Hey party peopole!
I’m doing this thing that I think is really, really funny, and cool: I’m sponsoring the “Weblog of the Millennium” in the anti-bloggies!
See, in their rules, the antibloggies clearly state that I’m not even eligible, and since they’re anti-, and since WWDN recieved so many bloggies…I just thought it was very funny, and stuff for me to sponsor that category. So you should head on over and nominate some cool sites, that aren’t WWDN.
How about that Super Bowl? I missed most of it because I was working, but I’m so glad that New England won…way to go Underdogs!
I did get to see this one commercial, that said that if you use drugs, you’re supporting terrorism, which is nice, because I thought that giving 43 million dollars to the Taliban to kill opium poppies was supporting terrorism, but TV learned me good.
Speaking of Emperor Bush, how about that new budget? Yay! Defecit spending is back! We’re gonna party like it’s 1989! Pick up your Rubik’s Cube, and put some shoulder pads in your T-shirt!
I mean, I didn’t think Bush could do much better than declaring war on the entire world in his State of the Union address, or trying to sneak in another broadside against women’s rights to control their own bodies…but he totally went and did it! That crazy G.W…you never know what he’ll do next!
Darnit. I totally have to leave for work now, just as I was getting my sarcasm mojo workin’
I hope everyone has a great day.
Try this: hold a door open for a stranger today. It’s a nice thing to do 🙂
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I agree with Mandi on this one. Especially when the woman has made the choice to have sex. That was her choice. Now the government is suppose to say that was a bad choice, so here’s an option for you, have an abortion. I think this is just one example out hundreds of the goverment wasting tax payer money. Just my opinion.
I just wanted to let you know that I’m thankful that someone else is paying attention to the stupidity that seems to be running rampant during Emperor Bush’s reign! Just making sure I wasn’t going crazy.
Now I’m just going to sit back and wait for him to declare WWIII, officially crown himself emperor and wipe all intelligence off this planet.
Thanks… I’m done ranting for now.
It would be nice if every woman who wound up pregnant and alone fully understood the risks in advance of that “moment of passion.” Unfortunately, many don’t. They get their sex education from buddies the same age and maybe a television show or two. Many parents just say, “Don’t do it” and that’s all the info they get. School? Not too many are allowed to educate on sexuality, and those that do find that kids are opted out by their parents who want to teach it themselves. Of course, what they teach is, “Don’t do it” and nothing else. The results are obvious.
If you think outlawing abortion saves babies, you are pitifully wrong. You have only to look at the “prom mom” case in New Jersey, and the many, many instances of newborn murder and abandonment throughout the country to see the sad result of young girls who don’t have abortions out of fear of parental notification laws alone. These girls don’t think adoption, they don’t think through much at all, and full-term, birthed babies, who no one can argue are alive or not, are killed. We will be inundated with these murders, or the deaths of girls giving birth in bathroom stalls like the poor young college student in recent news. Does this help anyone? Does this save the mothers or the children? No.
Increase sex education in schools, camps, libraries, clubs…everywhere that kids can be reached. Increase television and radio play of condom ads and birth control messages. Above all, keep abortion legal, private, and unrestricted. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t have one, but don’t dictate to the rest of the world. We ain’t have’n it.
I have to side with the pro-choice gang on all this – of course, where I live, a woman has the right to choose about what goes on in her body. Has had that right since 1969. Abortion is used for various reasons, none of which anyone who is not female would really understand. If a fetus is gonna be called a legal person, than is a live person a “pre-deceased human”? To quote some woman I wish I could remember the name of: “get your laws off my body”. No one has a right to choose but the individual who it involves. Last time I checked, men could not bear children.
And cheers, Wil, for being a Democrat when all seem to be against the very notion. And don’t get me wrong, I think children are great, but the I refer to the ones that are wanted. (this place does claim to be open to debate, so any bashers please try to keep the language clean.
For starters, I’m amazed that everyone has to go off on the abortion issue instead of the whole voting for some blog about cheese, cats or me.
That’s a bummer, but I’ll throw my damn hat in, anyway.
Before we focus on the issue of sex education and abortion, perhaps we should focus on the issue of parenting.
I don’t know about most of you, but I know that my father used a firm hand…he wasn’t abusive, but when I was out of line, I knew it, and my rear-end knew it.
Dear lord, this could go on forever, so I’ll stop. The point is, while the abortion issue is a hot topic, and even hotter topic should be the education of people for how they should BE parents…not a handbook or a Dr. Spock, but more along the lines of what it truly means to have a child and what the sacrifices are.
And then, maybe people will understand how important an issue like abortion could be.
