I’m not quite ready to announce the details of the world we created for our RPG show, but I am ready to show this little glimpse of it, and I encourage you to make of it what you will…

What could it be?
…something wonderful.
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I like the 2010 reference. Can’t wait for the show.
I’m an avid board gamer, though just getting into D&D/Pathfinder now. Can’t wait for this!
if you are playing a fantasy game, i am interested to see how that robot features in your world. some might call robots in fantasy sacrilege, but i am keen to see how you make it work. could be because i love robots.
I’m guessing futuristic super heroes or something along those lines? So glad it’s not more wannabe Tolkien stuff.
Couldnt be Sigil, could it?
Looks kinda steam-punky, with maybe some magic thrown in there. Not entirely sure why (the robots don’t really fit) but it reminds me of the Secret Histories by Simon R. Green.
Is that magic? Looks like he’s about to throw a hadoken or kamehameha…
Looks pretty awesome (considering it’s a glimpse through a keyhole…). If you should have space for a “remote player,” I may have some space on my calendar…
I’m jus’ sayin’.
good morning to u and i so like that expression you used .. something wonderful .. yes indeed 🙂 first smile of the day thank u 🙂 hope u have a good one also 🙂
I see Robots and that arm clearly belongs to a Wizard, so it must OBVIOUSLY be an RPG that is based on the Smash-Up episode of TableTop.
Now that I’ve said it, I think an RPG inspired by Smash-Up needs to be a thing that exists.
Phantasy Star Trek? This reminds me I should check out Spell Jammers…
Not robots, golems. Guarding a harbor of some sort. Perhaps near some deep water.
My memories make me think Gamma World RPG (Played it in the mid-80s)
If you look really closely, I think you can see Sparks McGee in the background…
Background of this pictures with magic in the foreground make me think shadow run
Looks steampunk to me. Could be super powers rather than magic on the arm in front. Or a dimensional crossroad like the city in the Grimjack comics, Cynosure.
Looks like Elsa from Frozen is having a REALLY bad day…
“PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS!…..itty bitty living space.”
first thing I thought of .
So much shiny!!!!
Some sort of retro-future space opera with Dragonball Z style kung fu and powers?
Steampunk robot superheroes. Very nice. Is it also… In space?
Looks like a superhero RPG to me. The robot and the skyscrapers in the background give it away. The gloves that the two heros are wearing are also more superheroish than anything else
Who drew this? It’s amazing.
Might be the George R R Martian made Role playing game. I think its called super powers?
Drought Man.
What do I win?
As long as HAL is a “friendly”, I am in. What am I saying, I am in anyway!
Can’t wait! Also, you’re getting a lot of shoutouts on the comments on Jenny Lawson’s post about her new book–you and she do good work, keep it up, and thank you.
Thanks to Instagram, I am confident that the system being used is the Dragon Age RPG by Green Ronin, the same as the Tabletop episode, either that or it’s a very elaborate ruse. My evidence is in the latest picture (as of 3:53 am GMT April 2nd) here: https://instagram.com/p/086uMahQs2/?taken-by=hankgreen
Where you can see Alison’s character sheet,which although the details are fuzzy you can make ou the page is th exact same as the 1st page of the 2 page character sheet in Dragon Age, but the conclusive proof is the stunt chart next to Alison, I own a copy, and it’s for Dragon Age. Also there is a DM screen for the system in the Announcement vid, but that was inconclusive at the time, as any DM screens as good as another if you know the rules. The world looks obviously home brewed as there is nothing in Ferelden that looks like that scene at this point. It looks like it’ll be a blast. I’m looking forward to the first episode 🙂
If that’s not Batman, then he stole Batman’s glove (which in of itself is almost as impressive as being Batman).
Regardless, I’m looking forward to this series!
Dr Manhattan?
(voiceover ala Takei)
Genies & Robots & Spaceships, oh my…
Cryo he’s channeling the energy to the hands, much like Naruto does !!
Over 9000?
Of course you’d put robots in it. Not to say that I wouldn’t…
they have no honor
Of course you’d put robots in it. Not to say that I wouldn’t…
Drones are charging?
It appears to me that there is an Alien race that has no ability to emphasize. They do have extraordinary cognitive skill.