This massive Pacific Winter storm is bearing down on Southern California, threatening to turn our burn areas into giant rivers of mud and rocks. The wind is currently gusting outside my bedroom, pelting my window with rain.
All of this means that we here in Los Angeles are on STORM WATCH!
That’s right, baby! STORM WATCH! Wall to wall coverage of brave citizens filling and stacking sandbags in their backyards, rugged individuals stubbornly refusing to leave their trailers under the threat of up to three inches of deadly rain!
As I write this, Anne is watching the CBS news, and Laura Diaz is urging everyone to stay warm, and for the love of god, if you travel over the Grapevine, take blankets and extra food and water!
Now, for my STORM WATCH! coverage, I much prefer the undisputed master of local news hyperbole, the inimitable Paul Moyer, who can turn the very threat of rain, still a week away, into the greatest drama since OJ’s slow speed chase. But Anne will not be moved. The Channel 2 News Team, with the watchful eye of Chopper 2, will be taking us along on STORM WATCH! tonight.
This is the first night in weeks that I’ve been sitting in bed watching TV at 11. Until tonight, I’ve been sitting in front of the fireplace every night reading this amazing book, “The Best American Non-Required Reading of 2002.” I give this book the strongest WWDN endorsement possible: the coveted and never-before-awarded GOLDEN MONKEY! The writers in this book are so amazing, and their stories so compelling, with the turning of each page I learned how far I have to go before I can call myself a writer.
Whenever I finish a book, I feel a sense of achievement, and I begin to look forward to the next one in my ever-growing stack. However, I also feel a certain sadness as I bid characters or an author farewell.
Thank god I have STORM WATCH! to ease the pain.
And Anne just rolled over and turned off her light. As soon as she dons the eye mask and ear plugs, I can grab the clicker and switch to NBC.
. . . *click*
D’OH! Paul Moyer is running down the Golden Globe nominations.
I’ll keep watching, though, because when we’re on STORM WATCH! the news can break at any time.
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Mmm, storms. Over here in Nevada, we’ve got a snow storm to adore. It’s beautiful. With the full moon and whatnot, it looks like you’re walking around in a Winter Wonderland. It’s perfect. Great weather for the Holidays! Enjoy your storm!
Do they have DOUBLE DOPPLER radar down there? That seems to be all our news ppl can talk about up in Seattle.
#3, im getting closer!
Storms rule. It was windy as eff up here in sacramento.
Lisa Marie
I know that feeling of missing a character after finishing a book. This always happens to me when I read any John Irving book.
One storm?!?!? ONE? Up here in I guess northern california (San Jose) Its been raining off and on for like a week and a half. All y’all down in LA start freaking out over 3 inches of rain and its probably dumped a foot and a half here already 😛
AH! Storm watch! *hide*
i feel you on the “sadness” when one finishes a book. i just started douglas adams’ LONG DARK TEA TIME OF THE SOUL. i am waiting to become fully emersed into the world of Dirk Gently.
and what’s the matter with the Golden Globes only nominating “Alias” for one friggin’ Golden Globe?!? must be all that viagra the old folks on the Golden Globe committee are sniffin’.
thanks for the update…
STORM WATCH! kicks soo much ass! 🙂
I thought those were just TV exaggerations!
People actually DO that?
And you told the world about it?
Wil…keep it up and Anne’s going to start and tell everyone about your snoring habit and your Star Wars(TM) under-roos:)
My underoos are Batman, buddy.
Storm Watch my ass. I live in near the Puget sound and we get more rain and storms that last months at a times. Hey we get soo much rain that our scuicide rates go up durring our rainy months.
Why in god’s name would someone have Batman under….oo….s…. *looks at underoos, sees Spongebob staring back*
Erm. Right.
Underoos…. Funny name. Didn’t know anyone still used it. Batman rawks! STORM WATCH, very amusing. We’ve been having the ODDEST winter so far. Just came off of two days of rain…in freaking wisconsin! Looks like it’s gonna turn out like last winter. We had spring during winter and winter during spring. Just so ya know, I was of the 50% that liked Nemesis. Hoping like he!! that the deleted scenes are in the DVD. You did a good impression of a potted plant. Darn B and B! *breathes deep* Hope the rain doesn’t do too much damage.
I saw this book today while at Barnes & Noble. I almost picked it up to look at it, but decided I had enough to worry about. However, since it’s now been recommended, I might just have to make another visit tomorrow (OK, today, since it’s about 2:00 AM) to take another look at it.
I almost bought “The Best American Non-Required Reading of 2002” this past weekend when I was Christmas shopping. I ended up not buying it because I was supposed to be getting gifts for other people, not myself, but once the holidays are over I’ll have to go pick up a copy. Because what more could I ask for in a book than you endorsment?
Storm Watch! Cool! I wish we were having a storm right now. It’s unseasonably warm here in the Lower Mainland in British Columbia; it’s like an extended fall. (The best of the 4 seasons.)
