was quite fun.
Keep on Gaming!
That’s why the few times I’ve seen a celebrity, I’ve never approached them. I can only imagine to be the center of attention constantly, especially in that environment. Depression runs in my family… thankfully, it’s never taken a hold of me, but I’ve seen first hand what it can do, and how it can totally ruin a planned good time.
Stay awesome sir!
It was nice to see you on the way out of town at the pub. We were probably as worn out as you. Ooof! Little re-charge before the drive home.
Definitely hide if you need to. My wife does now and then so I understand.
Hope to see you next year and so glad to help get TableTop 3 going. We will now try and “play more games”!
You passed right by my wife and I (Big Fans) while we were trying out Ticket to Ride for the first time. We knew of your wishes to just enjoy the Con, and respected them, we both really wanted to at least say “Hi” but you were engaged in a conversation with friends.
Since I missed the best chance I’ll probably ever have, I just want to say “Thank You”. I’d rather do it in person, so I could see the joy it brings you, but alas.
My wife is an Aerospace Engineer, and a small chunk of that is due to Wesley Crusher. We are huge gamers of all kinds, and I want to say Thank You for helping bring more eyes and interest to the board game genre. Table Top has been an awesome show that has done nothing but benefit the industry I love and (kind of) make a living in.
That’s so awesome!! Play more games!
Blessings upon you for getting out of your room despite the anxiety! I know how hard that is to do. As for that one person – some are more concerned with what they want than anything else and don’t take disappointment well. As always, all you can do is what you can do.
Wil, what if you carried a signed card with a Q code link to one of your blogs on your Con anxiety. Also, have you considered having Brian Pusehn follow you around as your personal bouncer? hahaha.
I am so glad I made it to the TableTop panel this year, and really enjoyed hearing about the upcoming RPG show and the things you all are doing at G&S. (I’m the one who asked about games like Gloom!)
It sucks that there was that one person – but I think it’s remarkable to note that it was only one person – it says a lot about the community we’ve built as nerds and gamers that we have that level of respect for the people we admire.
he (or any other person ) shouldn’t have to go out in costume. Yes its cool to meet someone we see on tv or movies, but sometimes they just want to play games too.
Wil, what if you carried a stack of signed cards with a Q code link to one of your blogs on your Con anxiety. They could get a signature, and an explanation for what’s going on. As a guy who has personally come up to you on the con floor at PAX for a signature, I’ve always felt pretty guilty about it after I read some of your blogs about your experiences….. Also, have you considered having Brian Pusehn follow you around as your personal bouncer? hahaha.
Man, that’s a total bummer! I promise if I had seen you, I would have simply waved and said “Hi Wil!” in the hopes that you’d wave back. You would have waved back, right?
I would have waved back, and possibly hollered, even.
And that is exactly what you did when my wife said Hi to you at GenCon. Though afterwards she wishes she would’ve also said something along the lines of #dominantgene …
I understand where you are coming from, i have a severe social anxiety disorder that keeps me from doing the whole public thing and it sucks. I get severe anxiety attacks in the form of shaking to the point of passing out, severe headaches among other things, the worst part is I have an eight year old daughter and it makes it very hard for me to take her to places like a theme park or the zoo when trips have to be planned around me. I do take medication for it but it just don’t work that well. Keep your head up Wil.
Sir, I was also at Gen Con this year, and am glad you mostly had a good time there. I do apologize for the one bad apple there.
I did have one question for you- have you ever competed in the NASCRAG competition at Gen Con? In my experience at the Con, it is one of the most enjoyable games presented there.
Anxiety is an awful thing to suffer. Especially when it crops up and you’re not sure what’s triggered it off. As for the guy who was being a dick… Well, in my experience you always get one asshole that has to spoil things.
