Hey party peopole!
I’m doing this thing that I think is really, really funny, and cool: I’m sponsoring the “Weblog of the Millennium” in the anti-bloggies!
See, in their rules, the antibloggies clearly state that I’m not even eligible, and since they’re anti-, and since WWDN recieved so many bloggies…I just thought it was very funny, and stuff for me to sponsor that category. So you should head on over and nominate some cool sites, that aren’t WWDN.
How about that Super Bowl? I missed most of it because I was working, but I’m so glad that New England won…way to go Underdogs!
I did get to see this one commercial, that said that if you use drugs, you’re supporting terrorism, which is nice, because I thought that giving 43 million dollars to the Taliban to kill opium poppies was supporting terrorism, but TV learned me good.
Speaking of Emperor Bush, how about that new budget? Yay! Defecit spending is back! We’re gonna party like it’s 1989! Pick up your Rubik’s Cube, and put some shoulder pads in your T-shirt!
I mean, I didn’t think Bush could do much better than declaring war on the entire world in his State of the Union address, or trying to sneak in another broadside against women’s rights to control their own bodies…but he totally went and did it! That crazy G.W…you never know what he’ll do next!
Darnit. I totally have to leave for work now, just as I was getting my sarcasm mojo workin’
I hope everyone has a great day.
Try this: hold a door open for a stranger today. It’s a nice thing to do 🙂
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You know what I believe in kendoka, to borrow a line from the Godfather, “I believe in America”. As much as the government would love us to believe that they can stimulate the economy, we the people have the real power (as it should be). As life returns to normal people will start to buy again and invest and in a short time the economy will stabalize and we will enter another bull market. You can blame Bush for the economy but the economy was crashing while Clinton was still in office. I can’t believe I’m saying this but it wasn’t ALL Clintons fault either. Between the Dot Com crazy and later bust the market had a huge influx of new investors which took stocks that were $.15 on Monday at 10:00 am to $50.00 by lunch. When the lack of profits and lack of an actual business plan started hitting investors they all said “Holy shit what was I thinking, how can you buy a bag of dog food for $10.00 and sell it for $8.00 and make a profit”?! So many started to sell and a vast majority of dot coms went bankrupt and all the money in the market was flushed out which we are just now getting over the backlash of it. The only thing that will heal the economy is people buying again which will create jobs which in turn people will buy more stuff and on and on and the capitalism machine will start cooking again. And that is my free seminar on the economy.
The War on Terrorism. Well, it’s a shit job but somebody has to do it. Other then the countrys that actually harbor terrorists I don’t hear any bitching from the developed nations of the world. I’m just an average joe and I fully believe we are doing the right thing as does 86% of my fellow Americans. I don’t know what I would do different if anything. I think staying the course and eliminating these sons of bitches is the only resonable course of action. You cannot reason with people who don’t respect there own life let alone the lives of others.
Well, the next time I buy into “there” ideology, I’ll let you know, DWD. You are certainly my source for The Truth.
That is, if The Truth can come from some who is so angry at the world. Geez, I thought I could be cynical.
This all makes me wonder – if liberals and their supposedly bleeding-heart ways bother you so much, and make your panties get in such a twist, then why are you visiting WWDN and this board in the first place?
Why does the US feel that it and it alone knows whats best. “I don’t hear any bitching from the developed nations of the world” Well DWD I live in Canada…though I am from the USA and I hear plenty of the other nations problems on the war. For one they don’t like that the US is not considering the prisoners POW’s which they are.If there isn’t any complaining loud enough for you to hear it is because the US likes to be a dick to any country who disagrees with it. And if the mighty US doesn’t like something they like changing the rules. The US has to stop acting like a spoiled brat child and act like a mature person in the world. This isn’t a game of Cowboys and indians that Bush is playing. I want the military to defend me not start wars for me.
Someone has to set all you wayward spirits straight, if I wasn’t here it would be a liberal free for all. You guys would be killing babys, turning gay and raising taxes if I wasn’t here to inject a little intelligence into the group.
