I had an idea, so I tried it out. I’m publishing it now, before I have a chance to back out and change my mind.
- Show Notes:
- The audio isn’t perfectly clean. That is by design. This is an experiment.
- Radio Free Burrito doesn’t work as hard as Memories of the Futurecast did to earn its NSFW rating, but listener discretion is still advised.
- If you want to introduce yourself, join this post. Maybe you’ll make a new friend.
- The theme music was just called “flight.mp3” and I have no idea where it came from.
- There’s no art, because it’s an experimental episode.
- I’m not sure if this will work with typical podcast clients. Apologies in advance if it isn’t available in your preferred thing.
- The episode is 19.26 and is 28MB.
Enjoy the Burrito!
If the embeded player doesn’t work, try this link: RFB-Experimental
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I missed my burrito breaks
This is great! — it’s like the inside track to being Wil’s (your) friend, unscripted, unedited, and very interesting (ding). Do not fear the catastrophe, as something is always bound to happen to make life more challenging so we can grow and expand our intelligence and comfort zones. Work hard, keep creating, and make the best decisions you can with the information you have in hand at the time it is necessary to make the decisions, and then don’t look back with regret. Oh, and, when you’re feeling it, play more games :).
I’ve been looking forward to another RFB for a while now. I enjoyed the unedited style. Keep it up.
Maybe it is the Wil Wheaton fanboy in me talking, but I must say that I really enjoyed “Doing the dishes with Wil”.
I’ve been hearing rumors of MST3K coming back with a new host. Is there any permutation of reality in which YOU SIR become the next prisoner on the Satellite of Love?
Hey I enjoyed it. The narrative/descriptive quality of it kept making me smile because it was comfortable. Like i was having coffee watching you do the dishes. Keep making things.
I must say I enjoyed it. It was just you, doing you things. No matter how much you do on the thing or do not do, it is still an awesome thing.
Haters gonna hate, but makers gonna make.
My money’s on the makers.
More power to you, sir, and I’m really looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Wil, I have never commented to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if these were good things or bad. Why they caught on, or why they died. All that matters is that few made for many. That’s what’s important! Making pleases you, Wil… so grant me one request. Grant me things! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
Well I just loved this and would love if you did these every week. Make all the things!
I like that you are back in my life. I’ve missed hearing from you.
Oh yes, Oh Yes, 2015 will have a RFB!!! WOOT!
Er, make that 2014. Hopefully 2015 will see one or more RFB also.
Kudos to you for making again. I’ve missed your burritos, so I’m hoping you continue making them.
Wil, I want to thank you for this. It’s inspiring me to create more and I just enjoy hearing you think things through. Its soothing for some reason. I’d enjoy more of this, greatly.
Thank you for making a thing. I liked it. Particularly the bit about the actor’s stress dream, as I’ve always wondered if that will go away once I’ve found a way to make a successful living at being an actor. Apparently not. Good to know.
Oddly enough, or not so oddly, perhaps, I ended up doing as you did, Wil. I turned off your recording when you got to the part about making something … and I made something … two somethings actually, one being my own recording (I’ve been doing them for about 30 years now) and the other being the physical construction of the board for a new cooperative board game I’m working on. So thanks … awesome recording and post … let’s keep creating! PS – love the show, love your attitude and outlook, on most things at least. 🙂
Great job Wil!
I LOVE the thing you made!
I enjoyed listening to this. I think partly because I look up to and admire you as a person. Someone that I think does things and treats people the way I would like to do things and treat people. Thank you for making this and even if it ends up being a stream-of-consciousness of some sort, I think it will be enjoyable. If only to be able to escape my own narrative and step into someone else’s. Keep it up!
Enjoyed the change of Radio Burrito scenery. Playing with what shows up in the moment. Loved hearing your pups speak. Learned a lot about owners and their pets. Thanks for sharing the experience.
Wil Wheaton, podcaster :). I did not know about RFB until today, and after listening I am anxiously awaiting the next installment. As far as your concerns about getting your content out to the public at large, instead of Stitcher I was going to suggest you get in contact with Scott Johnson over at the Frogpants network. You’ve undoubtedly heard of them, and I think your show would be a natural fit to that scene. Just a thought. Otherwise, it’s great hearing the new show, and good luck!
That was a very cool “thing”. The fact that it was unscripted and unedited resulted in a “thing” with its own charm and intimacy. Definitely an experiment worth repeating!
I am not a fan-boy, but I still just listened to a man talk to himself while doing the dishes. WTF! And… I will probably do it again. Why? I feel like I understand or can relate to this person in some infinitely minuscule way. Thanks for being a person.
Hey Wil,
I very much enjoyed the podcast. As others have stated, it was very intimate. Not that you don’t normally portray the real Wil, but unscripted stream of consciousness gives the audience something closer to who you really are. At least, that was how I felt while listening to it. And, of course, we like you Wil, so we want to hear what you think.
