I’ve updated my Appearances page to reflect some stuff that’s coming up: namely, Gnomedex and Linucon. There’s some other stuff in the works, but until I sign on the dotted line, I had better not talk about it.
Also, if you’re half the fan of Futurama that I am, you will probably enjoy The Top 25 Futurama Moments.
And if you’re into poker, you should check out The Film Geek’s poker blog. It’s good.
Oh, and if you get a chance to watch Star Wars: Empire of Dreams, you simply must do it. To quote my wife, “I’m not even a Star Wars Geek, and I loved it.”
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I LOVE FUTURAMA!!! I LOVE POKER (can’ bet yet, damn my 15 year oldness)!!! I wanna steal the wind-up Bender, please! Lookie a wookie in a tree *steals wind-up Bender while you’re distracted.
whoa. that security code thing got long.
watching that star wars behind the scenes thing made me think that I wouldn’t have picked carrie fisher for the role. I thought corvette summer kid was right on the money though. and harrison as ham salad couldn’t be better.
very soon, it will be cheaper to film these movies on location.
Why did they miss the “Snu Snu” episode in The Top 25 Futurama Moments?!
I love Futurama…and now I’m off pixy stix so I’ll make sense. I love the Bear Hospitable one, mean nasty old Prof. Farnsworth stunned the cute running little one. He could have lived, we must save them!
Okey, WHAT is Star Wars:empire of dreams, and why havent I heard about it!?! New movie, or and I being a total idoit and am totally off track. Anywho, I’m too lazy to post in the previous one as well, I am like that with coffee as well. If i dont get my morning cup, everyone beware, i go Crazy!