In today’s Washington Post, Dana Millbank published an op-ed titled We have no excuses now. Our eyes are wide open. He closes by saying:
On Tuesday, voters will make a decision in what is the purest midterm referendum on a sitting president in modern times:
Will we take a step, even a small one, back from the ugliness and the race-baiting that has engulfed our country?
Or will we affirm that we are really the intolerant and frightened people Donald Trump has made us out to be?
If we choose the latter, 2018 will in some ways be more difficult to take than 2016. This time, we don’t have the luxury of saying we didn’t really know what Trump would do.Our eyes are wide open.
I keep saying this: history doesn’t just happen. The world isn’t a story that someone tells, and we all ride along inside the narrative, unable to affect it in any meaningful way.
I am 46. I was raised in an America that claimed to be The Land of Opportunity, a place where all people are equal under the law, and anyone who was willing to do the work could make something special for themselves and their families.
That is painfully not the America we are living in now, and that didn’t just happen. This America, this country that is so xenophobic, so profoundly unequal, which treats nonwhite lives like they are disposable, which is currently lead by the most despicable, dishonest, openly racist and misogynist man to ever hold the presidency … this America didn’t just happen. This America was slowly and deliberately built by people like Ronald Reagan, John Bolton, Dick Cheney, George Bush and his idiot son, Newt Gingrich, The Koch Brothers, The Mercers, Fox News, Stephen Miller, and their malignant voice of hate and fear, Donald Trump.
Taking a look at my 46 years in America, it starts to become clear that, at least at the national political level, presidents like Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter are not our norm, as much as I wish they were. Looking at just the last 25 years, we see two presidents who were not elected by the majority of Americans, and we see a Senate that continually and gleefully abuses its anti-Democratic power to keep shaping America further and further away from the ideals of freedom and equality and opportunity that America at least claimed to stand for when I was a child.
What we are witnessing now is a fight for not just the future of America, but for her present, and for the rest of my life. Will America continue her march toward open civil war between the revanchist, paranoid, bigoted army of racists who make up the incredibly small but powerful Republican base, and the majority of Americans who are not bigots, anti-Semites, white nationalists, and misogynists? OR will we send a clear message that our voices, which are the overwhelming majority, will not be silenced, and we will not allow ourselves to be governed by Trump and people who support him?
Dana Milbank is correct in his column and in his assessment: our eyes are wide open now, and we know exactly what we get when Republicans are in power.
This election is powerfully and unambiguously clear: you are with us, or you are against us. You are with Trump and his hateful, violent, paranoid, racist values, or you are against him. This is the reality in which we are living, and you have to choose a side.
History doesn’t just happen. Every election matters and every election helps decide what our country is going to look like not just for us, but for our children and for the future. And though it isn’t just this election, (because we aren’t going to undo thirty years of right wing paranoia, voter suppression, and assaults on basic human and civil rights with just a single election any more than the Kochs and Adelsons and Mercers corrupted America’s free and fair elections in a single election) this is the first nationwide, congressional election of the Trump era. This is the first election since the Republicans stopped winking and dogwhistling and giving themselves plausible deniability, and openly embraced racism, bigotry, xenophobia, violence, and started proudly and stridently embracing the most deplorable ideas and beliefs in American politics since the Confederacy.
Put simply: if they can hold onto the House, if they can consolidate their power after they have made their intentions and beliefs crystal clear and without any doubts, they will be empowered to go even further toward taking civil and human rights away from people, because that’s what they’ve been promising to do since Trump’s election. History doesn’t just happen by accident, and what’s acceptable in America doesn’t just happen. In America, elections and the people they elect decide what history will be written, and by whom. In the past, a person could make the case with winks and nods and dogwhistles, and a voter could credibly claim that they were voting on the economy, for example. This election is different. This is the first election in my lifetime where openly racist, antisemitic, white nationalists are telling you exactly who they are and exactly what they will do if you vote for them.
It may seem like one vote doesn’t matter, or one election doesn’t matter. It may seem like “they’re all the same” or “there’s no difference between the parties” but I want you to consider that there is one main group of politicians in America (and their supporters) who don’t have a problem tearing a child away from its parents, who claim to be good, honorable, God fearing moral Christians, yet whose deeds consistently hurt the poor, the marginalized, people of color, and immigrants. There is one main group of politicians in America (and their supporters) who are appalled and revolted by the abuse of children and the destruction of any family, regardless of that family’s nation of origin. They believe that women’s rights are human rights. They believe that healthcare is a right. They believe that workers should have rights and protections, that the air we breathe and the water we drink should be clean and safe, that we can do more together than we can when we’re divided, and that all people, regardless of their gender, who they love, where they were born, who their parents are, how they pray (if they pray), and how much money they earn, deserve to live their lives in safety and prosperity.
Every election in America is a choice between these two parties. I know it shouldn’t be that way. I know that we should have more nuanced choices. But the reality is, we don’t. We can choose between a party that will tell nonwhites that they don’t matter and don’t have basic, fundamental, human rights (that are also their Constitutional rights, by the way), and a party that says their lives and their rights and their families matter. That’s the choice. In the past, they muddied things up with fear and economics, but this time is different. This time our eyes are open and we know exactly what this election is about, because they have told us what this election is about.
History doesn’t just happen. Elections have consequences. If Republicans hold on to power or — god forbid — expand it, they will make good on their antisemitic, misogynist, bigoted promises, because their voters will have told them that’s what they want.
