It was an incredible honor and privilege to contribute a story to this anthology. We were given the opportunity to write a story about a minor character in the Star Wars universe, and I chose the guy who watches ships fly away from the rebel base.
My editor pointed out that one of the guys (who I call Rebel Base Bucket Guy, because that amuses me) is already named, so my Rebel Base Bucket Guy is a different guy. I have to point this out, because the Star Wars Nerds are going to force choke me if they think I renamed their canonical Rebel Base Bucket Guy.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun to write, and I titled it for my friend, Laina, who is best known for her hilarious YouTube videos.
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Great tweet Wil,XD🤣
I’m looking forward to reading it.
On my reading list!
“He didn’t believe in the Force . . . except for the unrelenting force pressing on his full bladder and aching feet after standing in this bucket for 12 hours.”
Looking forward to the sequel story, where Laina gets pulled into a game of Cards Against The Galaxy and is shocked at how profane their friends are. “Okay, here’s my story about Spicy Dick Blue Milk…”
This is awesome!
That is the coolest of cool – congratulations! 🙂
Looking forward to a good read. Thanks for the update.
I think “canonical_rebelbasebucketguy” might need to be my secret Tumblr ID.
Kudos to Laina! She is funny and fun.
Most excellent.
Oh, and as a Star Wars nerd, I’m cool with “Rebel Base Bucket Guy.” It works. 🙂
Congratulations, Wil! This anthology looks just phenomenal! Is it silly that I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy and prideful for you?
This book has been on my radar for a while, great to know you’ve contributed Mr Wheaton!
I always wondered how the guy got up there. I have visions of the Alliance bending the pole over like a spring and then him jumping in before they release it…
And very good point raised about certain….biological activities…he might need to perform. Crane drivers at docks have the same problem. (They take an empty bottle, I choose to believe)
I just put the book and audiobook on hold at my library. Did you read your own story for the audio?
I didn’t. I wanted to, but we couldn’t make a business deal that worked.
Awww SNAP! It’s being released on my birthday!!!!!! That is too awesome! Can’t wait to read it!
Super cool!!
Getting for my our house for xmas! What a neat idea!
I picked up ‘From A Certain Point of View’ a few days ago, and plowed right through it. I loved all of the stories that humanized the nameless faces of The Empire, and especially the ones that highlight the losses suffered by the people fighting for the Rebellion, even amidst one of their greatest victories. Then I reached your story, ‘Laina’. I had been watching for your name on the chapter pages, anticipating reading this story since you posted this article. Now that I’ve read it, all I can think is, “Wil Wheaton is a no-good, evil son-of-a-b&*ch.” You can’t leave me hanging like this, it’s just not fair!! There’s not enough points of continuity in the story to precisely plot the location on the Rogue One > Battle of Yavin timeline!! Reading every other story in the book, I was able to reach the end of the story, finish it and move on with my life, but YOU!! You’ve left ambiguity, and I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO LAINA! When, exactly, did that transport leave??!!! ARRRRRGGHHHH!!!!!
Seriously though… great story, one of the best in the book. It is absolutely the one I am thinking about the most now, having finished all of them.
Thank you! I, too, hope she is okay, and hope they are reunited.
All the stories are put in the the book matching up with the time line of the movie and since that story was placed right around the time the Death Star fired… Well, I think we know what happened to her.
Interesting book to get.
Damn you… I read that story and it was already heartbreaking, but then you had to add that ONE line, I won’t spoil it for others, but you know what you did. I was listening to it on audio book.. in tears and when the story ended I yelled in my car “F*** you Wil Wheaton!”
So yeah, great job! Good story