I had an idea, so I tried it out. I’m publishing it now, before I have a chance to back out and change my mind.
- Show Notes:
- The audio isn’t perfectly clean. That is by design. This is an experiment.
- Radio Free Burrito doesn’t work as hard as Memories of the Futurecast did to earn its NSFW rating, but listener discretion is still advised.
- If you want to introduce yourself, join this post. Maybe you’ll make a new friend.
- The theme music was just called “flight.mp3” and I have no idea where it came from.
- There’s no art, because it’s an experimental episode.
- I’m not sure if this will work with typical podcast clients. Apologies in advance if it isn’t available in your preferred thing.
- The episode is 19.26 and is 28MB.
Enjoy the Burrito!
If the embeded player doesn’t work, try this link: RFB-Experimental
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I have done one of these impromptu blathering. It is at the very least intimate. Its not for everyone but thats a thing.
I agree 100%.
I’m in favor of trying new things to find the groove you can fall into; to create something that not only fulfills the creative aspect of yourself, but finds an external audience as well. Can’t hone your skills; your art; your abilities, without dropping the needle and seeing where the first note takes you.
This seemed so raw and real. I felt as if I was sitting at the bar table listening to you have a conversation with me. Is this format your experiment? I like it.
Really enjoyed it. The need to make…yeah, I totally get that. Look forward to the next installment.
This was delightful, Wil. Such an intimate window on your life. I realize you might not want to do this all the time, but I really enjoyed it.
Will it eventually be on the RFB iTunes feed? I realize it’s been a while since anything appeared there, but I have remained subscribed.
This. Is. Beautiful. The emotion in your voice while you’re discussing things while washing the dishes nearly made me cry.
This reminded me of listening to a “Director’s commentary” (Which sometimes is my favorite part of the the movie.) It flowed very well, and was easy to listen to, although I think the headphones helped for the dish washing part. Thank you for this look inside your head, and your life. Looking forward to more.
This was definitely a thing I liked, so I hope you did, too and want to continue making it. I am fascinated with the ways you include your fans in your creative process. I love knowing the whys and hows of it. Please continue!
I loved this. And I’ve SO missed RFB. Thanks for sharing, risking, and being determined, Wil.
Hell, I’m just happy to have a burrito to listen to. Fun fact, I listened to it while I did my dishes.
Hi. I made a thing today too. Also not a perfect thing, but an experiment. I’ve been in the hospital for almost four weeks and my sister-in-law sent me some yarn and needles to help keep me sane. I’ve never knitted before, but with the help of Youtube I knitted a little square. It had a few holes and twisty spots where I got something wrong, but I was really proud of it and put a picture on Facebook. Isn’t it great to create?!?!
Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed it very much – and I hope you’ll do and share more of them. Podcasting seems to be a natural fit for you, and I’m glad to see you doing it.
And I hope they’ll show up in iTunes – I’d love to have them alongside my other podcasts.
Thanks for sharing!
Aw, I like you. Just keep doing your thing.
I liked it, it was insightful for me. Just one question for now, what’s a garbage disposal?
When reality is merged with something creative it can place a moment of flux with in the brain that’s hard to forget.(I have no idea what I just said.)Anyways,listening to this was cool because it gives a glimps at a process.It’s something not seen so much.Which I believe is something unique.
I like the show and want more. The reason why I like it was it felt like you were having a conversation personally with me(even thou you were not) and I was sitting in your kitchen listening to you vent about your day. Which was very nice and very theater of the mind, we need more podcasts/shows that are just very real everyday conversations. Please make more. Thanks.
Yes, more of that thing is a good thing.
Thank you! I enjoyed this! It was my first time listening to RFB.
Thanks for letting us in on your thoughts–I know that it’s weird exposing yourself in that way, especially when it means there are complete strangers who end up seeing you as a friend or role model. I know that I, for one, want to get back to making things after your new (and exciting) commitment to release the podcast regularly. I look forward to seeing what comes of this!
Not sure what kind of feed back you’re looking for, but a couple of thoughts:
Audio sounds great on my PC, you’ve got the voice of a DJ;
That’s a “puppy” barking? What’s it’s mother’s bark like?;
A lot of blank, gray space on on the right side of your blog (on my screen anyway @ 1920px wide). I know you had some issues with the theme before. Still having an issue?
Thank you for letting us in your house (your real one and your mental). Liked it.
Thank you for making the thing. Thank you for inviting me into your kitchen. Make more things because by listening I’m encouraged to move forward making my things.
I’m reading Amanda Palmer’s book right now and this clip reminds me of her connection with her fan family: vulnerable and honest.