On Tuesday, we all vote with our eyes wide open, and we have a chance to grab the pen that’s writing our history. Don’t let anyone tell you that your vote and your voice doesn’t matter, because history has its eyes on you.
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As a far more learned gent than I recently observed, there’s what’s right…and there’s the abyss. Off to the polling place (a block away, so no excuse) first thing Tuesday.
I am voting on Tuesday, too. And, not just because my Film teacher offered 50 extra points in doing so. I am sick of these Republican jackasses, who are normalizing hate.
You nailed it, Wil. I have to be a cockeyed optimist about the taking back of our country, by voting in decent people who will ensure the rights of everyone. IT is not a religious, party, ethnicity, age or socioeconomic issue. It is about moral decency and the ability to recognize that any people who allow the hatemongering, rabblerousing, mysogenic lies of 45 have doomed whatever gains are allegedly made in “making America great”.
One advantage of being over 65 and living in Nevada is the permanent mail in ballot. Mine went in 10 days ago. PLEASE take the time to vote…it is the key to maintaining our democracy.
As long as people keep drinking from the toilet that is Fox News, I fear for our country, but that just makes me more determined to push people to vote!
Thank you. You are absolutely right in your commentary. This matters.
You have spoken so eloquently of what I think. I voted by mail last week and I sincerely hope that my vote counts this time, unlike in 2016. Living in California, there are enough like-minded people who vote for democracy. I just hope the other states rally round this time.
I love ya man, but I respectfully disagree. I’m 53, just a few years ahead of you. I’ve been self-employed for 18 years and I believe that if you work hard and focus, you can achieve your dreams in this country…still. Before that, I served in our awesome Navy and would again (I even spent some time with Chuck Norris, the legend). 🙂 I’m a patriot and like most everyone else, want the best for this country and everyone who lives here. Thankfully the president can’t do a whole lot without congress usually, and if they do – it can be temporary, good or bad. The next one just signs their own executive orders. While Trump may be (okay, is), a despicable human being at times…the country’s finances are really loving him which is good for all of us. Our military is strong again – keeping us safe. There are SO many good people, like you Wil, that are passionate about their values and beliefs. We don’t have to agree with everything the president does (who does, anyway?), but we must respect the office he serves. Go out and vote with your heart, we’ll see what happens next.
“the country’s finances are really loving him which is good for all of us. Our military is strong again – keeping us safe”
You’re on the wrong side so spare us the platitudes.
The county’s finances were really loving Obama too. As for our military… when was it weak? And how is it keeping us any safer now than it was under Obama? Just the usual drivel from someone who is clearly going to vote R and clearly does not get it.
“the country’s finances are really loving him which is good for all of us. Our military is strong again – keeping us safe”
The county’s finances also really loved Obama so that hasn’t changed.
As for the military, you say it’s strong… again? When was our military weak? How is it keeping us any safer now that it did under Obama? Isn’t it the same military that got Bin Laden?
“the country’s finances are really loving him which is good for all of us. Our military is strong again – keeping us safe.”
Sounds like you don’t pay much attention to the stock market of late.
Just a few weeks ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a fresh all-time high. On Oct. 24, after several days of triple-digit declines, it closed down more than 600 points having erased all of its gains for the year.
And, when was our military weak? How are we any safer now than we were under Obama? It was his military that got Bin Laden or have you forgotten that?
Robert, you are simply full of nonsense. In this country, many people work hard and focus and still have things happen to them that cause them to lose their health, business, family, etc. Thanks to the GOP, people can lose everything thanks to health problems, and the GOP wants them to be destroyed, including removing the need for health insurance for those with pre-existing conditions. You should be happy that that hasn’t been you, but your ignorance and selfishness doesn’t allow you to think people can end up homeless through no fault of their own.
As for that “awesome Navy”, well, you are just many of millions who have served, and they aren’t the people in the GOP leadership, your lying president being one of them, ol’ Cadet Bone Spurs. And Chuck Norris, hmmm, one more liar just like Ted Nugent, you remember Ted, the one who lied sure that Obama would have him killed. My husband, father and brother are vets (2 army and one Marine) all combat MOS, and they find Trump disgusting for being a failure and not caring about vets or soldiers, just his shiny toys.
You are not a patriot if you follow someone who wants to ignore the constitution like Trump et al want to do. Funny how you forget that he wants to ignore it, and you have no problem lying that others want to “git our guns”, when funny how that never happened. We only got lots of gullible idiots who paid the gun and ammo manufacturers lots of many because they were told be frightented little children.
Yes, Trump is a despicial human being ALWAYS. He lies constantly. Our military was never not strong, and you are a liar when you try to claim otherwise. And funny how you have no problem in tossing any morality as long as you get money. Wow, what a sad little sailor you must have been. There are indeed so many good people, Robert, and you are not one of them. You have no problem in trying ot excuse your following of a failure and bigot, by trying to claim that you only “respect” the office of President. Hmmm, would you have been among those who served in the Wehrmacht saying that well, they had to obey Hitler because they respected the office of Chancellor?
I wouldn’t take Robert too seriously. He claims to be from the military and yet uses the teenaged word “awesome” to describe it. That’s not the language of a mature, seasoned, professional 56 year old, at all. I think you got baited.
oh it could be 🙂 But I take them as they present themselves, as pathetic idiots.
At least you disagree with respect, which makes me appreciate you. You wrote your opinion and did it kindly. I pray for more like you so that we can openly debate without the hate.
Well said, Alice. I’m glad you’re here and still reading my silly blog after all these years.
Always, Wil. I may not always comment, but I always read. So do my kids. They both love you.
