I did this interview with Wired News about 2 weeks ago, and it’s running today.
I am just beyond happy.
I spent quite a bit of time talking with Noah Shactman, who wrote the story, and it seems like he really ‘gets’ me, and what this whole thing is about.
I’ve also done an interview with Salon, and People magazine is coming over this afternoon to take pictures for a feature story they’re going to be running very soon.
It’s just weird, all this stuff that’s going on in my life right now…I’ve spent the last few years just doing my own thing, you know? Enjoying being married, raising kids, working on a few movies here and there, but mostly just writing and doing things I’ve always wanted to do, like sketch comedy and improv…and now that I’m ready to make a return to movies and TV, those opportunities are presenting themselves to me. I think a lot of it has to do with me being ready to balance my family and acting responsibilities and desires. A year ago, I really just wanted to be with my wife and step-kids, and that’s what I did. I wasn’t ready for success as an actor again…but now that I’m ready for it, it seems to be happening. Glad the Universe is listening to me. At least for now. 🙂
I had a meeting with a VERY big casting director last week, and he started out the meeting by telling me that
I was totally wrong for this project, but he really respected me as an actor, so he’d talk with me, since I
was already there…then, after we’d spoken for about 10 minutes, he told me that he was totally wrong about me. He said that I was smart and funny, and I held myself very well, and lots of people were aware of my work, so I would be right after all. His exact words were: “Well, Wil, you’ve completely changed my mind about you.”
How cool is that?
Changing people’s minds is exactly what I’ve been wanting to do, and this Wired article sort of validates that, and so does the meeting I had last week. That meeting yieldied a test deal, and we’re just trying to work out the details.
I read the script for Star Trek X last night.
Holy shit.
Holy, Holy, Holy shit.
It’s easily, far and away, the best Trek movie since maybe “Wrath of Khan”? Certainly the best TNG movie. I am so excited to be in this movie, I can’t even begin to describe it. Matter of fact, I’m so excited that I’ve decided to go ahead and write another installment in the SpongBob Vega$ Pants saga! That should be up later
tonight, or tomorrow.
I talked to Brent Spiner yesterday, and he told me how excited they are that I’m going to be working with them. I’m gong to call Rick Berman today, and tell him “Thank you” and let him know how excited I am…I’m really, really nervous about that phone call…so hold a good thought for me.
I am having my final costume fitting tonight, and I work Wednesday and Thursday. I will take all the pictures I can get away with, and I’ll post them when I get the OK from Paramount.
We’re completing the move to the new server tonight. When that happens, I’ll be able to move all the old GM
entries to Movable Type, and that stuff will be available again.
I’ve had to take the Soapbox offline until the move is finished, and I’m still fixing the gallery. Please check the update page for info about that stuff.