Zoplicone is good for nightmare-free sleep…
Hi Wil (and everyone else here in the comment section of Wil’s blog)
I think it’s safe to say that (like everyone else here) I’m a pretty big fan of your work. You’re on my Last Supper list (12 people alive or dead you would want to eat your last meal with). Unless Sir Arthur Conan Doyle doesn’t think you’re cool enough, in which case, sorry man, you’re out. I guess I really don’t understand the mob people just because they’re famous thing though. I mean I think it’d be a hoot to hang out with you but I don’t think anyone really gets that I met a really cool person vibe from 30 seconds of forced interaction. Plus the only picture of you I need is that dream boat poster I stole from my Aunt.
Anyways. I’m sorry to hear about the anxiety attack. Having suffered from and in some ways continue to struggle with PTSD I can empathize. We all create our own best version of hell. Hopefully you know deep down that everyone just wants you to sign their shit because they love you.
Best Wishes,
One of the great things about pets… They don’t care if you are happy, sad, angry, anxious… They are always happy to see you. Sometimes that’s exactly what you need when you get home.
Hi Wil – I’ve noticed that weird dreams escalating to nightmares kick in for me if my meds are off. Snuggle up with the pets and take good care of yourself.
I saw you there at Gen Con 2014 and I thought about approaching you, but then thought better of it as I wanted you to enjoy the Con without any interruption. I spoke with a friend about it an hour later and he told me of your concerns relating to this at other cons. I am glad I kept my distance, and I wish you didn’t have to deal with that dick. I was just happy to see you there enjoying yourself! Others should, too. Ultimately, if they are a true fan, they should read things like this and get the message. The message being, “Don’t be a dick.” Maybe you should sell T-Shirts with a picture of you on it with that text. I’d be the first in line to buy one.
Your Google+ Tagline FTW!
Given any thought to something like Xanax? My wife has terrible anxiety, and it seems to help her quite a bit.
Wil, you were at the table next to us at the Pizza place Friday night. I smiled your way as you left, but that was it. Gen Con isn’t a “working” con for you, as I understand it and I didn’t think it fair to bother you at dinner, even if it was.
On Sunday, I was getting ready to drive away from the hotel when I saw you and a friend walking towards it. I thought briefly about stopping and asking for my Tabletop High five, but just as quickly decided that you’d had a busy weekend and Saturday was tough for you. My son and I waved at you from our gold Subaru and you waved back. Thank you for that.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to go to a con to enjoy yourself and not be able to do just that.
I hope you’re feeling better now that you’re home.
Yeah I mentioned to someone how we had saw in passing this weekend and they asked if we had stopped you for a picture or anything. And I told them look he is there just like we are to play games and enjoy time with friends. I’m not going to bother the man. Sorry there was one person that pulled that. Wish there wasn’t. But glad other than that you had a good weekend.
How have you not hired a double like Saddam by now?
I missed what I heard was an awesome Geek & Sundry panel. I was having a meta-geek experience of playing Nuns on the Run dressed up as a nun while playing the Abbess and Prioress.
My heart goes out to you when it comes to conventions. This was my first not-local convention and I thought I would completely melt in the crowds and the strangers. I’ve been battling depression and anxiety for the last 20 years and over the last 6 months I’ve found a positive way to try to manage the two. It’s a battle, but one that I am winning at the moment. I’m at the best I’ve been in the last 6 years and attending GenCon this year was a huge win for me. Even I had 3 negative experiences and some that were. . . less than ++, but I also had some amazing ones, like at the Rather Dashing Games booth, Z-Man booth, and Passport Games booth. (They were so nice and helpful and just seriously the best booths I went to and I went to all of them!)
I hope next year proves to be a more well-rounded year where you can play more games and hopefully I’ll be able to wave at you from across Hall D dressed as a nun playing Nuns on the Run.
Thanks for coming to GenCon again. If you ever need some one to be a dick (run interference) for you let me know. I’d be happy to help.
Hope you enjoyed the rest, Wil. Take it easy.
You know those cards Nathan Fillion hands out, certifying you’ve met him? You could do a Photoshop Wil Wheaton postcard thingy. Let your humor show! Hand them out and let folks paste themselves in standing next to you.
Anyway, half a germ of an idea while I recuperate from the con-crud I got the last day.