Cynical, you bet. Angry, hardly. Frustrated, definately. Giving up, HELL NO!
I just find it funny that all the democrats do is slam businesses like there is some kind of alternative, actually there is, it’s called Amish. Funny though, I’ve seen lots of Amish Cheese Shops and Amish Furniture stores so I guess you have to have money even if you have a horse and buggy.
Why don’t I drink the liberal punch? It must be the fact that I didn’t grow up in the liberals biggest bitch, California.
DWD, the Conservative Defender of WWDN!
Ok, now I’m pretty sure you’re nuts.
For one, I’m not a terribly patriotic person, or anything like that. I do take offense, however, at bashing the state of California. Don’t make me get up on your ass about that.
I don’t recall having slammed businesses and promoting an Amish way of life. However, if you’re making fun of them… dude, at least they’re not being an ass like you.
Which reminds me for some reason – CA gave the USA Ronnie Reagan. Just remember that next time you say California’s a liberal hideyhole of sin and corruption. No, I’m not proud of that fact, but at least it’s not the state of bleeding hearts you claim it is. Ugh.
And for the last goddamn time, I don’t drink punch.
The United States of America is not perfect. Deal with this fact. We are not God’s gift to Creation, assuming there is a God in the Judeo-Christian sense.
So please, chill, before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you have already.
(I can so see where this will go. “Your the ass!!!!1” Ahhh, for the breakdown of the English language…)
DWD.There should be no place for terrorism in the world, but there are terrorists. Why? Not simply for the sake of hating and killing. They have reasons why they do what they do.(NONE of which I agree with.) As soon as we open our eyes as to why they attack us, we will be better able to defeat them. Basically the USA just stomps all over the world thinking it can do whatever it wants to whatever country it wants without repercussion. Look at the axis-of-evil statement. The US has the largest stockpile of nuclear and biological weapons in the world. It’s okay for the US to own and manufacture these weapons, but nobody else can. The US can intervene in other countries politics, but nobody else can. Of course the US is hated around the world! We act like we own the entire planet!
I am not a liberal, nor a democrat nor a republican, nor a conservative. Labels or for the feeble-minded.
Oh, and take the homophobia elsewhere.
What would be nice would be if the entire U.S. population was not blamed for the actions (or inactions) of its elected officials.
I think will playing the Abortion Card shows you are frustrated with Bush’s Popularity.
I mean as a topic of discussion, its Religion and Politics all wrapped up in one. It is a very emotional issue similar to using Race in the OJ trial.
Its like complaining about our Electoral College system; doesnt really seem to carry as much weight if you only complain after your candidate lost, or in this case the candidate you hate no matter what won.
If you felt so strongly about the choice issue, why didnt you speak up sooner?
Uh…no. I think that I grew up in a military family in Virginia. Yeah good ole Virginia….The southern part at that. ;P
Jenn, Defender of a Free thinking Brain!
I think you should post again so you can let this thread move onward toward it’s death.
Someone vote for the AntiBloggies for Fark’s sake.
Remember the cheese!
And the Matsusshsdfhsghskhgshita and SpudNads and JSc. Or something.
>…though I am from the USA and I hear plenty >of the other nations problems on the war.
>For one they don’t like that the US is not >considering the prisoners POW’s which they >are.
Actually the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect militant groups and gorillas. So they are not protected under the Geneva Convention. Facts are Facts.
>If there isn’t any complaining loud enough for >you to hear it is because the US likes to be a >dick to any country who disagrees with it.
This goes for any country, but you can tag it to however you want I guess.
>And if the mighty US doesn’t like something >they like changing the rules.
Really? Can you give me some examples?
>The US has to stop acting like a spoiled brat >child and act like a mature person in the >world. This isn’t a game of Cowboys and indians >that Bush is playing.
Your right, and do you think Bush is calling all the shots? He has the best military strategists and officers in the world under his command and I’m sure that they give him directions and he constantly is consulting with them. And I’m sure that they know what to do better then some American turned Canadian. This is why we elect the people we think can do the best job, for situations just like this.
