Trump and Vance really put the tyrant in tantrum, didn’t they? Pathetic. Weak, cowardly, sniveling little bullies is all that they are.
I understand that I’m just one person who voted against all of this. I understand that this is just my blog. I understand that when the history of this is written, I will not even be a footnote.
But it is still important to me to go on the public record: The way Trump and Vance treated the President of Ukraine was despicable. It was a betrayal of an ally that is fighting for its very existence. As an American, I am disgusted with the rulers of my country. I am disgusted with their supporters, who ought to be ashamed of themselves.
To the people of Ukraine, I am so sorry. 75 million of us did everything we could to stop this. but there is a white supremacist cancer in America’s blood, and the 2024 election confirmed that it has metastasized. For what it’s worth, I stand with you, as I stand against the tyrants who disrespected your president yesterday.
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How Trump can sit there and just lie and berate a fellow world leader like that and believe the words spewing out of his mouth is just so maddening. And that all of his worshippers suffering from TDS still think he walks on water. Frustrating!!!
110% Agree with you, I was disgusted watching those bullies!
Thank you for saying this. We stand with you.
White Supremacy in America has ALWAYS had voice. Back in the day it hid behind white sheets and weirdly enough the political parties were switched back then. Skinheads weren’t originally associated with Neo Nazis. Now it has many voices & faces that are quite visible in U.S. government. The fact that multiple repugnant repubplicans said Zelensky was grandstanding and being rude (i guess addressing 47 as Mr. President multiple times and being interrupted and spoken over is somehow a characteristic of being rude ??) really disgusts me. It also appears that the white sheet has morphed into a black cap and dark black sunglasses. Sorry for the rant Wil 🤬
Tyranny in any country is disgusting. Thank you for your words.
100% with you on this. Idiotic playground bullies. Zelenskyy has more worth in his pinky than every other “man” in that room put together.
It’s the Fat Man and Little Boy Show, pounding more nails into America’s coffin with “great television.”
We are small alone, but perhaps enough of us small people , together, can count for something?
Agreed, 100%. I donated at to support Ukraine and have bene encouraging everyone who saw that disaster Friday to donate something, even if it’s only $5, to help them.
I couldn’t watch more than a few minutes of it. When trump started waving his little hands and throwing his little tantrum I had to turn it off. I think I could actually feel my blood pressure rising. That orange bloated thing and his sidekicks have made this country the laughing stock of the world. President Zelensky is everything a leader should be. trump and vance aren’t fit to shine that man’s shoes.
I found an accurate analysis of what happened on Facebook:
Trump and his team employed the full spectrum of abusive tactics: gaslighting, victim-blaming, coercion into gratitude, and manipulation of the concepts of peace and diplomacy. This was not a negotiation—it was an attempt to force Zelensky into accepting terms beneficial to the US but potentially fatal for Ukraine.
Gangster methods.
Excellently said, Wil!
Thank you Wil. You’re a great human. We help each other by speaking out. Many snowflakes will create an avalanche. ✊✌️
Absolutely! Well said.
I’m with you and Ukraine, Will. I have never been so appalled by an American president or vp. They are not what the US I grew up in is about. I am fearful for our future.
I’m with you, Wil and so are several million of us Americans who did not vote for this chaos and treason that is on full display for all the world to see. Every single one of our voices count and I thank you for using your platform to help raise us all up. If ever there was a time to speak up, now is it!
So well said. As a human being and as an American i am ashamed of our leadership. We need our courts and our Congress to stop this administration now or as quickly as possible. Write letters, blogs, sign peritions and go to local rallies so your representatives in Congress can see what we believe is the only choice left to us…stop Trump’s oligarchy and despotism.
Totally agree!
So well spoken! I was horrified watching the video of the meeting.