But until everyone starts getting a little more granular in the scenarios, it really doesn’t add up to me.
Those of you with (step) children, I commend you, maybe.
Got a wacky idea – why not extend the health care coverage to the pregnant mothers intead of saying it’s for unborn children and leaching it off children’s health care — you know, the women who actually go to the doctors and receive the care? I know when I went for prenatal care it was 90% all about me.
C’mon people, as it’s so important for women to receive excellent prenatal care then lobby your states on behalf of WOMEN. If it really does mean that much to all of us, then create a provision in state’s medicare programs for women’s prenatal care that raises the annual household income to what it is for CHIP. How bad would that be?
I understand it’s to take advantage of the current programs, but I do believe that this is a bullshit political manouver.
Updated Texas Rankings Under Bush:
1st in Children without Health Insurance %…1st in Toxic Air Releases…1st in Smog Days (Houston)…1st in poorest counties(3)…3rd in Hunger %…5th in Highest Teen Birth Rate…41st in Breast Cancer Screenings…45th in Mothers Receiving Pre-Natal Care…46th in Public Libraries and Branches…46th in High School Completion Rate…46th in Water Resources Protection…47th in Delivery of Social Services…48th in Literacy…48th in Per Capita Funding for Public Health…48 in Best Place to Raise Children (29th before Bush)*…48th in Spending for Parks and Recreation…48th in Spending for the Arts…49th in Spending for the Environment…50th in Women with Health Insurance…50th in Teachers’ Salaries plus Benefits… *Children’s Rights Council. Only one accredited child-care center exists for every 2,637 children. A fourth of children still are not immunized by age 2. –Texas Freedom Network.
Hmm, I was really wanting to stay out of the abortion debate, but this point struck me:
“Hey, you made the choice to have sex. There are known consequences to that. When you choose to have protected or unprotected intercourse, you are making a choice to accept those long-term risks for short-term pleasure.”
So sorry to hear you’ve contracted HIV from your cheating boyfriend/husband, but it was your choice to have sex, and now you’ll have to live with the consequences. I’m sorry but we will not do anything to treat the illness or try to save your life. This is the long-term risk for that short-term pleasure. I sure hope it was worth it.
And I’m also using sarcasm people, in case you missed it. 😉
Just think what we could be commenting on if Wil didn’t have to go to work and turned the sarcasm on full force….
Shoulder Pads? Rubix Cube?
That’s 1985.
If we want to go back to 1989, we’ d have to grab our Trapper Keepers and don our Batman T-Shirts with acid washed denim.
My husband and I loved your Character on ST:NG. I feel that the writers didn’t care about your character or didn’t know what to do with your character. They had no respect for him. He had so much potential if they tried. I hated what they did to Wes by having him have a personality change and drop out of star fleet…Go figure. You are a wonderful actor and from what I read from this site of yours…Your a cool, intelligant, and fun guy. Alright enough flattery from me. Anyways I am from Virginia but now live in Canada….And I am going thru landed immagrant status But if George W. gets re-elected in the next election I am going to apply for citizenship here. GO CANADA! Just thought I’d share that info
Wait a second, Trapper Keepers were the thing when I was in early elementary which puts it sometime around ’85 or earlier, too. I had my Batman shirt when I was in about 4th grade which makes THAT about ’86….
“Bushes are nice ’cause they don’t have prickers.”
“Unless they do.”
“This one did.”
I would like to see abortion outlawed in every state except Texas and Florida.
And then only available to those with incomes in excess of $750,000/year.
And then made mandatory.
For all families whose last names start with B.
End in H.
And have a U.
(You see where I’m going here? The train is almost pulling into the station. Hold on).
And an S.
In the middle.
I’ve been watching the ‘War on Terrorism’ now for quite a while, and not because it’s been a spectator sport.
I am a soldier.
Yes, you heard me, I am a soldier serving in the Canadian Armed Forces in a Land based Reserve Infantry Unit as a Medical Assistant.
I’m watching the war on terrorism because I want to know when I’ll be recieving that phone call tell me to drop everything, pack up my kit and go.
It’s a scary thought, I’ll share that with everyone. I don’t particularlt enjoy the thought of going to war.
But I know someone has got to do it, and when I signed on the dotted line, I committed myself to making sure that people like Wil, and people like all of you, are safe.
I may die, I may come back with limbs missing, I may come back and not be the same person I was before I left, and that is the price I am willing to pay to make sure all of you are safe.
We don’t ask for much, if anything. But we are human, we have families and loved ones, we’ve shared much the same experiences as the civilian populace, just our jobs are different.
Just do me one favour today, all of you, please?
Find a soldier…any soldier, and thank him for what he’s done.