(I really wanted to meet Anne)
I was only able to catch a glimpse of your’s and Alicia’s cardboard cutouts this year in Hall E but that was enough for me. I know that even though you may be working for part of the con that you are also there to enjoy the con, and all it takes is one dick to ruin the whole thing and that just isn’t cool. Shame on that person whoever he is. Overall it was a great con for me but I seriously doubt that I am taking kids again. The one good thing about taking the kids was seeing my soon to be stepson make it to Level 7 in the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock competition, and he is only 9! Well I am happy to be home too and am glad to have made some memories at yet another Gen Con, and I hope to continue making more for years to come. Take it in stride Wil and keep your chin up! Thanks for everything that you do for the things that we all love!
I’m glad you had a great Con overall, and I’m sorry to hear there was still one person who broke the rule of DBAD. I’m now extra glad I chose to respect your space and simply pointed you out to my friends in the lobby of the Westin rather than approach you for a picture as it was assuredly pre-caffeinated hours. Hope you’re able to rest up and get some sleep soon. Can’t wait to hear more about what else you have going on Post GC.
After my last True Dungeon adventure on Sunday, I heard you were browsing the vendor floor, and I had the idea to give you a Druegar’s Death Die since it was the only dice like object I had on me, so I admit, I was looking for you the last day of GenCon. I wouldn’t have harassed you with a picture or anything, but I hope one day to meet you in person and thank you for all your great work: books, acting, and voice over.
Maybe next year.
My sons and I were at the iello booth when I saw you. The 4 year-old was asleep in the wagon, and the 7 year-old was trying to teach me how to play Croak!, from reading the instruction booklet. I’m technically a non-gamer. Not that I couldn’t do it, but in the beginning of my relationship with my husband, he and his friends wanted me to join their gaming group, it’d be fun, I was a geek at heart, etc. and I thought it was just too much at that time. I needed to be separate from all that (Maybe a little ironically, I needed to be the odd one out). The non-gamer among the gamers.
So anyway, I saw you across a couple of tables from me and at first it didn’t register to me who you were. I just noticed that you had a well-groomed beard compared to a lot of other Gencon attendees. You seemed interested in whatever game you were watching. Then, I thought maybe I could snap a quick iPhone pic while you were not looking. But then you looked up in my direction and I lost my nerve. 🙁 You didn’t seem too happy when you looked up, so I decided not to. I felt real bad for trying to be sneaky but it had seemed like a golden opportunity.
My time at Gencon is usually spent keeping the kids occupied while my hubby runs games and schmoozes with his tribe. My kids are starting to get into gaming too. It’s all good.
I have a new game for myself. Spot Wil Wheaton @Gencon. We’ve seen you past years walking around, but this was the first year that you had stopped close by enough for a possible decent pic as proof that I did see you.
Oh well. Sorry you had a bad experience this con. Most fans would know better.
I actually had wondered “what to do” if I ran into you this weekend. On one hand I wanted to tell you how much I was enjoying the WWP on SyFy since I know you are pouring your heart into it and want to make sure you know we realize it and appreciate it.
On the other hand I wanted you to be able to enjoy what you were doing and carry on.
Since I never actually saw you, this crisis never came to pass. Maybe you will get the message here instead.
I realize that ONE guy made a bad impression, but think about the many THOUSANDS that did see you, probably recognized you and did their best to allow you to enjoy yourself. As a whole, we are trying to let you hang out with us and leave you alone!
A friend saw you and pointed it out to me. Since I only caught a profile I tried telling him it was a cosplayer. Guess I was wrong. Glad you actually got to enjoy the con, minus the one guy who broke Wheaton’s Law.
My general policy is that unless someone is actually trying to get attention (for example in costume and posing) generally not to disturb them. That goes double for celebrities as they presumably are disturbed enough already.
You are one of the biggest gaming celebrities around, so you deserve a chance to enjoy the gaming convention if possible.
I’m just disappointed I didn’t spot you this year so I could (again) say to whoever I was with “Hey look, Wil Wheaton!” and then move along.