Today’s new Tabletop features two wonderful, fast, easy to learn games that are perfect for family gatherings: Qwirkle and 12 Days.
I love this episode because I got to play with my childhood friend, Meredith Salenger, and my stepson, Nolan. Oh, and Kelly Hu played with us, too, and look at how cool I play it that she was there.
Sweet, Wheaton. You really rocked the cool there. Nicely done.
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Meredith Salenger? I loved her when I was a kid. Wow.
Love that show! And those games are fun!
I LOVE QWIRKLE! I made my own bag of holding (and one for my sister too), but I put my initial on it. That’s not important. However, on occasion, when my laundry is insurmountable, my sister goes with me to the laundromat. We break out the Qwirkle and, invariably, end up with a small crowd (ok, 2 or 3 people), curious about the game. I most related to Kelly. It’s like she channeled my Qwirkle skills or something, so, sorry, Kelly. My bad.
Not related to this post, just a general about the revamped website: I really like it! It looks great and scans well. The header indicating general topic is lovely value-added.
Watched it – Loved it!
Got Qwirkle – it’s fun WANT 12 Days – Can’t… find… it … anywhere:(
Looks like I may make my first foray into PnP… wish me luck!
I love Qwirkle! My sister (who has her Ph.D in mathematics) is MUCH better at it than I am…but it’s still fun to play with her. 🙂
Kelly Hu, h’uh?
Don’t get on her bad side, Wheaton, or you’ll get the Lady Deathstrike claws….
Quick note about playing Qwirkle with the color-challenged – both my sons are colorblind, so I took a black Sharpie and wrote the initial of the color names in the middle of all the blocks. Obviously not viable for a purist who doesn’t wish to deface their game components, but it was simple and now there’s no problem telling red from green from orange, or blue from purple.
Now we just need to fix Set somehow…
Nice New Site Layout Wil…
You have any relation named Joel Wheaton? I tdrive by a Street named that everyday…
Sorry to high jack the post.
So, we bought Qwirkle to play with our kids years ago and it sat on a shelf because we couldn’t quite wrap our heads around the rules. I was so excited to see Qwirkle on Tabletop! I ran home and made the whole family play and it was great (except that I am also math challenged and jacked up the score the first time out). Still, big fun and now we have a new family game to play. Thanks for inlcuding this on Tabletop 🙂
Found it using Google…lead me to a site called Download Cards. They sell the card sets printed and sent to your door as well as the downloadable version that you can print yourself. The download was free, the preprint cards are a bit more and will take time, as they print to order, apparently.