Hey look, Legendary decided to release Season 4 of Tabletop tomorrow … sort of.
The first two episodes of the season will be on YouTube as usual, then Legendary’s moving the show to their Alpha subscription service.
The show will continue to stream on Alpha, and then, on January 30, 2017, the Alpha exclusivity window will end, and show will pick back up on YouTube with episode 3. So if you choose not to sign up for Legendary’s streaming subscription service, that’s when you’ll be able to find our show where it’s always been.
At the moment, I can’t really share my personal feelings on this whole thing, but I’m pretty sure that I can say this: however and whenever and wherever you choose to watch our show, I hope you enjoy it. It’s a good season, and I’m really proud of it.
Here’s the trailer for S04:
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Excited to see TableTop returning whilst cursing the Chinese Legendary Overlords under my breath. I understand that it doesn’t matter how we view (if we watch on Alpha, they can’t tell the people who subscribed because of TableTop and don’t care because the money is green). I understand in some respects why they put the paywall up, ‘cuz stuff is expensive and ad revenue can only get you so much. I dropped DirecTV because I couldn’t rationalize paying $$/month for limited numbers of shows I had interest in. I don’t need to be replacing that with $5/month here, $5/month there for one show on each digital network. Is the Amazon/iTunes store model so broken that we can’t buy shows like this a la carte (rhetorical, I know you don’t have a hand in the executive decisions being made here)?
Regardless the $ create a barrier that’s counter to the spirit behind the show (yes, I know, it is “free” on a 3 month delay). Still frustrating that the first run of a show meant in large part to broaden appeal of games to non/casual gamers is locked behind a paywall for a site catered to hard-core gamers.
Preaching to the choir I know but the most maddening thing to me about this is the potential impact this mess may have on your desire to continue on with a Season 5. I know it was a tough slog to commit to season 4 after the “issues” with season 3. Was excited to see you excited for season 4 as you got into it, and to have this happen…well…
To end on a bright note: Wil, THANK YOU for TableTop. It has broadened our gaming horizons and because of it we have games we never would have considered before watching. Looking forward to Season 4 whenever the Chinese Overlords see fit to allow us to see it for free (or $/episode) and hoping beyond hope you will continue with it, to help inspire more people to PLAY MORE GAMES!
I agree that a show that asked for donations from their audience (i.e. me) in order to continue production would then ask us to pay to view the show. I understand it is a “short” delay of 3 months, but after the show has already been pushed back several months, this whole situation has tainted the show. I love TableTop and it has allowed me to open up a whole new world of gaming, but I will not be donating anything to the show in the future. I wonder if the Alpha viewing profits will offset the loss of donations.
Please know that it isn’t the show’s fault, and your exact concern was raised, by me, in more than one meeting with Legendary. This was not my decision, or a decision made by anyone who MAKES tabletop. This decision was entirely made at a level above all of our heads, and we had no say in it at all.
I was a casual “gamer” having had bad experiences in my youth with my father and in my early 20’s with Magic The Gathering. Within the last year, I played Catan for the first time and rediscovered why I entered into those bad experiences. The love of the games. Even so, until I watched TableTop (specifically the Libertalia episode with Seth Green) I wasn’t a true Gamer. Now my wallet hates you! 😀 I have introduced my Catan friends to TableTop and between the King of Tokyo episode and the Epic Spell Wars episode you have hooked all of them. (They seem to love your voices). I cannot wait for new episodes. Thank you for TableTop. Thank you for games. My kids thank you too, they are now addicted gamers.
Will is awesome, My friends and family love TableTop and Games!
I just was emailed the wish list from my kids for Christmas. All games from TT. Are you sure I asked? Yup and can we get (insert game name) to play at Thanksgiving. Thanks Will for getting our faces out of the phones. Looking forward to this season and many more.