Very well said. Although you left Rupert Murdoch off your list of deplorables.
Voted by mail last week. I’d like to point out that the ‘one side is just as bad as the other’ propaganda is mostly just Russian trolls stirring the pot. Your choices do matter and they have mattered throughout history.
Also, you might be interested to read David Brin’s blog or FaceBook page.
I voted last month and showed up at my local Democratic office and volunteered. I got on the phone and started calling. It is not enough to vote. People need to step up and volunteer too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. So brilliantly stated. We can no longer be passive and we are known by our choices. And it has to go beyond voting. Call out every relative and neighbor who is complicit. Don’t let them be racists in secret. Expose them. Make them uncomfortable.
These are dangerous times. I am older than you and have never been so afraid. And Donald. Trump has made a mockery of the office. You cannot separate the racist from the office he has corrupted. I am a patriot. I will fight those who believe the status quo is acceptable. My America is better than yours.
Jo Anna (and Wil),
I share your fear. I am flabbergasted and appalled by this version of the United States, by the hatred spiraling out of control. But I am impressed by the level of conversation here and that speaks well of the community you have attracted, Wil. While I don’t agree with all the comments here, I appreciate that almost everyone is choosing to express their views thoughtfully and give us a way to communicate with each other.
How to make an atheist say ‘Amen!’ Well said.
I scanned your first few paragraphs. I agree that America has changed a lot, and for the worse since the 1980’s. Your political worldview is hard liberal; my political worldview is hard conservative. I don’t hate you, or any of the people in my family who are liberal. But I disagree with them and you on many issues.
Since little would be gained by “debating” those issues a la Facebook style (meaning it gets out of hand, names are called, and Zuck throws me in Facebook Jail yet again for being too “offensively” conservative), can you just answer me this one simple question? I hear liberals shout it all the time, but no “proof” is ever given. So the question is: WHAT HAS PRESIDENT TRUMP DONE THAT MAKES YOU THINK HE’S A RACIST?
This also begs a second question. Prior to his deciding to run for President, the man has been a household name for a good 30 years. At any point in those 30 years did you hate him? My guess is that you liked him or felt neutral about him. So why then, when he ran for President did you suddenly decide that he is the spawn of Satan? To me it seems like the media steered your thoughts and your heart that way.
Anyway, since your post was about voting, I’ll let you know that I already voted early. Straight ticket Republican in the swing state of Florida. I hope we stay red, no offense Wil.
I’m not Wil, obviously, but since you asked…
Regarding what Donald Trump has done to make me think he’s a racist, you would do well to research his words and actions regarding the Central Park Five, as well as the lawsuits against him regarding fair housing practices.
And no, prior to his running for President, I didn’t like him or remain neutral—I found him to be a smirking, smarmy huckster whose entertainment enterprises I refused to watch, and whose brands I refused to support. He came off as a sleazy con man. The difference then is that his words and actions had little to no impact on the country as a whole…just on the individuals and small businesses that he swindled throughout his entire career.
I don’t need the big bad bogeyman media to tell me what kind of a person Donald Trump is. His own words do that plenty well enough.
I co-sign what Carrie said.
Carrie nailed it.
+1 to what Carrie said. I quickly googled “donald trump racist quotes” and came up with MANY links to try. Here are a just a few that demonstrate his behavior towards race in the past 30+ years if proof is needed.
Right on, Carrie!!
Well, I’m from Germany here myself, so it might be that I don’t get the whole picture from what’s happening over in the US, but one thing that makes it kinda clear that Mr. Trump is a racist. You want help opening your eyes: Watch the web video he used as campaign material just a few days ago.
I can’t tell how Wil felt about Mr. Trump before he ran for office. I didn’t know he existed, basically, but even if he did spread his views beforehand: It does make a difference if a president, president-elect or runner up for president behaves the way he does or if some celebrity does.
Respect for voicing your opinion here, but also disagreement and the hope that you see that Mr. Trump does a lot of damage to the US and its reputation in the world, and on international security.
Wow! Where have you been? He’s been making his sexist, racist comments even before the election for the presidency, but people like you just buried your heads in the sand and refused to hear what he was truly saying. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or to say “I told you so” when he makes your life and the life of your family miserable.
I also voted early. Straight ticket Democrat in the swing state of Florida. Chances aren’t looking good right now for Scott or DeSantis so, you may hope we stay red but we very likely aren’t going to.
I have had nothing but disdain for “The Donald” for approximately 30 years, as did my husband and his mother — but none of us knew that about each other until his election campaign brought up conversations about him. Now we all abhor him.
wow, lovely example of how willful ignorance and intentional lies are what a conservative simply does. And yes I hated trump when he was on TV acting like an asshole so poor Scott is wrong already. So, let’s see what Trump said that was racist, and we can add in the sexual abuser nonsense too:
““If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me,”
““He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
His lies that Obama wasn’t a citizen ( and poor lil Donnie promised he had evidence of his lies).
Claiming that wannabee Nazis and confederaes are “fine people”.
Trump still lies and says that the Central Park 5 are guilty though they are not.
““Maybe [the protester] should have been roughed up,” he mused. “It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.” after a man was beaten after saying “black lives matter”.
“look at my African American over here.”
So, Scott, what excuses will you offer or will you be an honorable man and admit that you are wrong and Trump is a liar, a cheat, a bigot, an adultery, a self proclaimed sexual abuser, etc? Will you show you are a coward and liar too?