>I want the military to defend me not start wars >for me.
So it was the US Military that flew those planes into the WTC?! I thought it was Arab Terrorists. Face it, we didn’t start this war but we are going to end it. 3000 fellow Americans are killed on US soil and you think too bad, but we shouldn’t do anything about it? It’s a shame that your patriotism and love of country has waned so much.
ok and this is why I am not into politics because it make you crazy!!! Abortion- it’s the woman’s right to not have to have a child that wasn’t planned regadless of what the situation is rich, poor,druggie/clean. We are a nation that has our teenagers thowing their children away in dumpsters and bathrooms at proms.Or worse they have the kids they can’t care for and they lock them into closets- yay America? however I am an American, And a mother of two- yet my own sis who is older then me can’t even get pregnate-and no healthcare like medicaid will help her-because they are trying to keep from having to pay for another bill of teen pregnancy, so she is screwed.and her job doesn’t cover this sort of thing-but its her only job avalable.As for me i am I guess liberal- so their it is Labled! I hate lables.*CA-ChUnk!* yes I know always late to the party-and all fired up now what have i gotten myslef into?
What is the *goal* of an abortion? The goal is for a woman to no longer be pregnant. The woman doesn’t want a child or can’t raise a child for *whatever* reason. The reason is not important as it is based on a person’s value system which varies greatly amongst us since we all have different cultural, religious, educational, social, and financial backgrounds. Forget about the actual reason. It is sufficient to say that a person will weigh the facts (based on their personal values) and conclude that a reason is “valid” or “invalid”.Because we all have different values, it is extremely likely that at least one person, weighing a given set of facts, will conclude the reason is valid whilest another person weighting the same set of facts will conclude the reason “invalid”. We will *never* have the exact same set of values, thus, we can’t agree.
Going back to the original goal, the woman is pregnant and no longer wants to be. Why do people try to force their own set of values onto this woman? “Because we want to protect the rights of the baby.”, they argue. Then everybody starts arguing about whether a little clump of cells is actually a baby. *Whatever* your opinion is, it doesn’t matter. Again, *your* opinion is based on the above-mentioned values. You all will *never* agree.
Back to the original goal: The woman no longer wants to be pregnant. So, how do we accomplish this goal? The only method that I have heard of so far is abortion. Here’s an alternative: The mother goes into a clinic, requests that the fetus be removed, signs some papers, pays a fee, and then the doctor removes the fetus from the woman’s body at that time. The woman has achieved the goal. What happens to the fetus? Simple. If the fetus has developed enough to live outside of its host (the woman), then it should be allowed to continue living in private care facilities and eventually be put up for adoption. If the fetus was not developed enough to live without a host body, then it dies. To me, the decision about whether a fetus is a child or not has always been about whether it can exist without requiring a host. *That* is the definition of an *individual* and isn’t this all about an *individual’s* rights? For those who keep using the terms “child” and “baby” to refer to a clump of unborn cells, try to realize that those terms do not accurately describe what it is. Child refers to something that is a lot more complex than a baby which is a lot more complex than a fetus which is a lot more complex than sperm and ova. You cannot use these terms interchangably. You *cannot* think clearly and reasonably about an issue when you don’t use well defined terminology.
Bush … why are people saying how “great” and “popular” Bush is just because polls show that Americans approve of attacking terrorists who attacked us first? The poll simply means that people approve of retaliation. However, it feels like Bush is starting to overstep his bounds. He said that his presidency will be entirely about winning the war against terrorism. The scary part is that once the “obvious” terrorists are eliminated, how will the definition of “terrorist” be expanded to include the less-obvious terrorists and when will that expansion stop. (Eventually … “Did you just *say* something negative about our government — you are a potential terrorist and must be dealt with.”) I keep thinking, wasn’t Hitler popular with the German people, at first?
>Ok, now I’m pretty sure you’re nuts.
I’m pretty sure you don’t agree with me so being on the other end of your ideology I would seem nuts as you do to me.