I just watched High Fidelity and I wish it were pissing down outside so I could go jump in a flowerbed and get all muddy and crap.
Speak to us!!
Have you been washed away by a huge mudslide yet??
Are you staying up all night bravely protecting your family from the Forces of Nature(tm)?
And shouldn’t you all sleep in rubber dinghys just in case the waters rise unexpectedly while you are asleep?
(PS Insert ‘Chopper2 sic balls’ joke if that kind of thing amuses you.)
Three inches of rain? Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa….. oh my…. In Oregon, we are lucky to get only three inches of rain during the wet season (which lasts approximately 3 and a half weeks out of every month). We’ve had more than 3 inches in the past week alone! Hehehe….. STORM WATCH! OH MY GODS!!!!! =D
Sometimes when I read a really good book, and I’m getting to the end, I try and drag it out as long as possible. I get all odd afterwards, too, sort of sulky and all don’t-talk-to-me. The best cure for that it to have another good book ready to go.
I really miss the big, loud, dangerous American storms we got in VA when I was there. Here in Australia, all we have to worry about is bushfires every summer. We’ve already had round one this year, now we’re just waiting to see if there’s going to be a round two. Storms are still much cooler.
Enjoy your STORM WATCH!!! You know you only get to, since HURRICANE SEASON is over…. which is what I get to experience in South Texas (or Norte Mexico depending on your interpretation!).
Ever since we had a mother of hurricane in 1970 (Called Celia) the media has been waiting for my widdle town of Corpus Christi (yes home of Selena, Lou Diamond Phillips, Farrah, etc.) to be WIPED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH BY ANOTHER TREMENDOUS HURRICANE.
So EVERY potential tropical storm or hurricane summons a fleet of vehicles to tell the world of our impending demise.
Back in (I think) 1990 we had a bugger called Allen wander in… I stayed in CC and my place of employment (a residential hospital) evac-ed our folks to San Antonio.
What made this stupid was that the media was telling how BAD it was when we had nothing but light rain — a friend and I wanted to ruin CNN’s broadcast by dancing by — whilst San Antonio was getting tornados…
So… we need to chill and let Mother Nature be.
***THE BEEJ***
wil: since you are on STORM WATCH in california…that means that we in southern illinois are now officially on PRE-STORM WATCH!…your weather in winter eventually gets here and that could lead to panic in the streets…and an extremely WHITE CHRISTMAS!…thanks for the heads up…i’ll save a snowball for you.
Heh heh heh… reminds me of the snow coverage around here, especially my favorite of all time THE BLIZZARD OF ’96! Each station had a logo and a little dramatic piece of music to go along with their coverage of THE BLIZZARD OF ’96!
“Whenever I finish a book, I feel a sense of achievement, and I begin to look forward to the next one in my ever-growing stack. However, I also feel a certain sadness as I bid characters or an author farewell”
I know that feeling well. If the book is good, it is as though I am carried along on the tide of emotion, experiencing whatever the characters experience.. as a budding writer I can understand how reading the work so good as that you mentioned can make you feel you are a long way from achieving the respected name “writer” yourself ;-). Keep plugging Will..
Now that has got to be the funniest entry in a while. STORM WATCH!
Same thing happens here in FL when there is even the most remote chance a hurricane blows in to Gulf.What I find funny, is that they dispatch the entire weather staff for a friggin tropical storm!!
I share the same feeling about a good book- I just don’t want it to end. I believe it was Eric that said he was reading Douglas Adams LDTTOTS- great book! Have you read “Last Chance to See”? It’s non-fiction, but Adams is still hysterically funny. It’s about extremely endangered species. I particularly enjoyed reading about Arab the kakapo tracker and Boss, Arab the kakapo tracker’s kakapo tracking dog. Say that 10 times real fast! 🙂 I also am very into Stephen King, and his books are so long anyway that when you finish it you feel like you’re re-emerging into the real world after a long hibernation. Well, Wil, and everyone, enjoy your Christmas. Be safe and happy! 🙂
Love, Alicia
“STORM WATCH”??? I just got back from watching ‘Bowling For Columbine’ (bloody Australian delayed release!) and really, does the media obsess much?
That was a rhetorical question, by the way. 🙂
Whee storms are fun… We had a hurricane come in a few months ago so my father and I went right down to the beach to see how rough the tide was… hehe…
Heavy rainfall warning here in Southren New Brunswick today as well, had a bit of freezing rain this morning.. hate that stuff… then we’re supposed to get 25mm of the wet stuff. Fine by me, the temps supposed to stay around 7C, which is nice and warm and makes it more comfortable for the chickadees…
hmmm whatever you guys get (in weather) usually ends up at some point here, I wonder what’ll be by the time it reaches here.
With all due respect to you and your storms, you haven’t lived (or feared for your life) until you experience a true North Atlantic storm in my little known home country The Faroe Islands (if I knew how to make an in-text link to some site about it, I would) – look it up, it’s in the middle of the North Atlantic somewhere between Norway, Scotland and Iceland.