As Wil is busy fighting the good fight, and as a Canadian who can’t vote, I would like to respond. Donald Trump has always been the worst example of American greed. He doesn’t even like the Republicans he represents, he knows they are dumb enough and power hungry enough to believe whatever he says, or Fox News says. There is no longer an ability to debate and hold an understanding view of both sides. It used to be that left and right were apart, but still able to hold hands in times of need. Now left and right are not even on the same body anymore. Trump is not stupid. The man has got through way too many crimes and lawsuits without spending time in prison because, like all con men, he knows how to manipulate people. These are facts. Trump did not wake up one day and decide to be president. He knew the easiest path to take, the Republican ticket, and knew he could hide from the ever growing noose of his lawsuits.
So yes. Republicans are following a lying con man. And they have to daily rectify their ideals with the man who isn’t a Republican. He’s who he needs to be to stay out of jail. Right now, that’s the president of the United States. He has said and done everything he’s needed to get what he wants. Once the presidency no longer suits his needs, he will move on. It’s the game he has played his whole life. Problem is, this isn’t a game. This is peoples lives. A truly sick, self-centered man is the one who can put as many lives at risk as he can to save his own skin. That is who Republicans have chosen to follow. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am simply against Donald Trump. Therefore Republicans have given the people only one choice to beat a con man, and that is to vote Democrat. For all our sake, I hope America sees the con before he makes off with everyone’s future. Again.
Racism has been part of the family business for decades:
Nice post , for you to do it and, It read like your not shouting but merely expounding on your View . This piece was well written..
Absolutely true and I’m working hard to get my democratic friends out to vote in the reddist of red states , Idaho.
Well said sir! You are an eloquent writer who has summed up all that I have been feeling and discussing with my wife. Thank you for this well thought out post.
what can I say? when you are right, you’re right. I dont know what the rest of the country will do. I only know that I voted for Democrats (early voter) . not because Democrats are perfect, but because the rule of law is all we have left to hope for.
Thank you, Wil. I’m looking forward to casting my vote on Tuesday (because Missouri doesn’t have advance voting). This is a crucial time because if we lose Claire McCaskill in the Senate (and right now the polls have her in a dead heat with her terrible Republican challenger), it will badly tip things. Wish me and Senator McCaskill luck!
Best of luck to you both!
Thank you!
I am genuinely saddened that I cannot vote due to my age. You are absolutely right, however.
I voted to protect the MOST vulnerable… the unborn. When the other side can protect ALL lives I will consider them. By the way, I don’t hate anyone. I just don’t want babies cut up into little pieces, their head crushed, and vacuumed out of the womb.
Then vote for politicians that endorse and support birth control and women’s healthcare. (Religiosity doesn’t stop abortions; it stops legal and safe abortions.) Respect women and believe them when we say we have been assaulted. Don’t act like sex is a choice only loose women or irresponsible women (or women at all) make.
If you’re so concerned about abortion, focus on making life better for women, and by extension, the people who love women. Don’t bleat about the precious unborn babies into a void.
Thank you for sharing what is important to you. I feel your anger and pain. I hope that all sides of this issue can work together for the prevention of fertilization and the best for mom and baby.
You want less abortion? Support women’s health care, low cost options for child care, free or reduced lunch options, etc. Take care of those already on the planet and the problem largely solves itself. Don’t scream about protecting the precious babies and then throw them to the wolves as soon as they’re born. Don’t force women to have children they can’t afford and then call them lazy whores. Don’t tell them they got themselves into trouble and turn a blind eye to their suffering. By “voting to protect the unborn,” that’s what you’re doing, because the anti-choice party is also anti-health care, anti-social support policy, etc. They’ll scream about the unborn babies to get your support, then, once they’ve got it, take away your pre-existing conditions coverage and throw you to those same wolves they fed the babies to. Wake up.
I agree with you. We must build the infrastructure to support the life we save. There is line a mile long of would-be parents who want to adopt. Older children can be a challenge. My wife and I adopted two brothers 6.5 and 2.5 yo so they would have a better life (we had no idea how much a better life they would give us!) I think you and I both want the best for everyone involved. Thank you for your opinion.
When you’re forced to choice between those who tax your hard-earned money for pork-barrel projects and those who want to legislate their morality on what you can spend with what’s left of your money, it’s a vote between the lesser of 2 evils. Still a vote for evil and of your consent of these evils. Aside from that, 2018 is the year of some many pseudo-victims blaming everyone else for their problems.
But vote if it makes you feel good. I would recommend a listen of George Carlin’s skit on voting before your sanctimonious jump into the booth.
What’s offensive about this, aside from your condescending tone, is the suggestion that, to a Transperson, there is no difference between a right wing Republican who wants to outlaw their very existence, and a left wing Democrat who wants to make sure they have equal protection under the law. Not everything is about economics, and if you believe your choice is between a lesser and greater evil, I would hope that you’d choose the lesser, as opposed to knowingly casting a vote for the ideas and policies of a greater evil.
Unfortunately, you aren’t voting on a single issue. Again “those who want to legislate their morality on us” vs “those want to waste tax money on re-election projects” with both parties in both camps. My point is that your vote condones those philosophies regardless of who you select. A “None of the above” write-in would be a better social justice vote at this point in the game.
Since you’re an actor, let me go with something more dramatic: you find yourself accosted by 2 muggers. One threatens to shot you, the other threatens to knife you. You’re told you have to choose. I submit that you do not have to choose. To do so condones their belief and action that you do not have a right of your life.