>For one, I’m not a terribly patriotic person, >or anything like that. I do take offense, >however, at bashing the state of California. >Don’t make me get up on your ass about that.
Getting up on my ass? Yep, your from CA. alright. Actually I know lots of people from CA. and been there quite a few times, but it is still one of the most liberal states in the country.
>I don’t recall having slammed businesses and >promoting an Amish way of life. However, if >you’re making fun of them… dude, at least >they’re not being an ass like you.
I’m not making fun of Amish people at all. Actually I respect the fact that they can stick to their convictions so well. But liberals in general point to big business and say there is your problem, go kill it! Now that is being an ass.
>Which reminds me for some reason – CA gave the >USA Ronnie Reagan. Just remember that next time >you say California’s a liberal hideyhole of sin >and corruption. No, I’m not proud of that fact, >but at least it’s not the state of bleeding >hearts you claim it is. Ugh.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
>And for the last goddamn time, I don’t drink >punch.
Punch, Vodka, whatever.
>The United States of America is not perfect. >Deal with this fact. We are not God’s gift to >Creation, assuming there is a God in the Judeo->Christian sense.
I’m very aware we are not perfect but there is no other country I would rather live in. About that last line, you’ve been watching Fight Club haven’t you?
>So please, chill, before you make a bigger fool >of yourself than you have already.
Being a lone conservative in a room full of liberals of course I’m the fool. But if I wasn’t then you guys wouldn’t be doing a very good job of sticking up for your beliefs.
>(I can so see where this will go. “Your the >ass!!!!1” Ahhh, for the breakdown of the >English language…)
Not that you know me in any way shape or form. ASS!!!!!!!!!!
Easy….”Free Trade Agreement” and the soft wood lumber dispute.”our right, and do you think Bush is calling all the shots? He has the best military strategists and officers in the world under his command and I’m sure that they give him directions and he constantly is consulting with them. And I’m sure that they know what to do better then some American turned Canadian. This is why we elect the people we think can do the best job, for situations just like this” Ummmm Can we say Puppet And if I am not mistaken the war on Afganistan is pretty much a near done deal. The most the US should do is prevention actions not active war on countrys who haven’t done anything to harm us. I think that the US has had its revenge for 9/11
“So it was the US Military that flew those planes into the WTC?!”
They didn’t STOP the planes, did they? There is very good evidence that suggest that they could have stopped the planes, but chose not to. There is very good evidence that they were warned about the attacks form other countries, but chose to ignore the warnings.There is very good evidence that all of it could have been prevented, but US gummint needed areason to go into Afghanistan to continue to aquire oil. There were many things that could have been done to prevent 9/11, but if that happened, we’d all be focused on the recession and how Bush really is a big dumb yokel. Nothing brings a country together like a common cause, such as war.Lil Bush learned well from his Pops about that.
Wow, you guys rock. This has been the best conversation I’ve read/posted in on the ol’ in-ter-net. ^_^
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Abortion stinks….you wanna know why? Would you want to be aborted? I wouldn’t.
Of course the Geneva Accords don’t cover gorillas. Those are primates.
Now, guerillas, there’s a group that might not be covered.
On the topic of Bush having people under his command… you really think he’s calling the shots? My neurotic terrier could do a better job at calling the shots in this “war” than Dubya could, and the dog’ll save hundreds of dollars on suits, too. People other than Bush are in charge of this business, and there are a lot of people out there who like the illusion that Dubya’s in charge.
So, bring it on. I’ve come to the conclusion we won’t agree on much, but hell, when has that stopped anyone from arguing?
Go Djibouti!
In general, everyone seems to be putting quite a bit of thought into their posts (even though some of it is horribly skewed by political leanings, of course). Congrats.
Re: DWD’s rantings in particular….
He brings up the classic example of noble americans in the 13 colonies refusing to pay a tax on tea, rising up, and overthrowing their British oppressors.