As a Canadian who would probably lose my mind if I had to go to war I would like to say a huge, giant “Thanks” to those of you who are able to handle it and volunteer to do so. I have a lot of issues with the military but they are with the management of it by people/groups who would probably never see the front lines and not with the individuals who go out there to protect the rest of us. *Drinks a toast to Kaylin*
Hey I don’t wanna have people get me wrong but with this whole drugs thing, maybe you should remember that next time you buy gasoline the Suadi Arabian Royal House that Osama Bin Laden came from will be making a profit. In other news though, G.W. is a moron and I’m trying to have faith That congress won’t allow him anything after the next election.
Thanks Gaea. *smiles*
That really made my day.
And yeah, I kind of agree with you on that issue. Some of the guys at the top REALLY have their heads up their arses.
You people are amusing.
Breaking down the concept of abortion into moral arguments. People should have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Looking at it from your moral religious perspectives will never allow you to see the error in those who seem to think that there should be exceptions to ANY choice. I should know. I’ve made that mistake in the past.
Kaylin, I agree – without people like you the rest of us wouldn’t have the leisure – or possibly the free speech, either – to sit on our butts and discuss issues like abortion, politics etc. You are appreciated – take care.
And Jenn – welcome to Canada! Hope you get your papers. Since healthcare is provided free of charge here for everyone (for the moment, anyway, as there are some rumblings about two-tier health care), all women who need pre-natal care get it, regardless of income. So if anyone else wants to move here…come on up!
Also, very interesting to see so many different opinons on this debate. (Guess this is time for the Voltaire quote, right?) But really, I do respect others rights to disagree with me – at least we get to say what’s on our minds. Poor Wil, we kinda did ignore your other topics, didn’t we? oops.
“I may die, I may come back with limbs missing, I may come back and not be the same person I was before I left, and that is the price I am willing to pay to make sure all of you are safe.”
Much obliged!
Get off your high-horse. There’s more to our freedom that that, kid. Sorry if this seems like a flame. But I’m fed up with every enlisted ‘man’ shoving that in the face of any person they meet.
Thanks from a hoser you’re protecting in Victoria,BC. And many thanks to your American colleagues who are also putting their hind quarters on the line. Did you see the “I love NY” bumper sticker on the back of the Canadian Coyote personel carrier offloaded in Afghanistan this weekend? Great stuff.
Wil – keep up your healthy criticisms of Bush’s approach to things. The US is, after all, a republic and not a monarchy. I respect the fact that the Bush administration may have found a lot of evidence of the involvement of Iran/Iraq/North Korea in terrorist activities, but I’d rather be hearing evidence than inflammatory rhetoric.
btw, thaniks for pointing out that Bush administration $43 million payment to the Taliban last year (the bastards – Bush and the Taliban). I think this sort of narrow approach to supporting regimes is what keeps giving the US, a great country, a black eye around the world. It certainly didn’t begin with Bush, however. It seems like an anachronism from the Cold War, and I’d like to think the US could find better solutions. (When I’m in charge, of course, I will do much better).
I always had a “thing” for Wesley… but politically… I think I’m in love with Wil. 😉 Too bad you had to go to work… I love a good diatribe!
As a midwesterner who was transplanted in Texas four years ago, I have but one thing to say. I have not an ounce of sympathy or understanding for anything I have seen George Bush do in office ever. Houston has one of the worst school districts in the nation and the worst air in the nation. The response from Dubya? On the school issue, just test the students more. When you’re already at the bottom of the national standards, there’s not really anywhere to go but up. So now Houston school districts spend most of the year teaching how to pass the standardized tests and not actually teaching the students. I am not exagerating. I have taken night classes with elementary teachers and they were not happy with the new TASP standards. The response to the air quality issue? Lower the speed on the freeways in Houston to 55mph. That was it. As if the majority of Houston’s air problems stem from car exhaust and NOT the massive amounts of crap spewing out of the billion oil refineries. Just think, with expanded coal burning and oil drilling, in just a few short years Houston’s air could be the nation’s air.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
Well, I decided to put in my two cents on abortion, since I did some research. I’m not a doctor or anything so I may be a little skewed but I think it may be acceptable to say that a fetus doesn’t have feelings yet but he/she will and since most unwanted children are born into the poorest families there are good chances that child won’t eat, and by F’ing god in my mind starvation is a hellavu lot worse than dying before you know it. And also, with Bush’s economic plan, that lower class that doesn’t eat is gonna get a whole lot bigger. So to all those people who want to be anti-abortion I certainly hope I see you out on the street putting your every free cent and scrap into the hands of a kid who won’t be eating like you. and I apologize for the Saudi Arabia typo
So…anyone get to see the season premiere of the new look Sesame Street today?