If politicians and voters actually believed we had a birthright to our lives and livehood, no trans-person would ever have to worry about threats to their expression of themselves, etc.
<<… A “None of the above” write-in would be a better social justice vote at this point in the game.
Since you’re an actor, let me go with something more dramatic: you find yourself accosted by 2 muggers. One threatens to shot you, the other threatens to knife you. You’re told you have to choose. I submit that you do not have to choose. To do so condones their belief and action that you do not have a right of your life.>>
So to make a social justice choice (i.e. do nothing) lets you live? Sort of the equivalent to being caught in a flood and not making any effort to get to high ground. Or having nothing to eat but not making any effort to find food.
You are exactly right; you are not voting on a single issue. You are voting on a philosophy a collection of issues and ideas.
The right to follow (or not) any religion or philosophy without fear of reprisal
Social security
Better wages
Healthcare for everyone
the right to vote – for everyone
the right to live and work
the right to speak your mind without repercussion
and the list goes on and on.
All of these ideas – and more – were unthinkable at one time or other. It took the hard work, dedication and blood, sweat and tears to get them to be more than a dream.
Food for thought.
Sometimes you are voting on a single issue, if it is life or death to you.
There have been elections in the past where I have gone to the poll, signed in, entered the booth, and pressed ‘VOTE’ without actually having voted for either candidate. I think if more people who ordinarily just don’t vote at all would do that, the political parties might realize that a large part of America actually disapproves of the ideas and actions “on both sides of the aisle”, rather than just not caring. The party in power may have even been thinking that anyone who doesn’t vote does so because they actually approve of the status quo instead of having given up on being given what they see as a viable alternative for which to vote. Voting, but for nobody, would show that to be wrong — sort of like a ‘None of the Above’ button, though I’d think if we actually had that button, it should be set up to mean that if the majority of voters pick that, then a new election must be held and the current candidates are not allowed to run again. I have already voted this year and I really did vote (Democratic) because our state was fortunate enough to have some worthy candidates [running against one totally unworthy candidate and one which I think is a fine person, but I disagree with too many of his opinions]. BTW, when I consider two candidates’ policies and opinions to be equal, I will vote for the woman (if one there is one) and the incumbent that I referred to as “totally unworthy” is a woman, so imagine how bad she must be!
Once again, Wil, you nailed it.
Mailed my ballot in a week ago.
I’m older than you and I don’t recognize what my country has become. I’ve watched the party in charge as they manipulated and maneuvered their way into office and what they can’t seem to accomplish once they got there.
Before anyone objects, yes each party has their bad points, but really – really – when was the last time you saw something like this?
The 2016 cycle was an eye opener on a lot of levels. One side had 2 candidates and the other … 15? I honestly lost count. When I sat down to think about it, I came to the conclusion that there must be at least 3 or 4 factions that couldn’t get a spot anywhere else but under the Republican banner. So they joined up. The Independents or the Dems wouldn’t have them, but guess who let them in?
Heck, 45 used to be Democrat but switched because he couldn’t get nominated, let alone elected, under that banner. Think about that for a long minute.
When John Boehner stated that the current Republicans couldn’t agree to anything (look it up) I realized that he, too, had walked away from what used to be his party.
This election is not about money, it is about who and what we are as a country. It is about who and what we are as a people. It is about whether we survive as a country – as an idea – or not. When you take the time to think about it, for over 240 years this country has been an example of what could be. I, for one, would like it to be that again.
Well said!
I voted early, Wil. I definitely voted for a change, a chance to reverse what has been happening in this country. I only hope others will vote the same way.
I’m a Canuck, and I’m scared of where US politics have gone in my life time (I’m a couple of years older than you Wil). I always appreciate your posts, and as an outside observer of what’s going on I deeply appreciate your sentiments in this piece because I see the problems you write about as far larger than America; but I see as well where it is time to stop it in America as perhaps a great example. A scene from Field of Dreams in my mind and realize it’s too bad that didn’t come true… when Annie Kinsella argues with the woman at a town hall meeting and later remarks that she has “stopped the spread” of neo-Fascism in America. If only that spread had been stopped in the 80s.
Keep up the good work Wil, on all fronts.
Another Canadian here. Just as worried and hopeful about the outcome of Tuesday. We’re next door to this, so whatever happens, we will get the fallout. For better and for worse, and our own country will not be permitted an escape from the worse if it’s made to happen in the States.
Indeed, those who see the Republican way as required for Canada’s future are already making their moves where the provincial legislatures are concerned, in order to smooth the path for the worse. This is a global project, I suspect.
I’m only a few years younger than you, Wil and I want to say that I respect your opinion and what you’ve said here, even though I disagree with it.
I don’t believe we CAN be saved as a country. We have, over the last decade or so, not just gone down hill but ROCKETED downhill at warp 9. That’s how we ended up where we are now and we’re to the point that we’re beyond saving. We cannot be saved by anyone, not even ourselves.
I fear and believe you might be right. But I also think that nothing absolves us from trying to save ourselves, others, and the world.
Agreed, rfeirtag. If we don’t try, we have only ourselves to blame.
IDK. Maybe.
But I don’t think we’re at a place yet where we even WANT to save ourselves because the kids coming up now are mostly a bunch of selfish assholes which is NOT their fault. We are inundated with media, etc that says “You gotta get people to look at you or you’re not worth anything.” We’re inundated with “influencers” who promote the shallowest of values and doing the dumbest-assed things (Imma looking at you Jake and Logan Paul) to get attention. And the kids coming up think this is the way to act, to treat people.