He neglects to mention that the Tea Tax amounted to a few percent, at most. He also neglects to mention that state and federal taxes combined currently take THOUSANDS of times more of americans’ money than the tea tax ever did (note, this is adjusted for inflation, etc. I’m not making an idiotic attempt to compare pence to dollars.)
Where are those noble patriots now? They should be screaming from the hills, “No Taxation Without Representation!” since it’s a foregone conclusion that the average american’s opinion is little more than an gnat’s buzzing to the average national political figure.
Me, I don’t see many people at all leaping to do battle with the government. Instead, I see people hiding behind a cloak of false patriotism to avoid having to think for themselves.
Patriotism is not blindly supporting your government. It is not rendering yourself insolvent in the interest of trying to prop up the economy even while the government commits itself to renewed deficit spending. It is not jumping on whatever bandwagon happens to be passing by. Patriotism is sitting, and thinking, and considering, and choosing to stand up for those things for which your nation was originally supposed to stand. Not McDonalds and Exxon and *.com and Microsoft and Starbucks. Patriotism does not include supporting the military when it invades some podunk third-world nation and starts killing civilians. Patriotism *DOES*, however, include supporting the troops who are attempting to do right by fighting for their country, however misguided a strategy may be.
Life. Liberty. Pursuit of happiness. Equality. Freedom of speech/religion/assembly/press. Freedom of THOUGHT. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Vanna White’s hook. (or not?)
Patriotism most of all includes fulfilling your responsibility as a citizen to let the government know when it’s gone astray, either by voting or writing letters, or running for office (as futile as that may often seem), or just talking to people and attempting to spread knowledge and open people’s eyes.
Ummm…I think it is a lil after the fact to abort me or you….especially you. We are grown people that have lived and aquired knowledge….well some of us have.
Re: abortion
My personal thought is that until you are put in a position where you are forced to make the hard decision of whether or not you or your wife is going to have an abortion, all your theories about “right” and “wrong” are no more than mental masturbation.
Yeah, it’s great to say that every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good. But you know what? Until and unless you need to decide, you have no concept of how difficult a decision it must be, and as much as you’d undoubtedly love to say “well, *I* would never even consider aborting a fetus,” you’ll never know until you’re actually put to the test.
As an obvious corollary, I don’t know where I personally stand on abortion. I’ve never had to decide. I don’t yet know if I’m strong enough to say, “well, my life will suck, but I’m going to take care of this kid.” I’d like to say I’m able to handle anything that comes along.
But I’m not idiot enough to even claim to know for sure.
I don’t think it’s my place to tell someone what to do or not to do with their body and what comes from it. I know I was totally unplanned. Then again, I know people who were addicted to drugs most of their lives, and if they’d had half the kids they’d gotten pregnant with in that time period, there’d be a lot more crack babies in the world.
No, I don’t know you, DWD, and I’m glad I don’t.
I don’t drink vodka, either.
Wait, I do know you, sort of. I can tell that you don’t like me, and that my picking at your language skills is probably bugging you, no matter how much you deny it here.
And no, I haven’t seen Fight Club at all recently. I don’t even remember that line from the movie. Sorry to burst your bubble there.
Here, let me give you a lesson in grammar.
“your”=possessive. It is your ball.
“you’re”=you are. You are a person. You’re a person.
Get it right, please.
Oh, and thanks for saying “ASS!!!!!!!!!!”. You confirmed my theory.
Go Djibouti!
Holy shitballs splattered on Jason Lee…
And to think I was bummed that I missed my laughs listening to Rush for 5 minutes- didn’t know all I had to do was to tune in here to the wild rantings of little Limbaugh Jr; Mr. Duck.
So here’s my two half pence (I’m a cheap date)…
I mentioned in yesterday’s comments that I’m adopted.
The girl who had me was 16. In 1978 abortion was very much an option for this young lady but here I am thanks to the Catholic church and a understanding family (I won’t get into leaving that church sincerely disgusted 13 years later- another story for another time).
Now with 23 years of experience behind me, my beliefs go like this.
You choose to have sex then you have to deal with the consequences. You have three choices- have it- kill it- or give it up.