I suspected something like this was probably coming, due to the numerous delays in the season 4 release. So it isn’t entirely unexpected. And we have to face the fact that monetizing online content is just a fact of life from now on. I’ve loved this show since I first found it, my wife and army of children love it, and it has really helped kickstart my weekly family gaming sessions. I signed up for the Alpha trial, but haven’t received the follow-up email, so I don’t know what the payment options or plans are just yet. Flat out, this show deserves to be seen, and I’ll keep supporting it in any way possible. I hope this strategy doesn’t sour you on future seasons, or at least you get up to the Abed mantra, “Six seasons and a movie.”
I feel so confused right now.
I got into Tabletop around season 2 I think. I hadn’t heard of any of the board games, and now I have a huge collection and it’s one of my favorite hobbies. First and foremost, thank you Wil for giving me a new and awesome hobby that I will hopefully enjoy for the rest of my life. Seriously. No sarcasm here.
I’m confused about this whole Alpha thing. My interaction with the community is basically that I watch Tabletop mostly on Youtube (I use an Xbox One for most of my viewing, I don’t like watching things at my computer as much), and I don’t interact with Twitch. Alpha sounds like it’s geared towards Twitch viewers.
So, until this is out “for real” a couple months from now, my option is to pay for a service that is more limiting in how I can watch it? (I assume here that there is no Xbox One app yet).
Okay… fine. That’s strange. I went to sign up and it’s by invite only. What? A paywall service that’s invite only is airing a new season of one of my favorite previously-free shows?
I 100% understand this is a top-down decision, but I just feel… confused. Who thought this was a good idea on any level? It sounds like the people calling the shots don’t understand their viewers, community, audience, or customers.
Yes. I want to say many things about this, but all I can do is observe that you are correct.
It seems the powers to be (thought owned by Wil, and Felicia but might explain Felicia stepping back and any content with her seems gone. ) that they are trying to follow like HBO-GO and other online streaming pay per view services. Saddened that I will have to wait 3 months to see it instead of searching. The back streets looking for a copy. Our group has felt lost since D&D moved from 2.5 and Tabletop has allowed us to have a game night once again… Thank you again for Tabletop, after the kickstarter was so successful to allow you “more creative freedom” as you put it, your are schakled but whoever thought this was a good business decision. (As it sounds like it wasn’t your choice?)
Must be a little demoralising seeing the end result of creativity having the tar kicked out of it by business decisions. You should start your own channel that way you play games and show them when you want how you want in the format you want ( just don’t call it tabletop call it fun with meeples or something )
Just wanted to say I’m excited to see what’s in store for season 4! I’ve purchased a few games after seeing them featured on Table Top (it really is a great way to be introduced to the rules of a game), especially when I I’m looking for something that will will fun for my daughter to join in with.
Not sure if this is ok or not… Can I ask which two games will be played first. I hope one of them is Fury of Dracula because it goes oop starting January….
Like so many others, I’d like to thank you so much for TableTop, Wil. I am (and have been) really looking forward to discovering all the games you’ll be showing us in the coming months. Your show helped me get back into board gaming, and I’ve infected a few others too. And, whether I think the games are good ones for me and my friends or not, I’m looking forward to being entertained for the 30-odd minutes of each and every new episode.
FInally, I suspect we all know how you feel about this season’s release. I’d like to again join my voice to others in saying this: should you decide you need to crowdfund a future season, my wallet will be here for you, just like it was for season 3.
Totally agree would crowdfund if that’s the model however I understand the alpha thing too. Gotta speak with your dollar and my dollar backs tabletop however I have to get it
So Mr Wheaton… you wish to say many things….? I can only imagine dude!
I’ve got a couple things to say too… for myself, my kids and my games club… PLEASE don’t let all this drive you away from doing more, whether it’s tt5 or ‘as yet unnamed show season 1’. TBH I’d prefer to see you in control of the whole damn thing (and the USA in general). You know full well that our crowdfunding awaits you :).
You the man!
SQUEEE! Thanks Wil – I know it’s been a slog for you but I’m very happy to see new TableTop in my life, however it comes!
Also, HOLY CARP you lost weight – congrats! I mean, I knew you probably had with the whole life reset thing, but wow! I know it means there’ll probably never be another Wootstout, but if that’s the price of you being healthier then I still give it a hearty thumbs-up. All the best for carrying it on!
