When I bought my first house, I wasn’t entirely sure how to decorate it. I’d lived in apartments for years, and didn’t have much experience beyond posters from movies and bands, and I certainly didn’t put photographs into frames, because that was what adults did.
When I bought my first house, I was not ready to be an adult (that’s a whole other story), but I did my best to decorate it the way I thought adults did.
So, in the second of my two bedroom house (the bedroom I didn’t sleep in), I put up my version of a family photograph, in an actual frame, on the night stand.
For those of you born after 1980, or who have been painfully deprived of classic(?) American television, that is the cast of The Love Boat.
Also, I wasn’t particularly good at dusting, apparently. (Again: not good at adulting.)
This was so amusing to me, I bought pictures of the cast of Diff’rent Strokes, Three’s Company, and CHiPs. I put those pictures in frames, and even hung some of them on the walls.
Come to think of it, maybe I was doing a decent job of adulting, because being an adult means that we get to decide what that means.
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I love your new blog excellent. as i read between the lines .. see each word but pain arise ..ticks away it does ..with it goes those ..for here you are now ..alive well no shallow hal ..full of life giving love ..remember that each day wake up .. Love and light to u <3
That was a great choice. You were all cousins and uncles and aunts and siblings of a whole entertainment era.
I have currently made the choice and not be an adult and buy my first house but drop everything to hide in another country for a year. /Slowly I am seeing the down to it as well as the upsides, just like me to make a mistake first before working it out.
But this post even though it short and made to, probably, be a little humours, makes me want to have my own home so I can stuff it full of little moments like that.
Thank you Wil
I need to get a flight back home
the shame is most of u, your age and older, know exactly who all those carrecters are and what they look like to well.
I don’t think it’s a shame. Because every generation that had a TV growing up had their unique TV family. Grammas generation was probably Howdy Doody. Lone Ranger. I think the Leave it to Beaver and My three sons were 60s. I think.
Today few shows cause a person to think or use their brain or even be challenged. Unless I am wrong but it is how it seems very
+1 for xkcd… I’m a firm believer in that one. I am great at adulting, because I have decided having a large pile of board games and musical instruments that I play badly is how to adult.
I would love a 80’s TV show themed guest room. That would be absolutely awesome.
I think that’s cool Wil. If you worked on those shows or watched them a lot, those folks end up being family. During the 80’s Star Trek TNG cast were like a family to me. I mean all of them even the kid. (That’s you Wil ;-.) . They made me laugh, cry or groan over some pretty bad puns, jokes or writing. I faithfully watched The Love Boat and Fantasy Island as well.
As for adulting, you raised a great kid are having fun,so you are doing well.
I really hope you still have these hanging somewhere in your home.
This picture looks like the opening shot of the best movie evar…
PENTAGON CHIEF: “Mr. President, I’m sorry, but there’s just no team alive that rescue our Olympians in just 24 hours!”
POTUS (stubs out cigar in ashtray, picks up framed photo on his desk: “No … there’s one team… ”
Nice. I especially hope that the CHiPs photo included Worf!
Is that… is that a binary clock?
I used to have that same binary clock in my office! I thought it was cool. Now I know I was right!
It might be interesting to do the same thing expect with drug bosses such as Pablo Escobar, Carlos the Jackal, etc…
I’m still not good at adulting; luckily I have a good husband and friend who is (slightly) better at it…
Frankly, I think that’s kind of a genius idea.
…I’ve technically been an adult for about 20 years, and most of the furniture in my current apartment is all things that neighbors or old roommates have left behind, or things that I’ve caught people just about to put out on the curb. My current roommate is moving out tomorrow, and asked if i’d be offended if he offered to leave anything of his behind, and I just said “80% of the things here, including the chair you’re sitting on now, are things that other people abandoned. So no.” I’m actually sitting on the chair and typing this on the desk that he ultimately gave me.
I’m not sure whether this makes me a bad adult (“I’m not buying my own stuff”) or a good one (“I’m frugal”).
I so “get” this. I just got my first “adulty” job (and I’m in my 30’s…it’s been an interesting life), and I still have no clue how to decorate. I’ve always been a minimalist, because I’ve moved every 1-3 years since forever. I’ve been in this new place 4 months, and I still have no photos or anything on the walls. I fail at adulting, or at least home decor.
Don’t have the bad feels, Wil. My 36 year-old son still has a framed, signed photo of Boba-Fet hanging in his bedroom. I’m surprised you don’t have a framed photo of Sir Patrick Stewart on the table or would the lovely Anne say no?
Don’t feel like you’re the only one! I almost want to have a photograph of the Harper family from Mama’s Family in a photo frame. 😉
Just glad you got the right cruise director in there…. she was my favourite. My parents had a hard time answering my questions when she left…
So, picture taken at 6:44:18 . Nice clock!
Yeah. When I moved in to my place this time last year, I had a panic about decor right before the start of my house party. So I threw a bunch of picture frames on the wall, in what I thought was a very artistic arrangement, but failed to actually print any photos to put in them. It was funny and ironic (in my mind only, probably) during the house party. Now I can’t decide if the fact that the frames are still empty a year later is a clever challenge to the “My life is so much awesomer look at the photos houseguests and weep” mentality, or if they’re more representative of my failed year at adulting. Maybe I’ll take a step in the right direction and fill them with stock photos…
Thought this might amuse you: https://www.youtube.com/user/learnhowtoadult