I did not know about RFB before this but I am a listener now.
As others mentioned, it sounded like you’d invited me into your kitchen for a nice chat. As to the weekly podcast thing, you can just start your week count whatever you want – think in creative terms, not cubicle terms – your ‘week’ begins and ends when the creative muse sings and then goes silent. It’s always good to not force a thing – just make ’em as they come, and we’ll tune in!
I like this, it reminds us of the fact that there is an actual person behind the “public figure” that we all got to know.
I know the fear of losing a financial stable situation, that fear alone can influence the choices you make (mostly in a bad way). In the worst case you won’t take any risk at all, missing out on a lot of fun in life, but spending it all just in fear this is the last chance you can do “expensive” trips / buy “expensive” things isn’t really a good option either..
In my case this results in spending a lot of money at moments I’m feeling a lot of pressure from either work or other obligations. This lead to visiting Los Angeles and Las Vegas five times already (I live in the Netherlands..), which was a lot of fun, but is also a way of fleeing the everyday life. Things are getting easier while growing older, but it’s still something I have to keep in mind all the time.
As others have said, it was an interesting insight into your life and current thoughts and if you feel comfortable with sharing these, please keep them up. Also, hearing your pets is cool, too. 🙂
Practice keeps up and strengthens your (metaphorical) muscles, there doesn’t have to be a goal. Recording stream of consciousness ideas might not have a finely produced quality but you’re talking into a recording device which trains the relevant muscles.
I thought it was a very lovely intimate look into your thought processes and your life around the house. I really enjoyed it.
I really liked this. I felt like I was just sitting in your kitchen while you were doing the dishes having a conversation. I thought the raw feeling was great. Not everything has to be polished and perfect- life sure isn’t I look forward to whatever else you come up with.
I enjoyed this experiment. Plus, for me, the intimacy was intensified because I was also washing dishes. It was actually a very strange sensation overall. 🙂
Enjoyed this very much. I love the way recording random thoughts results in clarity and focus. Your voice went from tentative to strong. If you keep recording, I will keep listening.
Loved it. More Radio Free Burrito!
I wish more podcasts were like this. There’s a priest from the Netherlands who produces a lot of religious and pop culture podcasts, but one of his shows is just a recording of him walking and talking. It’s his best one. It’s a lot like this. This was like a one-on-one with Wil. Keep them coming. And it’s cool you took a chance on putting this out there. (It could have sucked.) (JK)
This podcast made me realize that I also want to make things. I feel the same way that I want to create things that are I did and own. I appreciate your honesty. This inspires to get going some ideas I have been thinking about doing.
That is supposed to say, that I did, not that I are did.
Will you push it to your old Radio Free Burrito feed?
Listened. Enjoyed it. Great to hear RFB again sir!! Keep talkin’.
This was amazing. I really hope you manage to do the thing you want too!
This thing that you did is a thing that I really like. Just an everyday thing but so enjoyable.
For what it’s worth, Wil, the stream of consciousness that prompted this wonderful experiment seems to have tapped into a stream that I’ve been on lately. It’s EXACTLY what I needed to hear today, and dovetails with everything I’ve been thinking and writing about in the last week or so.
What I’m trying to say, but which is sort of beyond words, is that maybe the freer you are in going with your flow, the more you connect with other people–at an almost “mystical” level. Sorry to be woo-woo. But there it is. Thanks for this! It’s beautiful.
Love the concept. I think a lot of us feel the same way about the desire to do something that expresses ourselves. Going through the same line of thinking myself this new year, thinking about what I can do to create something that is uniquely me to put out there.
BTW, what equipment did you use to record that on? Your mic was very crisp and clear. The rustling of the dog treats when you fed them was awesome.
Hey Wil, thanks for putting this out there, it’s important for the overall creative conversation to have unfiltered content available. There’s too much of a tendency in the current social media / life is a brand / so-called reality TV environment for everything to be a meta-view of a real event. It’s getting to the point where even the shows we’re supposed to believe are true and accurate representations of unedited and unscripted events turn out to merely be scripted and edited to appear unscripted.
It’s an unhealthy environment because it builds a creative barrier to entry, where people stumbling through their first steps to trying to create and publish a thing wonder why their random ramblings seem so much less interesting than these other random ramblings, not realizing that they’re really listening to a carefully crafted simulation of random. Now I want to say that Branding the Random is my Captain Beefheart cover band.
Anyway, it’s refreshing to hear a truly off the cuff recording that is honest and unpolished, speculative, and addresses the difficulty and frustration of creating/not creating, but at the same time doesn’t try to solve the dilemma in any way other than by itself existing. It’s inspiring to see a content creator such as yourself have the courage to release something so directly unpolished. Inspiring because it shows that the act of creating and the courage of releasing that creation into the wild can be overwhelming, but does not have to be.
