I’m almost done with the CruiseTrek updates, but I’m real busy packing and shipping book orders, so it will probably be another day or so.
However, I’ve added tons of pictures from our trip to the gallery. It’s not completed, yet, but it’s a start.
Somehow, I have to find the time to pick up Hail to the Thief today, too.
Update: My kick ass wife just walked in, and announced that she had a surprise for me. When I spun around in my chair, she was holding Hail to the Thief proudly, arms extended to the sky.
“Because I knew you wanted it, and I knew you wouldn’t make time to go do something for yourself today!”
She even made a special trip home from Tower Records to drop it off, before she went to work, because she wanted me to have it right away. How cool is that?
“Best part?” she said, “it was 19.99, but I got it for 9.99! Woo! Sale, baby!!”
UpdateUpdate: OMFG. This album is amazing. And the art is brilliant. Buy it now.
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