Now you can all dress it up whatever way you like but you are terminating a life- much like stomping on a ant. You may not consider it a human life but you are killing it.
So I’m pro-life, I don’t believe in abortion or the death penalty.
But just like I can’t stop some wacko from shooting me on the street- I can’t and won’t stop someone from making a choice about what’s growing inside them. People have to make a choice- So when it comes to other people, I’m Pro-Choice.
I guess I’m optimistic – my hope in humanity leaves me to believe that someday we’ll turn away from our caveman instincts to rape and plunder our neighbors- our worshiping of property and material goods.. My hopes are ultimately utopian and perhaps they will never come to fruit. But that’s what goals are all about.
But we live in reality so I have this advice for the here and now- Be a good citzen of the world, be sand not oil in the workings of the corrupt system. Question authority exspecially from the likes of Ashcroft and Bush jr.
And have a nice day…
That’s my point? After you now have had the chance to live, would you not mind being aborted?
Of course you don’t know at the time, but now.
woops, that ain’t suppose to be a question mark.
Ooops…one last time….I also mean having been not being.
fetus don’t think they Humans in the making. I….as a fully and completely developed human have all the functions to think. It is like calling a tree a future chair
Kitty, you’re cool.
I don’t view abortion as a form of birth control or murder; I see it as more of a hobby. You know, like stamp collecting or model railroads. Something fun you do in your spare time.
I understand that the fetus doesn’t think, but that fetus will eventually be a fully thinking human being just like you and me.
And so basically you wouldn’t have minded having been aborted as a fetus? You didn’t think then so no harm done, right?
Well, if the “thinking” idea is going to be used as a reason against abortion, or something of that ilk, think about this:
We eat lots of eggs every year. Every one of those eggs could have been, in a different time and/or place, been a happy little chicken.
This is why I try not to make gross generalizations, and stick more to case-by-case evaluations.
KJB – I tend to type fast and often, but I do know what grammer to use in what situations, I just don’t make it my job to point out every little error, it’s very a very anal activity.
I just threw the “ass” comment in there to make your day.
JSC – Today taxes is used for many more things then back in colonial days. It costs a shit ton of money to maintain highways, schools, the military, government buildings, social programs etc. I don’t mind paying some taxes as long as the return is worth the price. When we have a billion dollar surplus though, I tend to think that taxes is a bit high. That money is not the governments, it’s the peoples. The government produces nothing to make that money but we all mutually (to a certain extent, the whole neccessary evil thing) agree that the money is for the greater good of out nation.
The government is well aware that we let them do what they do because it’s our porrogative. At this point in time I don’t see any reason for a mutiny on the bounty. But if even half of the US citizens (that’s over 130,000,000 people) said these sons of bitches have gone far enough, do you really think the US government could stop them?
Not that I’m saying you are. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion.
Actually that’s not true, because the eggs that go into production for consumption are never actually fertalized…meaning they’re not capable of producing chicks.
I type quickly, too. You’ll notice I’m not spelling it “grammer”.
I realize it’s an incredibly irritating thing to do. Normally, I don’t bother people with it. What can I say, you bring out that side of me.
Thanks for the “ass” comment. You did make my day.
One thing to take into consideration – if there’s a surplus, why is there a national debt? Why does our government pay out the ass for defense systems that don’t work? Why is our crime rate so high? Why do we have an incredible number of people, especially children, living far below the poverty line? They can’t all be lazy.
I’m going to go back to eating my liberal cookie, reading my liberal fiction novel, looking out of my liberal contacts, typing on my liberal computer, and thinking my nasty liberal thoughts.
Mmmm, cookie.
Cody –
I know. I’m just making a point. We’ve been eating fetuses and the like for millenia. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it wrong. We eat the young of all kinds of animals.
Ooo, I suppose this means we are tampering with nature when we process those eggs. Yet another dark and dirty point.