We are absolutely fucking SCREWED as a country. It would take a massive tearing down of EVERYTHING in society to fix this shit.
Mommatrek, you make an excellent point. It is not the kids’ fault they are mostly a bunch of selfish a$$holes. It is, however, their parents’ fault. We are in a period when respect for others is at an all time low. And the people who should be educating our children to be respectful, to be blunt, are not doing their jobs. Parents set a poor example and the children, like the sponges they are, soak it all up and mimic what they see. The selfish a$$holes that children are becoming can be laid at the feet of parents who do not do their job and let computers, iPads, TV, and the media (unfiltered, unmonitored internet access, etc.) do their (rather poor) job for them.
Thank you.
Every generation calls the younger one a bunch of selfish assholes, and it’s never true. But as for this one, I have so much hope for them. To them, who you love doesn’t matter. Gender is becoming no big deal. They want universal health care. They’re alright. 🙂
Well said,Wil. I hope it’s not too late to change things, but with each atrocity I am more and more pessimistic about the future.
Like Arthur, I’m Canadian and I have to say watching what is happening now is like being frozen in time watching a slow moving car crash where the car hits lots of other people, cars, buildings and generally does a lot of damage. I find it amazing that the states decides who and who does not vote in a federal elections and are constantly redistricting and gerrymandering to benefit one of the two party choices. I find it astonishing that Trump and his two idiot sons are not in jail right along with Kushner and the precious daughter he wants to shag, Ivanka. I actually wonder if she was molested as a child by him.
In Canada we have a system whereby you can check a box off on your income tax returns that gives permission to the Canada Revenue Agency to given your information to Elections Canada and the National Roll of Electors.
Elections Canada is an arm of the government that runs all federal elections. No provincial interference at all. Everything is decided by one agency, equally across the country. I think it has served us well. We have a first past the post system which means that people in the west and east are upset that Ontario allegedly gets to decide all the elections. Except the one election that the Parti Quebecois got the second biggest number and became the official opposition. That was a wild ride.
I think that the US would benefit from a similar agency called Elections USA. It would at least avoid people being purged from the rolls, gerrymandering etc.
Also, can you imagine if Bill Clinton had whined and moaned as much as Trump has? Can you imagine if Clinton had tried to have Kenneth Starr fired? Can you imagine if Clinton had benefitted financially as much as Trump has? I mean why are the American people letting this happen? When did this become ok? How did it become ok?
Up here we had a couple of senators (appointed position, not elected) over claim on their expenses and the were forced to pay some of the money back and a couple were suspended without pay!
We aren’t perfect by any means. We have had our scandals. The government are not doing right by indigenous people. We have homeless and unfairness. But since you brought it up….yes history…and the world…has its eyes on you.
I’ll try this again, since STUPID FIREFOX refreshed the page for no good reason while I was replying.
I think what would work would be if the IRS had their very own taxation website (similar to TurboTax or eFile, but not independent), and then allowed each tax payer to keep voter profiles. Each profile could allow each tax payer to say what they agree with and are against, for each political topic that ever came up or comes up in the future. Then, when there’s something to vote on, each profile is used as each tax payer’s vote for or against whatever initiative or referendum comes up. The profiles could be edited at any time, and only locked in once the votes get counted (and then released after the final vote count comes out).
There, stupid FireFox! You can’t stop me 😀
Well and clearly stated, Wil.
Here here!
Thank you for this clearly stated. We have gone backwards in racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and LBGQ+ issues since the election of Trump.
Very well put, Wil. Neither major party perfectly represents my values – far from it – but there is definitely a much greater of two evils to vote against. And as Robert A. Heinlein said via Lazarus Long, “If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for… but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you rarely go wrong.”
That said, I feel terrible that I won’t be able to vote this year because, as an American living abroad, I would have to print out a ballot request, mail it to the US, receive the ballot through the mail, and then mail the ballot back again. Given that mail to and from my family in the US has routinely taken a month to travel each way, it just wasn’t feasible by the time I figured out what would be involved :(. Absentee voting can be a great (and even free) option if you are elsewhere in the US on election day, but it’s absurdly difficult if you’re abroad (at least for the state in which I’m registered to vote).
Can’t you go to your embassy wherever you are living, show your passport and get a ballot?
For my state, I still would have had to request and receive the ballot by mail. I would then have the option of traveling to the city with my embassy to drop off the completed ballot for mailing.
I agree with you completely, Wil! Very well written piece – it should be bookmarked for the history books. More and more people are coming out of the woodwork to encourage others to vote, even if they normally don’t care at all. Hopefully, that’ll work this time – our votes are our voices unsilenced.
Just so you know, I mailed my (all Dems, since no Progressives ran) ballot in, time-stamped, on Friday morning, plus I snagged two more voters who weren’t going to vote (both liberals)! I myself wasn’t going to vote, after what happened in 2016, but this isn’t the same kind of election. The Electoral College has nothing to do with it, so they can’t steal our votes in winner-take-all states (like mine is, here in WA). This time, ALL of our votes actually DO count and DO matter. And how we vote now will help to determine IF the Electoral College even exists in the future, because of WHO we vote in and out of office. And there’s so much more on our ballots this year! The way I see it, if a US citizen over 18 doesn’t vote this year, if/when they could have, that is, then they need to be deported, because clearly, they don’t care what goes on in this country or even in their own home — so why should they be here at all? That’s how crucial this vote is. It’s this nation’s “Plan B” and we need to take it. We’re F’ing morons if we don’t.
I have a different opinion.