Easy up on Kaylin. Yes there is more to freedom than that but I don’t think she (?) was trying to shove anything down our throats. She was just doing what the rest of us are doing, which is writing down her thoughts and feelings. I think her comments show she didn’t just sign up for the money (ha ha) and takes her role seriously and thought about it carefully before signing up. I don’t think she was trying to be “holier than thou”.
Boy this certainly has been a “heavy” comment thread. I’m tempted to post some big fluff comment just to lighten things up. *grin*
You mean I missed it? Yikes.
Yes, we’re due for a peculiar and acerbic comment from Spudnuts to lighten us up.
Well, I’ll start off w/ the easier stuff. I am sooo thrilled that the Patriots won the Super Bowl. They have been my favorite AFC team since I was a kid and they are my second favorite NFL team overall. I love that they were underdogs. I love that it was down to the last second. I love that the kicker won the game for them. I love that Tom Brady is the youngest quaterback to win a Super Bowl.
Now to the more complicated stuff. Abortion is a tough one. There is so much to consider. Women’s rights. Babies’ rights. Heck, even fathers’ rights. I think about women who were raped and then I think about things like what Kelly V pointed out. I think about the 2 women I know who do use abortion as a type of birth control. And I think about the classroom debate a few years back in which every anti-abortion/pro-life person quoted from the Bible to explain their reasons why abortion should be illegal. That one really upsets me. I don’t believe in their God and neither do a lot of other people. Why should this gov’t make laws based on the religious beliefs of just a portion of the population and expect those who aren’t part of that religious belief to live by them? I am so happy that (as I’m typing this) no one has made that arguement: “Because my God said so!” After all considerations I think abortion should be legal. Its not for me, I couldn’t do it. But I don’t want to tell some one else she can’t. I’m so afraid of stories like those Angry Girl described (un-wanted babies murdered after they are born or left abandoned). And I also don’t want to judge women who have had abortions -tho I find it hard not to be a bit judgemental toward those 2 women I know who do use abortion as birth control but they both have a lot of other problems as well. I also think there needs to be improvements in sex education. I also think that Kely V made another good point when she talked about the children who aren’t adopted b/c so many people are willing to adopt only newborns.
And now on to Dubya. He is using the fear and uncertainty of the people to push his agenda. I haven’t disagreed w/ everything he’s said & done but I have disagreed w/ most of it. There have been other politicians (other presidents, my state govenors, local mayors, etc.) I’ve disagreed w/ but I thought that most of them at least had the best interests of his/her constituents in mind. I’m not so sure of that w/ regard to Bush (and I would say the same of my state’s former govenor Christie Todd Nitwit).
Well, that’s just my 2 cents worth. Thanx for letting me rant.
god i love republicans and their christian agenda.
Wil, did u blok Jess from ur site or me from going on the soapbox or comments on my screen name?
Wow! It took me a damn long time to type all that. There were like 20 more posts made between the beginning of my little rant and my finally posting it! Thats what happens when one tries to keep up w/ the goings on at WWDN and keep up w/ the job at the same time. I’m wrapping stuff up at the job and I’m looking forward to reading all the posts when I get home as well as those that may come after my rantings.
>> we’re due for a peculiar and acerbic comment from Spudnuts to lighten us up.
Vanna weeps silently at the sight of her hook.
The truly sad and frightening thing is that Resident(not a typo)Bush will probably get re-elected. And I am quite certain that more than 14% are against Bush, most are just afraid to say anything “unpatriotic” in this time of “crisis”.I sure don’t want Ashcroft’s cronies knocking on MY door.
To get off the abortion issue for a moment let’s go back to something else. Someone said earlier, “Who elected [Bush], really?” The answer to that is the electoral college did – not the people. Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 votes. Does no one realize that we didn’t actually elect our president? We elected someone else to make that decision for us, because we, apparently, can not make that decision for ourselves. The majority of the individual votes counted went to Gore, not Bush. Isn’t anyone else dismayed by this fact?
Other than that, loved the entry Wil! It cracked me up.
Well, I for one *did* vote for GWB, and I … do not regret it. Oh, the horror.:) So I guess I am not included in the ‘we’ of the sentence: “…we did not elect our president”?
Hey, at least I voted.
BurntHombre thanks! LOL!
I think having babies is a purely selfish act in the first place. Potential parents seem to forget about overpopulation and dwindling resources when they decide to breed. If you can’t have children, if your “home is empty”, there are thousands of children waiting to be adopted, so I can’t feel sorry for you.