I just want to say how refreshing it is to see such intelligent debate on such an emotion-provoking subject. Other places, like slashdot, usually break down into name calling, Christianity hating, mud slinging. So, if we could all give each other a big round of applause 🙂
My $0.02: I used to be COMPLETELY pro-life (anti-choice, callitwhatever), believing that abortion should not be allowed under any circumstance. Then, I got married and had two daughters. And, now I’m not so sure anymore (not because of the daughters of course!)
When I think about a scenario where one of my daughters is raped by the school janitor at her junior high school (a morbid thought, I know), I can’t imagine making her carry any pregnancy that would result to term. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would opt for the abortion in that case.
I still believe it IS the taking of a human life, but in that circumstance, that human life would not be as important to me.
Just a quick comment on the whole abortion issue.
If you want to discourage abortion and encourage adoption – which for the record I believe is what should be done – make adoption easier.
Currently it costs upwards of ten THOUSAND dollars or more to adopt – and yes even to adopt an older child.
Officials say that money makes no difference in the adoption process, but it does. The costs are such that people like myself can’t reasonably afford it.
I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have to go thru the home studies and the background checks, etc, Im simply saying that perhaps if adoption was more accessible to the people who would make wonderful parents, but don’t have a lot of money, then there would be less abortion.
Well said Joshua!
I too love how this debate is going…Though I find it hard to express myself intellectually clear. I am not one to write out on the computer alot.
Wil, I love your page, its very very very impressive. Wil you fell way off the left wing to the point where you’re almost a communist. I’m in the US military, and I’m not a quasi rich Californian like yourself. The increased defense spending will give me a pay increase, better health care, and other benefits. They will also keep your house in California SAFE!! My sister is a radically politically left winged like yourself, bashing the President and Republicans at any chance she can get, and takes Political Correctness and bitching about the dumbest shit that dosn’t even pertain to her. Instead of bitching all the time about the President and our government, why can’t you talk about what they are doing right. Yeah our country is not perfect, but its certainly not evil. If you complain so much about it, then why do you stay here? You call the President an Emporer, well why don’t you go someplace like Somalia where there are real emporers? The people chose GWBush, you live in a Democracy, and you don’t have it that bad, so stop your bitching.
1. septic abortion deaths
2. backyard butchers
3. infanticide
4. tots in dumpsters
4. orphanages
6. gruel
you know, abortion wasn’t always legal.
so, this isn’t a purely hypothetical conversation we’re having here. we’ve already been there, done that.
if we make abortions illegal, do people suddenly become more concerned about the sanctity of human life?
well, no. history has already shown us that that isn’t the case. it has never stopped up from perpetrating other innummeral atrocities on our fellow man.
if we make abortions illegal, does every woman who’s fallen accidentally pregnant (and is horrified by the situation) suddenly change her mind, tie on an apron and morph into ‘world’s #1 mother?’
take a wild guess.
if the idea of a woman bleeding to death in her own bath doesn’t do anything for you, then try this:
do you really want a world with more gruel in it?
Just to throw a wrench into the works (and to mess with everyone’s minds! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!), consider the rape scenario in Joshua’s post (two above mine, as I write this).
Kinda takes the entire concept of original sin to a new level. The child was conceived in sin, and is therefore unworthy of being born.
Alternatively, if your daughter carries the child to term, what about adoption? Oh, wait. Adoption is far less likely than a string of (possibly uncaring) foster homes. (Obviously, if a foster home is good, chances of the child going to another foster home afterward are smaller. Thus the “string of possibly uncaring foster homes” comment doesn’t is in no way meant as an insult to those of you who reach out to such children.)
Or, of course, there’s the possibility that your daughter carries the child to term and keeps it, thereby limiting her future options in terms of education, a job, etc. Note that I’m not saying anything about her marriage options. Any man who wouldn’t happily marry a woman who already has a child if he loves her and the kid is clearly an utter cretin, and isn’t worth the time of day….
Ponder. Then realize that you can’t answer it until you really have to choose.
Hot Soup Girl rules.
