I just got my schedule from Creation for the convention this weekend.
Now, I’ll be honest: I’m mostly posting this here because I’m too lazy to call my friends and family and tell them what’s up. (Crap. I just realized that writing it all out takes longer than making six phone calls. Shit.)
Well, here it is, anyway:
Schedule for Saturday, March 27.
- 2:10 PM Performance of material from JAG and Barefoot
- 5:30 PM Photo Op
- 9:00 PM Dessert Party
At all other times, I’ll be in some autograph area
hawkin’ my shitsigning things, unless there’s someone really cool on stage, in which case I will be in the auditorium going fanboy.
Last year, they gave me 50 minutes to perform. I was able to read Hooters and The Trade from Just A Geek, and an excerpt from Sponge Bob Vega$ Pants (the “Star Trek: The Experience” section, for those of you following along at home. Be sure to turn the page when you hear R2-D2 whistle.) from Dancing Barefoot.
This year, I hope to get closer to one hour, and I’ll perform Hooters (It’s a good intro), the WFS story from Barefoot, and something else TBA from JAG.
Guess what I get to do now? If you said “Go see Dawn of the Dead with Darin, give yourself a prize, and GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
UPDATE: Just got back.
Huge plot holes, and a little “over shot,” but still a really good time, and a great break from the eye-twitch-inducing stress of the JAG deadline. I certainly enjoyed it more than The Shining Part II The Dark Half Strikes Back Secret Window.
I didn’t think of it as a remake, or even a retelling of the original. It just seemed to take the “there’s lots of zombies who can only be killed by head wounds, so let’s go to the mall” idea, and ran with it.
But, uhm . . . when the hell did zombies suddenly get to run fast? Did I miss a memo?
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“Be sure to turn the page when you hear R2-D2 whistle.”
Whoa. Memories.
Wil, you crack me up. Have fun! :^)
I love the WFS section!! Has WFS himself ever expressed his opinion about that story (perhaps in the form of a “cease and desist” letter)? I guess not, which probably makes him call himself a good sport.
It ain’t libel (or slander) if it’s true!
Good luck this weekend, Wil… Wish I could see it!
*giggles* Sponge Bob Vega$ Pants? I need to check that out.
That reminds me, I think I still have a couple kids books on record (those round things) somewhere in my paretns attic. Must search for them on my next visit. Will need the Fisherprice recordplayer as well. Oh, and throw on the search for my old 2XL (best use of 8-track technology ever).
Damnit, almost #1…anyways… good luck with the con, and Dawn of the Dead was a really great remake, and a really good movie. Too bad for no uppercut of death though….
I saw Dawn of the Dead with my dad on Friday. My only problem with it was a Pat Boone-styled version of “Down with the Sickness” during the movie. (WTF???) Granted, they played the GOOD version during the credits, but still…
All in all, very good movie (I LOVE horror movies!).
Request #465 of ‘When are you touring my city?’:
Have you set up a proper book tour yet? I can’t see anything listed on your iCal. Let us all know if you’re coming to Toronto… there’s a Hooters downtown (short walk from the Skydome). Com’on up to Canada and I’ll buy you a pint from Wayne Gretzkey’s Restaurant!
Have a great time this weekend, and make sure to wear your ‘I’m blogging this’ t-shirt or any of your Homestar Runner shirts. They’ll work too. Enjoy ‘Dawn of the Dead’ and remember…when there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth…
Saw DOTD last night with my boyfriend. Loved it. Quite tongue-in-cheek I thought and both scary, gory and funny. I left the theatre feeling like a 17 year old again instead of a 32 year old woman. Have fun at the convention, if you were in NYC I’d come visit and hear you read.
dude, i thought the lounge-lizard version of down with the sickness was great. i think it modernized the theme decently well. however cliche they become, though, i’m always going to be a big fan of music montages. just how my brain is wired, i suppose. enjoy the flick, i was surprised with how good it was.
I will not get out of your head. (1) It’s a fun place to be. (2) I can’t afford to go cross-country and meet you in person, so this is the next-best thing.
Great movie! And Tom Savini’s cameo was the shit!
It would not have been a “Dead” movie without him!
So jealous … And on my birthday, too. Best of luck with your performances. :o)
(Seriously, it’s my birthday.)
Good luck with the show Wil.
When you see DotD, pay attention to the music all the way through (even the elevator music 🙂 ).
As for beers in Toronto … if you ever get into town and are foolish enough to let this group of stalk … umm … fans know where you’re going to be, you’ll be drinking for free all night.
