It’s a fictional coming of age story, told in a memoir style. I ‘ve done about 12K words in the last few days, and wrote 6900 words on it today, so I could finish it before Anne and I go on a little vacation tomorrow. I’m going to let it sit and give myself some distance from it, so I can be clear-eyed and objective when I start the rewriting process next week.
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Go you!!! Enjoy your break.
It will probably be a FAQ, so: Yes, there will eventually be an audiobook. No, I don’t know if I’m going to shop it or self-publish. No, I don’t know when it will be released, but I’m aiming for this year.
Congrats! That’s huge!
And good luck on the revisions! 🙂
Hot dang, finishing it is a great accomplishment unto itself! Enjoy your break with your love!
I am so excited for you!!! And for me, when I get to read it! 😉
excellent news!
Based on the excerpt you read on the Joco Cruise it is going to be totally awesome! Can’t wait to read it 🙂
This is exciting for you and for your readers! Enjoy your time away. We’ll try to be patient. 😉
That’s great! Good job Wil. I’m looking forward to reading it when you’re finished.
Sweet! Can’t wait to read/hear it!
Congratulations. I’m happy and excited that you did this. Way to go!!!
Congratulations! I am sure it will be Great!
Awesome! Just finishing the story is a huge accomplishment. If you want to work with an itty-bitty, start-up publisher, shoot me an email! It’s a happy middle ground between Traditional & Self pubbing. Working with you would be bucket-list-cool 😀
Can’t wait to read it!
Hey, congrats! That’s a big accomplishment.
Woohoo! You rock! Go enjoy your vacation. I think you’ve earned it.
Congratulations, sir! I admire anybody who has the patience and determination to complete a long form work of fiction.
I look forward to reading it.
Enjoy your break!
Also get the book in front of editors, proofreaders and fans. Don’t stay trapped with it alone. This can be fatal for fiction.
I’ve written 2 books in the ST:TNG universe, and I kept polishing them until I couldn’t stand the sight of them, and then in disgust I refused to inflict them upon the public.
I’m thinking of going back to my first complete drafts (the last ones I genuinely liked), but not until at least a couple more years have passed.
Don’t follow my path!
Writers gotta write. First draft complete is a huge step! Ya can’t revise a blank page. Congrat enjoy the break. Then Bicfok!
That’s great! Congrats!! 🙂
Congratulations, Wil. Just so you know I think you’re a great writer.
That’s awesome. I can’t wait to read it.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see it published and read it!
That’s great, Wil! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations, Wil!! I can’t wait till it gets finished and we get to read it!
An audiobook written AND narrated by?!?!?!
Yes I say, a thousand times …. YES!!
I knew you’d get past the writing block. Congratulations! Looking forward to the book. Enjoy a well-deserved vacation.
Looking forward to reading it when it’s done.
Yay!! I’m looking forward to reading it!
Congratulations! I am really looking forward to this one. It sounds like you put your heart and soul into it.
Excellent! I look forward to reading it.
Congrats! I bet it will end up being excellent. I always wanted to write a fiction novel. I’ll live vicariously thru yours.
Ah, editing and re-writing…may the Force be with you!
This is so great! Way to go! I’ve really loved seeing you talk about it growing into a larger story and I’m excited to see its final form!
Congratulations. You’ve already exceeded what 99% of “writers” ever accomplish.
Congratulations! I look forward to reading it 🙂
Nice dude!!!!
Way to go, Wil!
The farthest I ever got was 12,000 words.
Congratulations Will!
Someone on Twitter posted recently –
“why is it when I go back and reread my draft I think every word I put down was complete garbage?? Does someone like JKRowling ever get that feeling?”
JKRowling responded with “Only EVERY SINGLE TIME!”
You’ve taken the first step, now relax and enjoy the break 🙂
Sounds amazing! Looking forward to reading it! Hope it the first of an ongoing series! XD
Congratulations! Eager to see the final version in print.
I wish my students had your perseverance 😉
Cool! I look forward to buying the book when it’s ready.
That’s great!
Woot Woot
Looking forward to reading it.
I love the way you write! So getting to read a whole bunch of words that you wrote will be really cool. Thanks, Wil. You touch so many people already and enrich our world just by being in it. Can’t wait!!
There is nothing so satisfying as finishing, and nothing quite as nerve-wracking as diving into edits. Best of luck, and can’t wait to read it!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Go you!
Hope you Have a Happy bit of time off! Ok. Hope it is relaxing and pleasant and as refreshing as possible.