Trump and Vance really put the tyrant in tantrum, didn’t they? Pathetic. Weak, cowardly, sniveling little bullies is all that they are.
I understand that I’m just one person who voted against all of this. I understand that this is just my blog. I understand that when the history of this is written, I will not even be a footnote.
But it is still important to me to go on the public record: The way Trump and Vance treated the President of Ukraine was despicable. It was a betrayal of an ally that is fighting for its very existence. As an American, I am disgusted with the rulers of my country. I am disgusted with their supporters, who ought to be ashamed of themselves.
To the people of Ukraine, I am so sorry. 75 million of us did everything we could to stop this. but there is a white supremacist cancer in America’s blood, and the 2024 election confirmed that it has metastasized. For what it’s worth, I stand with you, as I stand against the tyrants who disrespected your president yesterday.
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Yes! So much this! Thank you for using your voice to amplify ours!
My heart is broken by what has happened in our country. Thank you for speaking clearly and loudly against the evil in residence. Like you, I deeply apologize to the people of Ukraine. I stand with them and against the actions of those who are “leading” this country.
Well said Wil! I agree 100%.
Agreed and well said. I saw this and was just appalled. I heard recently that swastikas are being replaced with red hats and I couldn’t agree more as the days continue on with this crap.
Thank you for being a voice and standing up to bullies.
I am not a religious person, but I say AMEN.
Good for you, Wil. Stay strong against the haters.
Hear! Hear!
I thank you for saying so eloquently what I could not put into words. The cancer in our country must be cut out before it does lasting damage.
YES! Perfectly said.
We are with you Wil. Our way of life, such as it is, is at stake. We are being set up for a coup. This cannot be allowed.
I am so angry and scared and feel helpless with all that is happening. I don’t want to be around people because for every two I see, I know at least one voted for this Diablo. To me, that means they are evil too as ignorance today in such matters is just unacceptable. Would the other side have done an outstanding job? Maybe not but we would have more allies than enemies and friends are important because they support you, and help you through tough times, and care about what happens to you. Friends provide guidance when you are lost. The “friends” this administration wants are evil. They have always been evil. I am truly terrified for all that can and will happen if this administration continues down this path unchecked.
ENOUGH! Arrest Trump and his cronies. Shut down Fox News, OAN, X. Restore our democracy. It is time.
Here Here
Spot on. The behavior of the President and VP was like that of a pair of grade school bullies.
Well said Wil. Rump is nothing but an absolute embarrassment to the country and the office of president. He’s a bully and an overgrown man-baby who throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. He has single handedly destroyed the credibility of the United States and made enemies of every ally we have. I’m a veteran and for the first time in my life I am embarrassed to be an American. Him and his cronies should be removed from office and put out on the street, or preferably prison. Keep fighting the good fight and Slava Ukraini! Glory to the Heroes! 💙💛
Well said, Wil. Thank you for putting the words out there.
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”
Thank you, Will. From a Canadian ally. I’m glad to know we still have allies in the US (even if they can’t seem to do anything about the dumpster fire going on right now). Canada also stands with Ukraine!
Yes to all you said, and glad to see so many public denouncements.
I am appalled at how misinformation has spread so wildly, to transform a good, brave leader of our allies into an enemy, and vise versa. Well said, Wil. Slava Ukraini!
Thank you! This echoes what I feel as well. This administration, both the leadership and those in Congress that enable him, is an embarrassment and against everything America has stood for.
There are millions of us who feel the same way. It’s exhausting. I was delighted when all the European countries stood up for President Zelensky. He actually deserves the title.
At the very simplest, you don’t invite someone to your house and treat them terribly. That’s just common manners that most of us learned early on.
Standing right by your side in solidarity!