Thank you, Wil. I used to be regular WWDN reader…never missed a day…I’ve even got the t-shirt. But I got a new job and wanted to stay off the “non-work related sites”. I just came back today and I’m here to stay. You’re just a damn good writer and, well, I like your style. And you drink Guinness – so that ices it. Just wanted to say thanks for keeping up the geekness and the quality blog. I wish I still lived in CA so I could meet you in person. -Pixie
P.S. Love the 3.14 joke!
just because it’s in my head now–thanks wil… i hope it gets in all of yours now!
got me a movie
i want you to know
slicing up eyeballs
i want you to know
girlie so groovy
i want you to know
don’t know about you
but i am un chien andalusia
wanna grow
up to be
be a debaser, debaser
got me a movie
ha ha ha ho
slicing up eyeballs
ha ha ha ho
girlie so groovie
ha ha ha ho
don’t know about you
but i am un chien andalusia
I have also wondered if WFS is aware of the story, and if so if he’s ever said anything about it.
Yeah Wil, when are going to come to Canada for a book tour huh?
‘fraid? Don’t make me come down there and get my book autographed mister. Come to think of it, California sounds nice…..
Ok, you convinced me, I’ll be right down, just let me scrape together some $$. Oh, and time off, yeah, that too.
Oh, heck, just come to Montreal already!
Yeah, I suggest you do Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto.. err.. Something like that.
And let us know when you’re coming to Edmonton, so we can plan our next big LAN party around it (you’d be invited, of course) 🙂
Oh Wil, What a happy day you will have. You are on the schedule with WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER ! Have a great time.
Dawn of the Dead, eh? Saw it on Monday, had a blast. Although, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was better. Weird. Very weird. But better. Enjoy the show.
My SF fan group has storyreading nights, and lately the selections I’ve read have been Wil’s writing. The WFS story got a great reaction last time. I was going to read the “Star Trek: The Experience” most recently, but I gave the group a choice… and they opted for the [printout of the] poker saga instead (which earned gales and gales of laughter).
So it reads good even when it’s not the author reading it! Thumbs up, Wil!
I thought Dawn had too many plot holes. They could have driven one of their “tanks” through some of them.
I think it tarnishes the original some.
Have a great time. Love conventions. Too bad they don’t come close enough to my area.
a fan
Prud makes a good point. Eternal Sunshine is better. Trippy but excellent…especially if you liked Being John Malkovich.
Yes, Wil, come to Edmonton! We have West Edmonton Mall. Ever been there?
I thought Dawn of the Dead was a fun movie to watch & Secret Window was HORRIBLE.
Have fun at Creation. I guess I should try to go one of these years.
Yes yes, I also want you to come to Toronto. And it’s true, there IS a Hooters.
The Grand Slam should be fun. I haven’t been to one since 1994, I can’t wait to get there.
I think we all missed the memo about zombies getting to run fast…I had no idea they were great sprinters… *shrugs* go figure
Zombies Running: Showed up in 28 Days Later, when it was rather important. They had “the Rage”(tm) and if they had gone at normal speed then the film would have been totally different. Their ability to really chase people as opposed to lurching after them made it way more scary.
More “I’m coming to get you and eat you” than “I absolutely will not stop until you are dead” kind of thing.
Hey Wil,
I was reading your site and when i saw you talk about dawn of the dead i said “oh my god, i read a kickass article on that”, heres the link: http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=dawn_rules
I dont know what you think of maddox, but i love his writing, hes about the best entertainment we have here in utah, minus the “many wives” we have running around. =O.
I take it from your comments that you didn’t like Secret Window. I haven’t seen the movie but I really liked the novella its based from.
I’ll have to see Dawn of the Dead.
Yeah, the memo came out about two weeks ago you must have missed it!
It seems like you have a busy, yet fun, weekend ahead. Shame on you for having to much fun.
High speed zombies:
Check out 28 days later.
Some of that was way spooky with the running and the screaming.
The introduction of Sprinting Zombies(tm) was from here.
Just cos youre dead don’t mean you gotta be slow……
If we want to buy a book from you and get it signed, do we have to pay for a $20 autograph ticket? I don’t mean to be cheap but I already have negative money in the checking account with about a week to go till the end of the month. I think I can scrounge up the $35 to get in and the cost of the book. But to include the $20 autograph ticket, it makes for an expensive day.
If the extra $20 is required I will get a copy of the book from Amazon and just carry it with me in my car until we are in the same place at the same time. Get an autograph for free that way.
I really hope to be there this weekend and I hope I can get an autographed book.
dude, if their legs were intact, why wouldn’t they?
I don’t want to miss this one. A brazilian writer friend of mine wrote a horror book based on the same idea: what if someday you wake up and everyone around you has changed into… vampires? A little twist.
It’s his fourth book and if someone has any curiosity about it (and knows how to read brazilian portuguese), here’s the info: “Bento” by Vianco, Andre.
– Paulinhakz
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Couldn’t agree with you more on “Dawn”. The plot holes are gaping with only the cast saving the movie. I think they should have casted Ted Nugent as “Frank”,he would have been perfect.
