All posts by Wil

Author, actor, producer. On a good day, I am charming as fuck.

Audition Update

Audition Update

If you’ve read the old weblog, you may remember an entry I made about some auditions. Here is the status of those auditions:
The Young Person’s Guide To Being A Rockstar: I was “in the mix”, which is Hollywoodspeak for “we’re considering you until someone bigger comes along”. Apparently, someone bigger came along.
Waiting…: I had the audition for this last week, and the casting director told me that the director has someone in mind, but she thought I did such a great job, she was going to send the director my tape, and try to change his mind. Since it’s been a week, I guess he was pretty committed. However, this is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever read. Ever. I really hope the guy they cast gets gangrene (and recovers, of course), so that they call me and put me in it.
Rules of Attraction: This is my friend Roger Avary’s movie, based on Brett Easton Ellis’ novel. Roger and I have been friends since I worked on Mr. Stitch with him. We talked about three weeks ago, and Roger offered me the COOLEST ROLE EVER in the film, A Junkie Named Marc.
So Tuesday, I went in to read the part, I guess because the producers of the film are making everyone read (or, more likely, Roger wanted to be sure that I didn’t suck, and is too nice a guy to say that to me).
Anyway, I went in a read, and I still haven’t heard anything back…so….I dunno…guess I shouldn’t be shopping for that PS2 just yet.



So now that the site is launched, I can talk about the horror of getting it all done, and stuff.
The past 6 weeks have been really fun, and really hard, too. My family has grown to lothe my computer, and I can’t even mention IM to my poor wife…
My step-kids and I have this deal: whenever I curse, I give them a quarter. So if I’m walking into the house and stub my toe, and say, “Ow! Monkeyfucker!”, and they hear me, they just chime, in unison, “Quarter, Wil!”.
Let me tell you something, I’ve just tallied up how much I owe them for the past 6 weeks of site building…the little creeps are going to be able to buy a car!
So far, I haven’t been overwhelmed with emails, but the ones that I have gotten have been SO COOL!
Everyone has had really nice things to say, and lots of people have offered help, and advice. So to you guys, and you know who you are, Thank you!!
A note on the Email situation: we’ve been able to set it up so that it gets delivered right to me, but right now it’s working as a relay, so I can’t reply to anyone. But I’m talking with the cool guys who host me, and we’re gonna fix it.
In the mean time, please enjoy the autoresponse. 🙂

Bowling for Booty

Bowling for Booty

Last night, my brother’s fiancee had a party for him at this REALLY cool bowling alley, near where we grew up. The place only has 8 lanes, and you have to keep score yourself on little sheets of acetate, which get projected up onto the wall…Jeremy decided that he wanted to have a pirate theme, so he called his party “Bowling for Booty”, and made everyone wear eye patches. He also played the ride music from “Pirates of the Carribbean” over and over. And over.
It was really fun. Jeremy’s 25 now.

Where is my mind?

This site was last updated on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 6:21 PM PST.

If this is your first time here, please read this.

If you’re a Star Trek fan, you’d probably like the saga of SpongeBob Vega$Pants.
I had an old weblog, that I kept at the old site. If you want to read that, it’s here. I even left the old, ugly styles, so you can see how far I’ve, er, come, or something.