I’ve been playing with Google’s Deep Dream a little bit. I like the way these two images turned out:
This rose came from an original photograph I saw on Reddit. I like how it looks like a rose with maybe some pepper or something in it when you look at a small thumbnail, but when you embiggen it to its full size, there’s a whole lot of creepy stuff going on in there.
The other one just finished dreaming a few minutes ago. It’s based off of this picture of three politicians in regrettable golf pants.
Here’s the image as the dream is getting started. Again, you’ll want to embiggen this to fully appreciate it.
It would have been fine to stop it there, because it’s just a little creepy, but I let it go deeper into the dream…
We’ve moved from creepy into funny and a little surreal, but by the time it was done, it had gone all the way back around to creepy and landed in nightmare.
I particularly like how Tip O’Neill is getting literally two-faced in that final image.
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What’s in the background on the last two is the real nightmare.
The feets! gah!
Heh, it’s got nothing on that clip from “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” filtered through Deep Dream.
I wonder, how would it look from the licensing side if someone was to run a film sequence through Deep Dream for that “acid trip” feel. Sure, you can do it, but how would Google react to a commercial use like that?
My dreams take me everywhere .. lol listen to your dreams .. see i will pray to the gods for u .. <3
Who slipped acid in my internets?
The rose image is particularly striking, an interesting concept of horror hidden inseeming beauty…err sorry shutting literary brain down. (And I hope you will forgive me for bothering you, but did the fanart in the poster tube make it to you in time for last Thursday? I was terrified it wouldn’t make it. ^.^”)
Those psychedelic floral pants…we can go deeper.
Is just me, or does Tip O’Neill look more and more like Pope Benedict with each picture, especially when you zoom in on his face?
Hello. Are you just feeding it back over and over?
“You came in those pants? You’re braver than I thought…”
Wil! I’ve just seen the Dark Matter episod you starred in! Great job! Always like when you play villanous guys, like Dr. Parish or the leader of Axis of Evil! I wish you will star in Supernatural too one day.
Ignac a fan from Hungary
By order of the Time Enforcement Commission, Stephen Hawking Anomaly Bannermen, Daughters of the New Universal Confederacy, Siamese Twin Prime Leader Max Headroom-Ron Silver I command you to stop!
Some Deep Dream artwork I made – Deep Art | infinityandstuff