I went to see Rogue One Thursday night with a bunch of my friends, because OBVIOUSLY I went to see it again. I will see it all the times, because I like it that much.
It was raining and what passes for cold, here in Los Angeles, so I went to my closet to grab a scarf, and I realized that I could do a tiny bit of silly trolling, inspired by the Big Bang Theory version of myself:
One guy walked up to me and said, “that’s the wrong franchise, buddy,” to which I replied, “Oh … is it?”
I wore my Roddenberry 50th anniversary pin to the showing I went to. No one had an issue. It’s all good, right?
Clearly that guy doesn’t watch TNG or Big Bang.
I told a buddy last week That Wil Wheaton says this movie is awesome. We’re seeing it tomorrow!
At that point, I would find it so extremely tempting to respond “Listen, pal, I used to drive the Starship Enterprise, so I’ll wear whatever scarf I damn well please”.
Perfect. Probably didn’t recognize you.
He was not paying attention. Hah.
Ladies and gentlemen, Wil Wheaton, Emperor of Snark.
haha, that is just awesome !!! : )
I needed that hearty laugh! LOL!
I almost wore a Star Trek T-shirt to Rogue One. Not intentionally. It just happened to be the shirt I was wearing, and I decided to change only at the last minute.
This made my day. Thanks.
I love know-it-alls. They bring so much meaning and purpose to our lives.
Most excellent. Also, that’s a nice scarf. We’re seeing Rogue One tonight!!! I may wear an old Highlander: The Series shirt, because total obscurity.
I love me some Adrian Paul, man. Best underrated actor of the age!
Too funny! Good job Wil!
This is why I follow you.
my favorite character of the the star treks is Bigfoot
I like the Star Wars movies, but I have been a big fan of Star Trek since the very first time it aired on TV (yes I’m that old). We have a huge Star Trek exhibit up here in Seattle right now, and it was so cool to see so many of the sets and photos and items up close. Great choice on the scarf!
Well played, Sir. Well played. ^^b
“Live long and suck it” would have been the perfect response!
Still my hero after all these years…
Use the force and prosper Wil. Also, what Scarletrabbit said.
Hahaha, that’s the Wil Wheaton snark I love!
The fact that they didn’t recognize you makes this even funnier.
“Do you know who I am?”
Shoulda got a selfie with him, and posted it.
Buwhahaa! When I read the header I thought, scarf = 4th Doctor, then I saw the photo. So full of win.
I have to ask….was that guy serious or just screwing with you?
I’m not sure. He wasn’t a dick about it, it was just funny.
Hats off to you for pulling a real life Evil Wil Wheaton. Thank you for sharing Wil.
Star Wars is just fantasy while Star Trek is coming more of a reality
Only in gadgetry and tech is Star Trek becoming more of a reality. Sadly, the part where humanity starts growing up and eliminating poverty, war, and rampant greed is still just as much a fantasy as Star Wars will ever be.
You can’t change human nature. If you start with 10 people who live in the same block, they all earn the same amount of money at their jobs, and they all have the same amount of possessions, here’s what will happen: 2 people will get sick of working, get addicted to heroin, and decide to quit their jobs, lose their homes, and beg for cash on the streets for more heroin and whiskey. [There’s your poverty that cannot be eliminated.] 2 of the remaining 8 would decide they don’t like each other for some reason, and will do everything they can to destroy each other. [There’s your war that cannot be eliminated.] And of the remaining 6, 2 will decide that they don’t like being “equal” to the others and will do whatever it takes to get more money and possessions the rest; whether that be through getting a better job or working harder, or through theft or other dishonesty. [There’s your greed that cannot be eliminated.]
I about sprayed the Dr Pepper out of my mouth when Picard told Lily in “First Contact” that the economics of the future are somewhat different and that people no longer strive to obtain material possessions… or whatever liberal crackpipe fantasy fluff the writers thought up for him to say.
And if you think about it, for all the utopian fantasy that the “United Federation of Planets” in Star Trek is, how do the shows and movies have any PLOT to them? They are at odds with other powers (the Klingons, Breen, Romulans, Ferengi, etc.) that are simply a macrocosm of all the good and bad parts of what it means to be human. Storytelling needs conflict. And while we can TRY to reduce conflict in the real world–and we might even succeed in a small way–it just won’t go away. Cain murdered his brother with a rock because of jealousy. There were probably only 4 people on the entire planet earth at the time. Cain was unable to just let it go, or work harder to please God… but he chose murder. And there will ALWAYS be people like Cain. And people who will chose to do the wrong thing, though less extreme than murder.
You just had a moment that I dream of having. No, not celebrity, secret snark slam 🙂
That’s awesome!
Life imitates art imitating life 🙂
I need to see this and I want to I’ve been excited for it, and yes there’s been mixed reviews but the people who I know who’ve liked it have the same movie tastes as me. I thought maybe I’ll see it tonight but considering i got lost in a mexican resteraunt and had to ask where the exit was I shouldn’t drive and I’d have to get an uber to and from. I didn’t drive from the resteraunt btw, I’m not too drunk just enough to not feel comfortable driving, like i’m not time traveling.
You just made my day!
The original Star Trek: The Motion Picture movie poster sums it up best:
Totally out of context here – Wil, do you realize how much you look like wil Ryker in that picture? (My apologies to you and Jonathon Frakes.)
I didn’t notice that until you mentioned it. Yes, he is SLIGHTLY Rikerish.
Bah, I love Star Wars AND Star Trek. There is 0 reason one can’t love both. It’s like… I love reading Wil’s posts, AND I love watching his acting in TNG, Big Bang, etc. There’s no reason we can’t love both! 😛
I think Will looks Rikerish because he looks like he’s up to something and he thinks no one will notice but the jokes on him. We all know what’s really going on. XD
Unless I’m mis-remembering, “that’s the wrong franchise, buddy” is a Sheldon Cooper line from the show.
I think the guy was a TBBT fan and paying you a compliment by quoting show dialog at you (but I could easily be wrong).
Either way, that’s a great story. Blogs should have “Like” buttons exactly for this reason…
Bravo WW, We tend to use initials here in the south. Rogue one really is a good movie.. but never never miss a chance to be a bonefide smartass..
He probably should have said ‘this is not the franchise you’re looking for.’