As far as the armed forces,my opinion of it (and humans in general) is very pessimistic. I feel it is also a selfish act. I feel that most people who join the armed forces or the police are not doing it for the betterment of others’ lives.
They do it to enhance their career options,to travel on the government dime, or just to carry a gun. I feel most of these people were bullied in school and have something to prove to the world, or they were bullies themselves and are taking the next logical step. There are some who do it for their country, but alas, these individuals are a precious few. Bottom line: you signed up.
I can’t feel sorry for you, and since I didn’t ask you to protect me, I won’t thank you.
*grabs m&m’s,waits for the impending flames*
Tammy said: “Well, I for one *did* vote for GWB, and I … do not regret it. Oh, the horror.:) So I guess I am not included in the ‘we’ of the sentence: “…we did not elect our president”?”
You still are, as the votes for the election don’t count. It was a concession, not an election. You may have voted for Bush, but you didn’t elect him.
>>Vanna weeps silently at the sight of her hook.
Ah, I feel much more centred now….
Just like you, I just posted for the first time in the soapbox, the place where this abortion discussion should really be taking place, not here in the comments.
on a happier note, “Toy Soldiers” is on cable right now, but wil’s character just bit the big one.
and what ever happened to keith coogan?
I’ll keep my rant short.
Abortion is NOT birth control. If you use it in that way, that is just plain wrong.
A choice is just that, a choice. Free country, all that jazz. Pro-choicers do not tell people to abort their fetuses, they tell them they have a choice.
that. is. all.
Sylvain said:
>> I think having babies is a purely selfish act in the first place. Potential parents seem to forget about overpopulation and dwindling resources when they decide to breed.
This post hits it squarely on the numbers for me.
I have one kid and she is the best, bestest, best in the world.
Our priorities as a species are all wrong.
Having kids — as many as possible — made sense for the progation of our species for about 99.9% of our time on this rock.
That was then.
Party’s over now.
Nothing wrong with having kids in and of itself, just like there is nothing wrong with pumping oil or cutting down trees.
A lumberjack is just a guy who cuts down a tree. What’s wrong with that?
Unless it’s the last tree.
Nothing wrong with being a fisherman.
Unless it’s the last fish.
Nothing wrong with being a parent.
Unless you ignore overpopulation, a crisis apparent to all but the most starry-eyed zealots.
Jesus will clean up our mess.
I think I’ll squeeze out a couple more.
Cause I jes likes kids!
They look sooooo cute in their jammies.
Instead of shitting on the heads of those who choose not to have children and deriding them as deviant, selfish, and subversive, we ought to be thanking them, because even if you have kids, somebody else is sucking it up so you don’t have to concern yourself with unpleasantries.
Childless couples ought to be the ones receiving tax breaks. I’m not saying we should force anyone to not have children, but if that day does come — as I believe it must — it will be because of all the “family-friendly” parents who hoovered up somebody else’s share of the planet in complete defiance of CONTEXT.
Everyone ought to read this book.
“Maybe One: A Case for Smaller Families”
by Bill Mckibben
I’ll BUY you a copy if that’s what it takes.
Uh oh, *another* Courtney?
And don’t tell me to take my ass to the Soapbox.
I’m Shaq.
If I don’t gets my bow-room, I’ll clear it my damned self.
Misspelled propagation.
I need an EDIT feature!
wilbur, I have only one thing to say to your comments about bush:
Shut up you f’in Naderite.
and you know the spirit in which I say that.
Okay, as resident Arch-Libertarian, I can’t let someone just pass by with commenting snidely that Dubbieya is a Libertarian.
Um, no. Actual libertarians (not just republicans who want to distance themselves from the tycoons) believe quite emphatically and strongly that a woman’s body is her own. Given any choice, libertarians will almost certainly take the one which leads to a more decentralized and less potent federal government. Dubya is NOT this, otherwise our budget would have been cut by ~70% this year.
Vive la Tenth Amendment.
(what a heckuva way to introduce myself onto a mainly liberal board, by showing up as the uber-conservative…)
We’ve got abortion on the table… I might as well blow this thing wide open.
“Pediatric group endorses gay adoptions”
Not only do gay parents make “good adoptive parents,” they make the best parents PERIOD.
They’re typically highly educated, with a higher income to devote to their children. They tend to have smaller families and they adopt.
Win, win, win all around.
The opposition to gay couples stems from the nasty, long-held belief that gays are latent pedophiles, promiscuous, and prone to prancing about in leather with day-glo nipple clamps.
And all black mens likes to rape white girls.
But go to the poll on CNN.com today and you’ll see that 54% answer no to this question…
“Can gay couples make good adoptive parents?”