Don’t vote. Ever.
You and I were never part of “We, the People.” Not at the beginning, not now.
This country is not built for us, it doesn’t serve us, it does not respond to our opinions or needs.
It was never land of the free, home of the brave.
Red and blue teams are united in the delusion of Manifest Destiny.
Obama is affable. Carter is affable. But they’re all affable. You don’t reach the highest rung without charisma. They all pillage though.
Don’t be fooled by blue jeans and BBQ. The oligarchs consider you fodder.
Pull the lever for another pellet every two years. The election will change nothing.
Here’s an interesting video on some other people who have only recently come to discover that they can’t vote their way out of a failed state:
and spudnuts here is one more failure. He whines and doesn’t want responsibility, so he thinks he is so right by doing NOTHING at all. What a sad little person.
Your glib Internet dismissal checks all of the boxes, stock standard (“failure,” “whine,” “sad,” “little”).
I do much. Daily. Hourly. Have for decades. Will for more.
The only way to resolve our problems is as individuals first and then directly peer to peer. There is no system and it’s a waste of time to try and hope, plead, and coax it into doing something it was never meant to do: listen to us.
Other citizens in failed states world-wide have known what (most) Americans don’t know. That you must abandon the system and make a new system.
sure, dear. Not one bit of evidence you’ve done anything but whine about how bad everything is an dhow you claim to know how to fix it, but never quite get around to doing that. You are the problem, spud, trying to convince people to stop trying, and offering them nothing.
Any adult who needs “Spudnuts of the Internet” to offer them a way forward is beyond hope.
Those who claim they don’t know are dishonest or ignorant.
Everyone knows the problems and everyone knows the solutions. But few act.
Should I offer you eyes or ears? I don’t think you’d know what to do with them.
try harder, spud. still no evidence for your claims, and lots of excuses why you have failed.
“Voting won’t accomplish anything.” Guess what not voting accomplishes?
letting everyone make your decisions for you
Not voting = living in a communist country, like China, North Korea, etc. Is that what you really want???
First, I live in China. It’s not communist. In fact, it’s the most capitalistic society our planet has ever known.
Second, I absolutely support democracy. But America doesn’t have that. Never has.
I’m not against voting at all. 100% for it. But I’m against voting in a system that is a longstanding scam.
There is what we want and there is what we get. Most people will never manage to debug their firmware. The propaganda of one’s culture is nearly uncrackable.
Our ideas about faith, family, national identity, honor, and responsibility have always been distorted and they’ve guided us to this dead end. Humans either dramatically alter their own selves in very short order or we cease.
I don’t think this is true. This is blaming the victims for their lack of healthcare, their poverty, their illness.
This happens in every failed state. People understand there is no there there. So, they stop showing up for the scheduled paper shuffling that maintains an illusion of participation.
Ceaușescu was not voted out of office.
It should also be noted that his confederates were also never voted out of office. Hence, the same level of corruption twenty-nine years after their “revolution.”
Americans are going to have take some time away from their toys and ha-ha pseudo-news shows to ferret out genuine knowledge. I’m not holding my breath though.
In 2016, 39.87% of the eligible voters decided that it didn’t make any difference who won, or that their vote didn’t count. They were WRONG. Let’s hope they don’t make that same mistake again this year
Thank you Wil. Very well said.
Wow. This is some serious fear-mongering (for the left), and name calling (for the right).
No worries. I will be voting too.
No fear mongering from the left here, just facts. You’ve got a big problem if you can’t see that.
I live in the UK, and don’t have a say in who runs your country. Your gun laws, who sits on the Supreme Court, whether abortion is legal or not. Those matters are internal to you.
But since the second world war, most of the world has seen the US an elder brother we loved. Sure, you did strange and embarrassing things now and then. You threw your weight around now and then. But mostly we looked up to and wanted to be like you one day.
Now it feels like weI’ve seen that elder brother drunk at a party with his hand up an your best friends mothers skirt. We’re laughing at you, America, and when we’re not, we’re disgusted with you. Republican or Democrat, think about how you want the rest of the world to look at you.
Wil, one thing that gives me hope is the surge of activism by young people. Since the Parkland shooting, I’ve followed the brave teens and young adults who are pushing for change. They are registering to vote, voting, and getting many others to do so. My sons, ages 19 and 22, haven’t received their absentee ballots in the mail yet, so they are going out of their way to drive to the board of elections today to vote provisional ballots in person. It’s about 2 hours round trip for my older son just to drive, and they both have tons of school work, but it’s that important to them that they are giving up their Sunday afternoon. My daughter, 16, went with me to the March For Our Lives in Washington, and we brought 2 of her friends. They are itching to vote, and they’re pumped that their first votes will be in 2020. They all keep up with the news, something that I didn’t do much in college in the late 80s/early 90s. What’s happening now is horrifying, but my hope is that it will lead to something better. Keep writing! Love your commentary.
Thank you so much for sharing, Wil. Blessings to us all.
I appreciate and hear you.
Watching from Britain is like watching ‘jaws’ you know something terrible is going to happen but nothing you can do about it
For those not swayed by Wil’s impassioned plea, and who are still planning on not voting, I’ve got something to say to you. By not voting, you are in fact voting, did you know that? By not voting you are in fact voting for a fascism, for hatred, for violence. You are in fact supporting the wholesale destruction of this nation. You are in fact entrenching truly evil, despicable people, and are in fact propping them up into higher positions of power.
