As a general rule, I do not enjoy party games. Codenames is one of those delightful games that is the exception to the rule.
Codenames is an incredibly fun communication game that can support up to around five players per team before it starts to get messy. I highly recommend it.
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Some poor soul is gonna google that, you know.
Here’s some famous guy quoting some other famous guy.
LOVED this ep of Tabletop.
This was fun! Thanks for brightening a boring work trip.
I want to start a web series called “Chinese People React to Chinese People Reacting.”
Who wants to Indiegogo it?
(Don’t worry. I’ll probably lose interest in this idea by noon, local time).
I recently put out the fire on a big pile of shit and…I gotta say, it wasn’t that satisfying. I think I’d rather save you from drowning.
This was a great Tabletop !!!
I dislike Codenames, but that was still fun. I’m glad I got to play this before you showed it, I probably would have bought it and hated it, and it would have been your fault.
Check out the picture version! I found it to be a lot more fun and difficult. The pictures are strange and a real challenge to describe and have it apply to multiple cards without overlapping into the wrong ones. A ton of cards, double sided, and nearly limitless arrangements and assortments that every single game is unique.
Favorite episode yet. Everyone was a hoot, and I especially enjoyed John Ross Bowie’s side comments.
I’m so glad, a few days ago i was like “hmm i wonder if there’s a codenames episode” because i have this game but i wasn’t sure how to play. I’m sure i could’ve figured it out, but i suck at direction reading, I’m usually like “hi random person you read these directions and explain them to me” but the one time i suggested we play everyone wanted to play metaquilt, which is fine because i also like that game, i like party games and word games which you don’t, which is fine. now i feel like i actually understand what i’m suppose to do, also i just finished a bottle of prosecco so i’m a bit rambly.
Hi Wil!
First off, thank you for everything you and Anne have done. Not just the entertaining moments, but also, the encouraging moments. I have viewed you both through the lens of both entertainment and online for a while now, and as often as I have wanted to send a message, or a funny (hopefully funny) comment in response to something, my own privacy has always won out. (By the way, if you all are ever in Vancouver, let me know – I know fun places for games and food and NOLA hospitality is in my blood!)
Anyway, the reason I am finally writing now, is I am wondering if you know of any organizations sending games or organizing playgroups and activities for the people – children and the children at heart – of southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. As a Katrina survivor myself, I know that the journey these folks and families are facing is only just beginning. I, myself, although no longer living in the area, am still trying to reach many friends I know there. Some are people who relocated from the New Orleans area after Katrina, and others are those who helped and aided me after Katrina. Their long road is just starting, and it isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon you feel you have to run as fast as you can. There are still so many rescues that need to be done, so many people still trapped in their waterlogged and destroyed homes, and once they are out, they will spend potentially months of waiting in shelters with nothing to distract them from their situation and children climbing the walls with nothing to do. Once they are able to return to their homes, the cleanup begins – a cleanup that could take many more months or even years (yes, there are still properties hit by Katrina that are still blighted and moldy 12 years later). And it is a cleanup that must be planned and carried out carefully as there are dangers that are present in these damaged homes now. The first priority is rescue – absolutely! Then shelter, food, clean water, clean clothing, showers, and a bed. After that, however, those who are displaced are stuck in a surreal limbo that the brain has trouble wrapping itself around. It variably doesn’t seem real, then is all too real. Believe me, the people of the affected areas need a lot right now. And as silly as this statement may seem right now, something they need is distraction, activity, purpose, and entertainment.
Now I have prattled on for far too long, but if you know of anyone who is going down there and doing this, it would be a great help. So, please let us all know.
Thank you
My husband and I were at a Chic-F-lay on Bass Road off I-75, Macon, Ga. a day or so ago, if we didn’t see you, you should know you have a twin who was signing autographs!
Sorry, that should be Chik-fil-A
Woah. Someone was pretending to be me? And signing things? That’s … a weird choice.
I almost hate to ask but,..Is there going to be a season 5 Tabletop?
If not would you consider continuing the show under a different name?
I was happy to contribute to the crowd funded season and would do so again if that is what it would take to continue the show.
Thanks for continuing to produce this fantastic show. The old G&S was one of those YouTube channels I turned to after I split up with my wife of 20 years and I spent many a night watching TableTop, The Flog, The Guild, etc. I miss the old G&S but I love that TableTop is still around and still top tier content. Thanks for what you do for the community.
Every time I play Codenames with friends one of my friends uses “Nugent” as a code name for several words, all loosely related to Ted Nugent. We’ve gotten as far as “Nugent, five” with getting the most words correct just with that one word.
We’ve been playing Codenames with our family and loving it. Except at our house it’s not know as Codenames. Two Christmases ago my mother-in-law saw the box and thought it was some sort of imported game that my oldest son had brought for everyone to play. She said something like, “Oh, Code-A-Nam-Ess, that sounds interesting.” And that is how everyone in my family pronounces it to this day!
Did he just say “Play more ganes!” at the end? Like, with the m and n thing with lime? Or is my brain overactive?
Just dusted off an old book, and must recommend it. If you were a geek (or even geek adjacent) in high school, you need to read “Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars” by Daniel Pinkwater.
If some random dude on the internet (me) isn’t enough of an endorsement, how about Cory Doctorow, in the bibliography for Little Brother:
“Daniel Pinkwater’s towering comic masterpiece, “Alan Mendelsohn: The Boy From Mars” (presently in print as part of the omnibus “5 Novels,” Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997) is a book that every geek needs to read. If you’ve ever felt like an outcast for being too smart or weird, READ THIS BOOK. It changed my life.”
I’m still looking for Samuel Klugash so I can learn to travel to “The Bronx”, if you know what I mean.
I’ll second the “Alan Mendelsohn” recommendation! One of my favorite childhood books, one I’ve reread MANY times. Pinkwater is a mad genius!
Giving the clue “baseball” when “game” is not one of the words is totally something I would do. I once gave the clue “Vegas” (trying to get my teammates to guess “New York” and “Paris”) … without noticing that “Casino” was on the board.
And was the assassin.
At least the game was short…
Just picked up the Pictures and Duet versions of Codenames last weekend at DragonCon. Pictures is very cool, haven’t tried Duet yet..
Y’all hear that? We usin’ codenames.
“Play more ganes.” ISWYDT
Hahahaha oh I am so embarrassed.
I heard that in my head in Grover’s voice.
That’s the voice I used, so everything’s coming up Millhouse!