art matters.
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art matters.
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A few hours ago, I finished my part of this project I’ve been developing and working on for a few years. Now, other artists are making their contributions to the […]
This month has been such an awful year, my sense of time is … “weird” is the best I can come up with … in a way it hasn’t been […]
My work life is weird. Most people have a reliable schedule and know when they’ll work, and how much. They can plan out their week, their month, and their budget […]
Cirroc Lofton played Jake Sisko on Deep Space Nine. I played Wesley Crusher on The Next Generation. And before this week, he and I never talked about it, which is […]
Yes, the arts matter. And POTUS wants to cut funding to the National Endowment of the Arts. #standupspeakup #riseup
I can’t even tell you the number of times my husband’s come home to me bawling my eyes out and said “Were you listening to Hamilton AGAIN?”
Listening to Hamilton in public takes guts. Chances of bawling in front of strangers are basically 100%.
I don’t think I’ve cried in three years maybe.
Hello Wil, I was wondering, based on reading your memoirs etc, if the lines from “That Would Be Enough” make you think of your wife:
I don’t pretend to know
the challenges you’re facing
the worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind.
But I’m not afraid.
I know who I married.
So as long as you come home at the end of the day
that would be enough.
These lines kill me every time, and I’m not even married.
“In their eyes I see you, Alexander”
Every. Bloody. Time.
I am sure that you’ll see it in time, but Lin has responded to you.
Art matters. Art will survive.
My brother Joe works at the Public theater where Hamilton started. He was so lucky to see Lin-Manuel so much- nearly living at the theater to make this happen. I’m jealous.
And you know what? Lin is a genuinely wonderful and kind person who deserves every good thing that comes his way. I have listened to the soundtrack and it’s addictive. I haven’t been lucky enough to see it once, let alone 4 times (seriously Joe?! Four?!).
Sorry this isn’t on topic, but if you ever get a real pinball machine, you should get The Shadow. Because you’re in it. Not sure what Back to the Future tech you used to pull it off, but here’s proof –
My wife and I saw this machine in a beercade in Omaha and had to check to make sure you didn’t magically get into that movie somehow.
Ha. Nice. Long live the pinball.
I am sending you a warm and comforting hug. Not to make you feel better, but to give you a caring space to feel.
Art does matter, and as long as people feel that way it will survive and even thrive. Don’t ever stop responding to how art makes you feel, regardless of where you are and who you are near. Allowing yourself to respond with tears, laughter, shock, rage, sadness, humility, any feeling you may feel; all of this proves you are alive.
Fantastic that you had the moment, even better that you shared it…thank you
Went through a huge life upheaval – breakup, job stuff, depression – and listening to Hamilton was what helped me make the change and get out of all that.
No comment… just an agreeing smile…
Art matters and always will. Without art we cease to be human. In a way, it’s like negating the idea of Cogito ergo sum. In other words, it’s like saying “I don’t think, therefore I am not” I think that haters can destroy art and humanity but i doubt, i hope rather, that they will not.
Thank you. I sometimes forget that adults are allowed, and often need, to cry, and that needing that emotional release does not make us weak, it makes us human.