Your decision is a profoundly immoral one. It is profoundly self-absorbed and selfish. It is profoundly indecent. Your ignorance of the issues and the monsters working diligently day in and day out to turn America into a one-party dictatorship is no excuse. You cannot plead ignorance, so don’t try. Your ignorance by itself is profoundly immoral at this point. That too is a fact.
I you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. – Rush
Wow. I’ve never before in my life had a writer encapsulate my thoughts–embryonic and fully formed alike–into words so perfectly. I don’t know you (though I’ve met you once as a member of adoring fan throngs on JoCo, and hope to hear you speak on the upcoming Star Trek cruise), but I bet you’d agree that the world would be a better place if more people idolized scientists, teachers, and writers instead of athletes, musicians and actors. Our culture is certainly enriched by sports, music and theatre, so I hope you won’t take offense at the fact that I value you more as a writer than an actor whose work I thoroughly enjoy.
That’s what I came here to say about your post, the rest below is me deciding to keep talking on a tangential topic.
I was just a tap’o’the screen away from posting the first paragraph above when I dropped my phone and lost what I’d typed. D’oh! I quickly retyped and somehow managed to erase it again (clumsy I am). Rather than giving up on saying something nice on the internet, for my third attempt I switched to my laptop. Hold your applause, that was not actually an impressive feat as it was lying within arm’s reach on the bed I haven’t really gotten out of yet today even though it’s nearly sunset. Shut up, don’t judge me, I’m an ER doc, I work shift work, I don’t have to be at work until 3pm tomorrow and I can have a pants-free day if I want. And eat leftover fried chicken in bed. Also I intend to eat leftover Halloween candy later while sitting on the sofa watching tv, so there! 😀
Anyway, I digress. During the delay, I suddenly realized I wish I could start a meme “Keep writing, Wil”. I then immediately felt trepidatious it might trigger a response phrase I try never to utter since I heard it might be hurtful to you. I find it interesting in a bad way how we de-personify celebrities and suddenly it’s okay to say horrible things about/to them. Perhaps now whenever I’m tempted to be the “Duty Calls” XKCD guy when I see trolls poking you on the internet I’ll simply start commenting “Keep writing, Wil” with a link to whatever you’ve written that I feel is an appropriate response. It’s even conceivable this could start an Alice’s Restaurant-style honest to goodness actual movement, and people on the internet will overwhelm the trolls and everyone will be saying “Keep writing, Wil.” Now you may applaud!
And the more I thought about it, the more I realized the phrase was so versatile. One could take it as simple encouragement for a writer I want to see more from, or a new Wil Wheaton meme, or a code phrase to support my Trekkie friends with depression meaning keep slogging away, things will get better. It even works without the comma! (Wil, wil, WIL, wIL, WiL)
Thank you for being you
Live long and prosper,
Dr. Leila
It’s time for people to vote for those that put country before party and not vice versa. This isn’t a football game where people do whatever they can to ‘win’. LIves are involved here. As someone who is trained in wilderness medecine, I don’t ask for someones party affiliation before I treat them.
This tribalism needs to end…. I’m a pragmatist, so vote for the best ideas regardless of party. And I exercise critical thinking skills. If you do your own research and actually THINK about who’s been more divisive, the republican party and Fox news has been by far. Don’t accept anything at face value…
Yes. Thank you for raising your voice.
“Looking at just the last 25 years, we see two presidents who were not elected by the majority of Americans”. Three. Bill Clinton never received a majority. And antisemites? Please, there are no antisemites in the GOP. The antisemites of note (Sarsour, Farakahn, Ellison, Holder, and yes Obama) are all in your party. President Trump’s own grandkids and daughter are Jewish for Spock’s sake. He is beloved by Israel, a country Obama screwed over many times (like in the Iran deal) and a country whose elections Obama illegally tampered with.
Are … are you serious? Are you just ignoring the endless Republican politicians and campaigns that are demonizing and vilifying “globalists” which is a known and accepted synonym for “Jews”? I mean … seriously? Are you ignoring that the man who murdered Jews just recently repeated literal GOP talking points before he killed all those people, specifically because they are Jews?
Go look up literally anything about Iowa’s Steve King, and you will see that he’s such a virulent antisemite, he’s now bragging that he met with one Jewish person so it can’t possibly be true.
Turn off Fox News and stop listening to right wing hate radio. Stop reading conspiracy websites, and start paying attention to the world we all live in, because you are either profoundly misinformed, or you are willingly deceiving yourself.
I need to say this, in 2016 I held my nose and voted for the Democratic candidate even though I had to break a personal vow that I would never vote for HC because I KNEW what the current President IS. I don’t live in the USA, I have that luxury of being at a remove from immediate consequences of this current vote. My family and friends don’t have that luxury, what happens in this vote WILL have an immediate impact on their lives.
Oh what I said at being at a remove from immediate consequences of this vote? This vote will affect the country where I live as the current USA president’s administration continues its bumbling way to disrupt trade agreements and diplomacies that will cause havoc in my adoptive country. Make no mistake, the poison is spreading. It will take not just this vote but all the involvement we can muster to stop the poison spreading and to remove the effects.
I can’t agree with you more, Wil. Thanks for fighting the good fight, raising your voice, and not being afraid to make a stance. I will be voting on Tuesday… maybe I should make a point to wear blue to polls…
Well said, Wil. I’ve already voted (yay me!) and will be spending tomorrow, from a 6AM setup call to the 9PM close down acting as an election judge here in Minnesota. This is my first time doing that… and I feel excited to be part of the system that keeps our elections as fair as possible.
Thank you!