I don’t think you Right wingers had any troubles vocally finding fault with a democrat in the white house….And I believe you guys were on a hunt to over throw him. Lets look what the basics of communism is….It is putting everybody on equal footing. No poor nor rich everyone working and taking care of. The only problem is that humans get involved and screw it up. Though the Us does have some communist systems.
Yo, Darkwing:
I have no idea if you’re still even reading at this point, but I thought I’d chime in–if for no other reason than because when I left the room, there were about HALF as many comments as there are now–a lot of them written by and directed at you.
I’m jumping on the bandwagon–and just like in the 80’s, I’m doing it a little late.
First off, just curious: If you’ve got 86% of the American public backing you up, then, really, man, why so insecure, dude?
You think people didn’t criticize FDR? Or Lincoln?
And not to burst your bubble, but you’re not the lone Conservative Gunfighter in this here one horse DotNet. It’s just that the others aren’t real ready to leap to your defense as you keep referring to the people on this board as “lazy,” “fuckers,” or what-have-you.
A “United Front” does NOT mean keeping your mouth shut when you know something’s wrong.
Are you honestly going to say that there is NOTHING suspicious about Enron?
Being clear-headed does not mean that we “just let the terrorists get away with it.” Since 9/11, we’ve been hear a lot of talk about if we let (whatevere bad thing happen) then “the terrorists truly win.”
Let’s think about what that means. Let’s not drape that phrase over everything so that it doesn’t mean anything anymore–let’s really look at what we mean when we say that.
It means: If we fight like our enemy, we become him.
I can see you’re loyal to your party–and I respect that. But come ON, man, you guys are WINNING against the “liberals.” See this as a time of reflection, fix some of the problems you got in-house (and don’t say you don’t have any, because we ALL do) and stop with the trolling.
You don’t actually say “let’s get dangerous” just before you post, do you? That’d just be creepy.
Re: Taxes
The government has always attempted to rationalize taxes away in terms of services. The British attempted to justify taxes based on the military presence which helped america expand, the costs of initial development, and the incredible costs of keeping shipping lanes clear of pirates. At the same time, Britain generally had some war or other going on in a far-flung province, due to either expansion or internal rebellion.
DWD’s rationalization is even less valid than that of the British prior to the Revolutionary War. The last time I bothered to check, approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of federal taxes went NOT toward social welfare or national defense (Note that I’m ignoring the obvious difference between national “defense” and having a war-waging apparatus sufficient to obliterate all sapient life on earth several times over), but toward interest on the national debt, which TRIPLED during the 1980’s.
Though this undoubtedly comes as a shock to some, there was, long ago, the intention that the national debt would be paid off at some point. That can, of course, only be accomplished by directing excess revenue towards reducing the principle on the debt. Anyone who has ever had a mortgage, a credit card, a student loan, or a loan for a car realizes this basic principle.
Re: if there were revolution/rebellion…
As I’ve said in the past, the gross majority (90+ percent) of the american population are cattle (or was it sheep? Someone with more motivation than me please scan back to the September log and let me know which it was…) Of those that aren’t, many realize that although a minority in the US was sufficient to defeat the British in the Revolutionary war (don’t believe me? Check a few advanced history books!), the British had a number of major weaknesses, such as French interference and ultra-long supply lines from Britain to North America. Add in a weak king and a number of idiot generals, along with poor communication, and the US won. That cannot happen today and, realistically, very few of those who realize the necessity of governmental adjustment would willingly go into battle for it.
Might, however, has never made right.
JSc, you kick ass.
Just thought I’d tell you that.
Pat yourself on the back for being in the military. Big f*cking deal. You chose to carry a gun. I am not impressed.
We tried to elect the right man for the presidency, but the Supreme Court ripped that away from us. Now we have to deal with a clown in the White House. Again, it’s a sad statement and reflection on America that he will probably get re-elected. I Don’t have to like Bush to love America. And, unlike most people who bitch about it, I am prepared to do some good WITHOUT carrying a gun and killing people.
Maybe non one talks about what Bush has “done right” because he really hasn’t done anything “right” for America yet.