I recall a portion of the podcast where you talked about the pressure to be successful both for the upcoming RPG show and the Wil Wheaton Project. You said something along the lines of feeling like you let people down if the show was not successful. I wanted to comment on that for Wil or anyone who is in a similar situation.
The only thing that we can control in this life is our effort. If you give it your all, but are not successful, then it was not meant to be. Whether that is because of forces outside your control or because you simply weren’t good enough is irrelevant. You tried. That is all that you can do.
I can try to catch the winning touchdown pass, but if it is outside my reach, then there is nothing more that I can do. I can try to talk to the pretty girl, but if she doesn’t like me, then there is nothing more that I can do. I can try and save the patient or prosecute the criminal or raise a child or do any number of things, but if I fail, then there is nothing more that i can do so long as I gave it my all.
Beating myself up won’t change the past. Sure, someone else might be faster or taller and catch the pass. Someone else be cuter or funnier and win the girl. Thinking those thoughts is certainly frustrating and natural. However, and here is the point, feeling like you let someone down because you are not that person is not okay. Unless you are absolutely the best at everything, everyone feels that way at times.
You can’t change who you are. So, cut yourself some slack. Work hard. Be patient. Enjoy your successes. Learn from your failures. That is all that you can do.
P.S. I hope the RPG show is awesome, but I am sure that no one here will blame you if it is not. Creation is an experiment. Sometimes experiments are a success and sometimes they are not. I think everyone understands that this isn’t the same thing as delivering a car off the assembly line.
wow, I wish I could make a thing while I did a thing. Wil, your talent amazes us unitaskers.
Thanks for making your thing. Making and sharing our things, is what makes us grow, develop and experience the world differently.
Welcome back Wil. I will listen to every second (possibly because it auto-downloads and I’m too lazy to skip things, but that’s still cool lol).
Finally had the chance to listen to this. You had a very noir tone to it at the beginning. I understand the darkness that beckons and recognize that it as well as the associated anxiety suck. Thank you for producing something.
Felt a lot like the great stuff Ze Frank was doing on Youtube. Good stuff, Wil.
I enjoyed listening to this just as much as I enjoy reading your blog. I always find it helpful to read (or in this case, listen) to other creative people, especially other writers, talk about their lives, their struggles, their work processes, etc. It helps to remind me that these people that I look up to professionally are just people too, and that they all have struggles, apprehensions, writer’s block, etc. It makes me feel like I’m not so far behind the curve in life or in my work and that it’s okay to just be me and do the stuff that I do. This is especially important as someone who also struggles with depression. TLDR: Thanks for sharing with us. I personally both enjoy and appreciate it.
That thing you made? Yeah, that thing was cool. Thanks for throwing the dice and making that thing.
You mentioned liking rockband over playing an actual instrument because of the feel of playing along. I to enjoyed it for this reason. Then I discovered RockSmith. It is like RockBand in most respects, except instead of a controller you plug a real guitar (or bass) into it. Instead of the easy/medium/hard difficulties of rock band, it has what must be at least 30 different difficulty levels, per section of the song, and it increases them as you succeed in playing (and decreases them if you start to have trouble). So you are always playing the song near the limit of your ability. It is a lot of fun. I got it in March, and 9 months in I am getting pretty proficient at playing bass, and have had a great time learning it.
So check it out, doesn’t cost that much (although you will need to get an electric guitar/bass as well if you don’t have one).
Kevin (might remember me as the guy who gave you a yellow D2 a few years back at wootstock)
Wil, I really loved this episode of RFB – for a whole bunch of reasons. It really resonated with me because, as a creative person, I also struggle with the duality of creating things to make a living, and creating things because my soul requires it of me. It’s good to hear what another creative person does with that duality. Even though I don’t know you really, I have always felt a kind of connection with you and your work, and the bits of your life you have shared with your audience. So yeah, the things you make? Are awesome. Thank you.
I really enjoyed this. Especially because it was raw, unpolished, unrehearsed. It was warm and comfortable and friendly, even when you were talking about things that weren’t so friendly. (Yay stress dreams, not.) Thanks for doing this and I’m looking forward to more.
Tons of happy! Thanks for getting back into the folds of the Burrito…okay, so that sounded a little…er um…yeah…THAT.
Ok, I have finally made time to listen to this thing. I love RFB, it is a bit rough around the edges, but it is also raw and intense. There is the angst in your voice, and it is nice to know I am not the only one who jumps from thought to thought. Create, let that part of yourself free and tell self-doubt to go back to whereever it hides and waits for you. You have made some really great stuff, and I for one have found it has helped me through some bleek times. Just having the balls to tell the world that life kicks you when you are down, that you get mad, and frustrated, and sad and angry really helped me when I was without a means of income also. Just knowing I was not alone was more of a hand up than you can imagine. I have some idea of what you went through, and how you had the courage to share it with the world, I will never know. Whatever caused you to share that, know that it has really helped at least one other person on the face of the planet. I hope I can someday help someome else in that situation, and from your example I hope I can give them that feeling of not being alone and give them that thread of hope you gave me.