I would still rather be in California in a “storm watch” than in Chicago. It’s cold here and going to snow and I want to get out and Cache!!! Damn the cold. Damn the snow. Your lucky, rain goes away within a few days, our snow will soon be here to stay! Thats it! I’ll quit my job, hitchhike accross America with only my GPS and move out to California where all you guys have to worry bout is a little rain! I’m brilliant! 😉
STORM WATCH! is because you SoCal drivers need as much advance warning that it will sprinkle as possible……
Like up north, in WA, they have SUN WATCH! because they are so used to driving in the rain, they keep an eye out for the sun.
I feel the same way when I finish a book.
I believe you have righteously captured the STORM WATCH!! experience. Well done, sir.
The scariest part, this morning it’s no longer “Storm Watch” they’re giving just as much attention to “Weather Watch” on channel 2.
Beware the So. California drivers on a weather watch day, Wil!
Dirk Gently was GREAT. I miss Douglas Adams. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.
(Sorry, Wil, I know your website says “freedom from religion”, but come on! Douglas Adams!)
Sure will miss his cosmic farces.
Hopefully Sam Rubin is the first one to get run down in the rain. And that chick with the mole on her face next.
STORM WATCH! told us we were going to get a foot and a half to three feet of snow. Four inches of slushy snow later, I know it’s just another day of guessing for the crew at STORM WATCH!
Hey, wanna play in some snow? I brought a truckload down to my office in Riverside. 🙂
All of you are A bunch of big WEENIES. There is only one exception “Wil”. The Wil Wheaton fans in the Pacific N.W. deal with same kind of weather year round (you don’t hear us wine about it). Now that the tables are turned, all of you, and even the local news crews are just freaken out over a little rain and gusty winds. GET OVER IT! Just because you don’t see you CA sunshine for a week, you start to wine.
Put your shorts and t-shirts away, and put on those long pants, and coats on. And try to enjoy the weather we usually deal with everyday. Oh bye the way the weather is unusally nice for this time of the year. Thank You California!
Underoo’s = best thing ever.
I’ve yet to find any for adults.
Man, if they don’t have them yet they’re missing out on a huge cash in.
We 20 somethings that had them when we were kids would happily drop $15 on a set. I know i would.
They have to be retro though. Lotsa old Star Wars and stuff like that.
They already brought back our old toys. I say it’s time for a “roo” revolution.
Oh, yeah I want my damn Spidey roo’s back Wil, you thievin’ bastard. 🙂
This must explain why I had a dream featuring you and Mark-Paul Gosselaar, two of my favorite Non-Threatening Teen Boy ™ crushes of the early 90’s….I must have known you were under the imminent danger cloud known as STORM WATCH! (No, there was no freaky three-way sex involving monkeys, much to my dismay.)
I need a new good book to read. Maybe I’ll pick this one up!
God I miss Southern California.
Anne Rules :). I have a mask too that I wear to sleep. My husband has not stopped laughing when I put it on, after over 3 years. I hope you give Anne a break about it :).
So when the news breaks, who fixes it? 😎
Those of us who live in Central Texas are very familiar with weather hype.
I’m reminded of the late Bill Hicks’ routine about (among other things) weather in L.A, called, “Goodbye You Lizard Scum.” If you’ve never heard it, I urge each and every one of you to rush out and buy (or ask Santa for) Bill’s “Arizona Bay” CD.
This is great. Up here in New England, the news has gotten to such a state of sensationalism that
even the slightest threat of snow (like 1 or 2 inches) make the newscasters froth at the mouth.
And they put the reporters everywhere.
One of the local stations used to have this one reporter (who would come out of retirement for
storm coverage) that they put into a dinghy (small boat) into either Boston Harbor or Buzzard’s Bay
(down near Rhode Island) in the middle of the storm. And I’m not talking the little dinky
storms. I’m talking about the hurricanes and the huge nor’easters. Haven’t seen her in years, but
we still joke about her coming out for the little storms that don’t amount to much.
Now, I have to ask. How many people have been rescued from the storm drainage system and has
it been captured by the news choppers yet?
While you guys in L.A. are on STORM WATCH!, here in Denver, we’re just wondering if we’re going to see a white Christmas in the metro area or not. (Latest projections are leaning towards “not.”)
See, those big storms that cause Angelenos to go on STORM WATCH! eventually do move east, but they tend to expend all their force over the Continental Divide, and we in the Mile High City never see ’em. They do keep the ski areas happy, though (6 inches of new snow at Vail in the past 48 hours, 18 inches at Steamboat Springs, 7 inches at Aspen, etc., etc., and so on).
Right now, it’s just cold here. I blame Canada.
Erbo-don’t blame Canada this time! I’m in your time zone (in Edmonton) and the weather here has been above or at freezing for the last two weeks, and it’s about 10C higher than normal.
Will-hope your new sod is firmly and properly anchored.
My favorite is the T7000! Doppler Radar 7000! They advertise it like it’s the Terminator of weather watching. I never knew rain could be so exciting until I turned on the news last night.