It was vile. They ambushed him. And they think it makes them look good. America will be isolated. Allies are betrayed, and somehow they think Putin with stand with them. They are leaving America open to a direct attack. I am very upset with America. On March 4th, Trump will put a 25% tariff on everything you import from Canada. The tariffs will be paid by American consumers, if they can afford our products even. This will devastate our economy short term, but we will prevail and we will find other trade partners. It is likely we will join the EU. Mexico should do that also. I do think Trump is such an asshole it won’t be 25% it will be 50%. Doesn’t matter the effect will be the same. This will destroy the auto industry in both countries. It is and enmeshed industry, parts go back and forth across the border during the manufacturing process dozens of times in the course of making a car. Each time there will be tariffs. As you can bet we will put reciprocal tariffs on. This will not be good for the economies of either country. The Wall Street Journal calls this the stupidest trade war in history. I want him to die (of natural causes). That will leave Vance. He is a snivelling, brown nosing coward, but he is not as stupid as Trump so maybe it would be better.
I agree with you 100%. This cancer is taking over our once respected country and people are signing up for it.
I also stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 and against the Putins and trumps of this world.
Thank you
Yeah that was disgusting behavior, two bullies just yelling at one of the bravest leaders, as a Canadian I can’t imagine what it’s like to be living in America right now
And we stand with you. This crap has gone on long enough. There’s no way this country can survive an entire term of it.
The words I want to use are inappropriate here…the words I will use are this showed even moreso what bottom of the shoe scum this administration is. Your single shout out into the void may not seem to amount to much in the historical context of all this but 75 million of us are shouting with you.
YES! Well said Wil!
Thanks for so eloquently putting my feelings into words
The rest of the world is horrified too. Sadly, they are in their little bubble and don’t care two hoots what anyone thinks – the madder people get, the more they rub their hands with glee. And the outrage and debate has conveniently covered up the executive order he signed about the language of the US. Incidentally, has he done anything other than by executive order? Shouldn’t your congress be involved somewhere – or why are they even there. Sorry – I’m just a Scottish person watching in anguish as your country falls into fascism.
Whole-heartedly agree. I’m disgusted. I no longer call myself an American. I have dual citizenship, now, I’m Italian only.
We are going to go for a hell of a ride with this shit show. Hopefully America will survive.
Love you wrote your opinion so clearly, thank you, ’cause me, and many others here, have your same feelings.
From Italy
I stand with Ukraine.🇺🇦
On Tuesday November 5th , 2024, I thought I had seen the worst decent into madness this country has faced in its history. But then I realized we were only at DEFCON-CRAZY level five. After watching (well I’m not really sure what it was I saw) a press conference between the ‘leader of the free world’ and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, I realized that we have four more levels of DEFCON-CRAZY to go!
What I saw in the Oval Office was a disgusting disgrace. No world leader should ever be attacked and ambushed in the White House to favor and appease a maniacal fascist little dictator hell bent on keeping stolen property. OMG AND WTF!
I am not looking forward to DEFCON-CRAZY level one.
Beautifully put.
It was a despicable display! As a citizen, I did what I could and sent postcards with my thoughts about the Oval debacle to the Chair, Sen. James Risch, and the Ranking Member, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. We need to stand with Ukraine and our democratic allies. Slava Ukraini!
So very much agreed! Despicable behaviour!
That was betrayal, pure and simple. It was more than embarrassing; it was, as you said, despicable.
110% Agree with you, I was disgusted watching those bullies!
Thank you for saying this. We stand with you.
White Supremacy in America has ALWAYS had voice. Back in the day it hid behind white sheets and weirdly enough the political parties were switched back then. Skinheads weren’t originally associated with Neo Nazis. Now it has many voices & faces that are quite visible in U.S. government. The fact that multiple repugnant repubplicans said Zelensky was grandstanding and being rude (i guess addressing 47 as Mr. President multiple times and being interrupted and spoken over is somehow a characteristic of being rude ??) really disgusts me. It also appears that the white sheet has morphed into a black cap and dark black sunglasses. Sorry for the rant Wil 🤬
Tyranny in any country is disgusting. Thank you for your words.
100% with you on this. Idiotic playground bullies. Zelenskyy has more worth in his pinky than every other “man” in that room put together.
It’s the Fat Man and Little Boy Show, pounding more nails into America’s coffin with “great television.”