And the running? I think it was far more scary to see the dead shuffling along,it built tenison and dread. Having them run was too “28 Days” for me.
And “Secret Window”? Its a good thing Depp was in it cause it blew chow otherwise.
The mall Dawn of the Dead was filmed at Thornhill Square just north of Metro Toronto. I work in that building. I still haven’t seen the movie yet.
In less than an hour I will be in my car on my way to LA to visit Brandi and go to Grans Slam. I can’t freaking wait.
I am glad to hear you will have your usual table. I will definitly be there on Saturday. I am still trying to decide if I want to spend the money to be there on Friday as well.
I was highly entertained by Dawn of the Dead. I haven’t seen the original (only the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead) so I didn’t have anything to compare it against. I was creeped out and I laughed. Sure it had it’s share of plot holes, but many movies do and are still entertaining.
See you this weekend Wil!
“…when the hell did zombies suddenly get to run fast?”
I totally hear you on this one. Of all the things that freak me out the most in scary movies it has to be Zombies. Their relentless desire for eating you combined with the singleminded focus on *getting* to you to eat you, make for some scary fun times. The problem is, Zombies are not scary when they run. They are just like hooligans at that point and you want to just beat the crap out of them for being so obnoxious.
Zombies are meant to be slow and unwavering in their approach at human consumption. They walk slowly toward you. You run and they still keep walking toward you. You hit a dead end or a locked door andthey still keep walking toward you. You chop off their legs at the knees and they still use their arms to propel themselves toarwd you at a slow and steady pace. They do not have to run fast because they know that eventually they will catch up to you because you will get tired and they are already dead so they don’t need to sleep.
The movie ’28 Days Later’ was a major dissapointment for this exact reason. Because the Zombies would run. *That’s *not* scary!*
Now if you will excuse me, I have run because there is a Zombie slowly moving towards me.
I loved the movie, myself. I hope you stayed through the credits to see the actual ending.
Running Zombies.
I guess to differentiate from the original, perhaps, or maybe to take the idea from ’28 Days Later’ (though, technically, the zombies in ’28 Days’ are not zombies; they’re still living people, but they’re just insane with hatred and rage. They die of starvation at the end cause, well, they’re still alive).
I’m of two minds about it. I like the original (no-one beats Romero) but I always heard the same arguements at that time, but turned around; people were always bitching about ‘man, they move so slow, you could always just outrun them’. Well, yeah, you could. Except when there are 200 of them between you and freedom. And they don’t get tired. They don’t give up. They don’t sleep. They just keep coming towards the fresh meat.
Fast-moving, I can live with. I’d have preferred not to have the full arm-pumping running, though.
Plot holes, I could live with. I really didn’t see many actual ‘holes’, myself, save for people doing the occassional thing that is not the wisest thing in the world. Going after the dog is sited as the #1 boner, I think. Almost everything else, chalk it up to ‘people in a situation so stressful that virtually no-one can think straight’. No-one does well under stress, esp the stress of seeing the entire world turned upside down in the space of one night. I was surprised there were not more suicides 🙂
The only things that I thought might be actual ‘holes’ were ‘Zombies don’t eat animals’, and ‘only a zombie bite turns you into a zombie’. I swear I thought it was ‘all recent dead becomes zombies’.
Oh my God. Finally, someone who recognized Secret Window for what it really is! “The Shining meets Identity” was all I could think throughout the whole movie. It was almost too predictable – I was saying lines before the characters were. Johnny Depp did manage to save the movie from extreme suckiness, though.
Excuse me while I go cry, for I just found out that it was based on an SK novella. Why, Stephen, why?!
1988’s Return of the Living Dead Part 2 was the first movie with running zombies. I wrote up a little something about it on my website.
The zombies in “Return of the Living Dead” (the first one) could move at a good clip when they felt like it. Won’t swear they were the first sprinting zombies.
I’m sorry, I like my book and all, but it’s fucking insane to expect you to spend $35 on it.
I told that to Creation, and here’s the deal: the price of my book will include an autograph. No extra ticket will be necessary.
“28 days later” while it was promoted as a zombie movie and as scary, was neither. Which was why I was dissappointed in it when I saw it. But after thinking about it for a while and then coming it at from a “Sci-fi/horror” Then it comes off as a bit better. Since it has the over arching commentary of man’s inhumanity to man. (and I tend to think of Sci-fi as being a tool to pull off social commentary better then most types of movies)
“DotD” it has been way to long since I saw the first one. But I do know this one was not a re-make and more of a re-telling ? But anyways taking it in as just a zombie flick it was extremely entertaining. I loved the Lounge version of Get Down with the Sickness it rawked.
And ohhh please tell me you stayed through the credits to see the real end. I saw a bunch of people get up and leave when the credits started. They missed the ending that I think made the movie soo much better.