As someone that contributed $100+ for the Indigogo for season 3 because I really enjoyed the show seasons 1 and 2 and I wanted and still want more Tabletop and other shows like it, I’d just like to say to Legendary, I’ll be glad to watch the episodes in January.
Keep up the good work, Wil.
I sound ungrateful in my above post and that is not the case. I am very grateful and mention the Indigogo campaign for Season 3 to show that I believe in the show. I just disagree with this distribution model which is counter to the shows mission to get people to play more games. At least episodes will be available in January.
I would gladly crowdfund a Season 6 rather than support the paywall being placed in front of this excellent show. As @dangrossdrums said already, “…frustrating that the first run of a show meant in large part to broaden appeal of games to non/casual gamers is locked behind a paywall for a site catered to hard-core gamers.” I know a lot goes into the production of these episodes… the sets, directing, cameras, sound, graphics, FX, studio rental, editing… everything costs. And the production value of these episodes is way higher than you would expect from a web series. Congrats and Kudos to @wilw for being classy even in the face of these trying circumstances.
Yeah, that’s not even the audience for the show. I’m pretty sure the only hard-core gamers who watch us are doing it to complain about it on Reddit.
Depending on your definition of the term, I think TableTop made me a hardcore gamer. Between the number of games I’ve acquired since the show started, including several I kickstarted, the number of prototypes I designed, and the number of people I’ve got to play and buy games with me, “casual” doesn’t seem appropriate, but I still enjoy your show greatly. In truth, most of the games you feature don’t interest me enough to warrant a purchase, but I still enjoy seeing you all playing them and having a grand time. No complaints here 🙂
Hi Wil,
Never commented before but I just wanted to say that I will wait patiently for the other episodes to be on youtube. I have been a fan of Tabletop since season 1 and I will not let the poor business decisions of an insecure and idiotic executive ruin my enjoyment of a series I know you have worked hard on and put in a lot of heart and soul. I am sorry you are facing the backlash, it is unfair and simply further shows the cowardice of those who are truly responsible for these decisions for not stepping forward and taking the heat like they should.
Thanks for all your effort and this amazing series.
Thank you Wil.
Other people have already expressed (probably more eloquently than I could at the moment) the alpha disappointment and our support for you.
I just wanted to add my voice to that.
We love Tabletop.
We can tell you are rightfully proud of it and we are grateful to you for your work and dedication to the show.
Please don’t let the negative corporate aspect taint your taint your view of the show.
You know that you have positively affected many people’s lives through Tabletop.
We, the fans, will continue to support you and the show.
Firstly, thank you so much for all the wonderful shows, and for introducing me and my loved ones to so many wonderful games. My games shelf had to become a game closet as a result of your work. Thank you. Others here have made most of the points I could have about the “Alpha situation.” I just wanted to say I am sorry that this has happened to your wonderful creation, and I hope you know how many lives you have touched with it. It is a strong sign of how beloved your show is that the higher ups held it hostage for 4 months to launch their pay channel. I would d happily pay $5.00 a month to watch Tabletop, but I don’t want to positively reinforce this business model, so I look forward to watching the rest next year. Again, thank you for all your work and for sharing your love of the game.
I’m really looking forward to the first two episodes of Table Top, Wil. It’s always been a must-watch show for me and episode 1 was fantastic. Watched it first thing when I woke up. I’ve missed Overlord so much too, but I haven’t had time for G&S twitch, let alone HyperRPG.
Thanks for making this show for us. 🙂
yeeeeeeahhh Tabletop new season!!! I wish to watch another season of Titansgrave also!!!!
wait a moment…Alpha? subscriptions? limited access…maybe january…. G&S sold to another company… oh no, I have bad feelings about this.