I loved it and can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.
I totally identify — having a part of me that is always looking to just create something. I have always tried to involve myself in music on some level, even if only a few people end up listening (which seems to be the case). Lately I’ve been trying to just spend time doing some cover songs and producing videos to go with them, eventually moving back into originals.
But it’s that process of just creating for the sake of keeping the skills fresh, the creativity flowing, and making stuff for the sake of making stuff. The hard part — at least for me — is when I’m making that stuff consistently and out of it comes this hope or expectation that people would care about what I’m doing, enjoy it, and share it with others. And sometimes those expectations just aren’t met and I have to keep on just making for the sake of making.
For what it’s worth, check out the music that I’ve been doing: http://www.youtube.com/auturgymusic
Keep up the podcast, Wil. I’ll listen.
I can’t think of anything to add to the above comments except to say they’re all right. I really loved this.
Really interesting. DAMIT! Now you’ve got me saying it. [Ding]
I just got back from the hospital where the doctors told me I had a perfectly functioning heart and that the heart attack I thought I was having was the result of a very bad panic attack. Everyone was nice enough about the whole ordeal, but I felt like an asshole and after apologizing profusely I asked my doctor what a real heart attack would feel like so that I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. What he described was pretty much what I experienced with one additional symptom: the pains, discomforts, cold sweats and dizziness all persist for long periods of time (that, or you die right away). I thanked him and after they finished running their tests I was discharged with a prescription for Xanax.
I’m not sure why anxiety should like to manifest as an imposter heart attack. I don’t know why it chose to waste my time and money by compelling me to visit the emergency room on a Sunday afternoon when I’d scheduled that time for relaxing videogames. And I’m really upset that I wasted the time of several healthcare professionals.
But at least I had Obamacare-provided health insurance to give me the confidence to visit that emergency room, because the 45 minutes prior to the decision to go to the hospital were the most terrifying of my life. I doubt insurance will cover a false-alarm emergency– I hope it does, but I doubt it– however, it was just the assurance I needed to ask a healthcare professional whether I wasn’t dying. And that’s nice.
I’m sharing this here because you, Wil, have recently expressed some interest in the social part of social media, and I believe you’ve said you suffer from some anxiety and depression yourself. I don’t know if this post will encourage you to share those parts of your life with us in your upcoming podcasts, but maybe it will. And if it doesn’t, at least you’ll get an extra feeling for your audience and the sort of things they’re dealing with.
Have a great day~~
You have nothing to apologize for, and I’m glad that you’re home safe. Take care of yourself. 🙂
My Husband used to be an EMT and I have actually heard him talk about this, While it might FEEL like your “wasting” their time. Trust me, almost every health care professional would rather you come in with an anxiety attack thinking it is a heart attack than NOT come in with a heart attack.
I do hope you feel better soon. I would personally rather deal with a 6 month deep depression than a sever panic attack.
That was so … real. Doing dishes while recording a podcast? I felt connected to what you were doing. So raw, and uncut. There was an honesty to it that reminded me that you’re just a guy who does the same things I do, but shares his thoughts along the way. It makes me want to make things too… except I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hear the trials, tribulations and musings of a 33 year old nobody 🙂
With that said though, I think you’re right. It’s not a perfect thing… but it’s a good thing – at least to me. Quite honestly, if the way I described above was what you were hoping for, then it really was the perfect way to make this thing. I’m really grateful you shared it, and that I got to hear it… thanks!
I do this stuff frequently, the difference being that my only audience is the 4 teenagers I’m raising as a single dad.
Wow. Tough room.
Thanks for sharing your thing…which you made. It’s fun to listen to your unscripted thoughts…and a peek into a day in the life of Wil. For the vast majority of us who will, in all likelihood, never get a chance to know you (meeting you isn’t so hard…but that’s much different from knowing) this helps us paint a picture of the Wil we imagine we’d get to know if given the chance.
It occurs to me that much like there’s your version of you (the real you)….and there’s the Big Bang Theory fictional version of you, each of us constructs our own version of you based on what we’ve seen/heard/read of you.
Anywho, thanks for sharing. You continue to enrich my life and the life of my little family, all of whom look forward to the next episode of Tabletop…and the gag reel that always follows.
we’ll work on playing more games – please keep making stuff.
Hi Wil, I think you are awesome and I was wondering if you ever miss playing D&D as Aeofel (who is the best lol <3) and I really miss your show keep being awesome!!! ~Krista
Very cool.