now what? president Trump ? °__°
Thanks Wil, I do enjoy your show. I feel for all the thought and conviction you have put in to the production of these episodes. I understand the Alpha paywall however I am not a fan of it and will not pay for it. I wish you would have struck a deal with Netflix as I already give them cash every month. I realize there are costs to put on shows with this high of production value, I just wish there were other revenue streams to feed the industry. Hopefully the board game industry will continue to grow and eventually there will be a spot in a revenue stream that can support quality programming like yours. Being an avid gamer and having over 150 games I never stop to think how small the hobby gaming industry is as compared to the video game industry. You just don’t see the game companies spending money on advertisements or commercials like video games, maybe it’s because there is no real network/channel dedicated to board games or maybe the industry is just too small. One thing is for sure this great hobby will never grow without people like you. Your celebrity has helped push the popularity of games at a faster rate than any other game related expert could ever hope to. People who criticize you and pressure you to make more of these shows need to step back and realize you started this as a passion not a career, the work you put into these shows is a full time job and if it was your only source of income you would not be able to support a family. Frankly I don’t think you are making any money from this project I have to believe you are doing it because you enjoy it. Maybe someday you will get some support from the game companies that you are effectively doing infomercials for.
Thanks again and I am glad your back for a season 4.
You know something though Wil, I’m so happy to see a Season 4 made that it doesn’t bother me too much that I’ve got to wait an extra few months. It’s worth it. End of story. There were over 20,000 (maybe I should write it out in full for the impact… TWENTY THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN of us!) of us that coughed up our money, in advance, to help Season 3 go ahead. Do you really think we’re going to abandon you now over only a couple of months? … That’s right, not a chance. We’ll still be here. Just like we’ll be here for Season 5. And Season 6. And as long as you’re happy to keep making this show (and making the games producers crave your attention), we’ll be there to watch it.
May I share your feelings on the matter with everyone since you’re probably contractually obligated to nod your head and smile?
I’m speculating that Wil thinks this is a bad idea. It is bad for the consumers of the show – shoehorning them into using a niche service they have no desire to use. It will also be bad for legendary.
Similar situation on a larger scale: In Canada, the two major cable networks did something similar when “competing” with netflix. They created their own streaming services for shows they had bought up rights to. They offered it in cable “bundles” for a nominal price. After barely more than a year, one of those streaming services is shuttering due to massive losses. They hadn’t asked the simple question: If I pay netflix $10/mo for thousands of great shows and movies, does it make sense to pay $7/mo for 50-100 shows and movies? No, it does not.
Lesson: it’s hard to compete with the economies of scale of a mass distributor of content provided at value.
Here’s another vote for the following dual truths: I will contribute $100 to a crowd-funded Season 5, duplicating my contribution for Season 3; and I will not subscribe to a pay channel for this series. Execs at Legendary are no doubt baffled by this.
Love Tabletop but I stand against Alpha and everything it represents. I will gladly wait to watch the new episodes. With that being said if you can get tabletop away from LDN and Alpha I’m sure many including myself would crowd fund a new season. #BOYCOTT ALPHA
Hey Wil, i’m only echoing at this point, but if you take anything from this wall of messages, make it this: we love ya and don’t let them get you down. PS I’m around chapter 17 of ‘Ready Player One’, you were born to narrate that book.
I’m a little concerned with this turn of events regarding TableTop. I understand the why, and don’t blame anyone for it. I’m just disappointed in some respect. (I know I can wait a few months for the actual freebie releases, but still … it’s intolerable considering how much my son and I enjoy TableTop lol)
Regardless, I will continue to support you and TableTop, for all the good that you do for gaming families. Seriously, you are a shining beacon. And my 8-year old (how long has it been since I first starting posting here???) absolutely adores TableTop, and constantly asks me when we’ll be getting the “next Wil Wheaton game.”
Strapped on cash though, so I’m a little concerned, but I’m looking to factor it into my budget. You do a great service, and I will always be grateful for it. Keep on doing what you do best, and you will always have two great fans following you. We love you, and all that you do.
Thank you, sir! And if I can be so bold: “Peace, and long life.”
I’d rather just give you $15 straight up for the whole season…
I am so mad about this Alpha garbage. LDN is ruining GnS. I want to unsub from the twitch channel
8 days left to Tabletop! I’m so pumped about this!
Thanks for Tabletop, Wil.
what is going on with Tabletop… only part of Ep 4??????