I made this countdown four years ago, because I needed to have something to work toward, and to look forward to.
I don’t expect anyone to look back into my blog from four years ago, so I’ll just repaste the code here:
There is so much work to be done, but at least America won’t have a Fascist in the White House.
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Thank you, Wil for the countdown clock! That will be a Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!
HA! I love the countdown. Thank God you rightly assumed he wouldn’t be re-elected. Tragic, that on January 6, our Democracy was severely shaken by the person who swore on his inauguration day to protect and defend the Constitution. That sham of a human being will soon be gone, hopefully to prison as an example.
I wish I was a gymnast. On January 20, I could do back flips and cartwheels for hours.
I’ll be so glad when they are all 00!
You rock!
Longest four years of my 54 years!
Almost free of that monstrous son of a bitch…👏👏🙏💙
Amen! I turned my Advent zcalendarvito a Countdown to Biden
I am concerned that so many people voted for Trump in 2020.
And the mischief they’re going to inflict on the country over the foreseeable future.
You should be concerned. Yes.. we can all breathe a sign of relief right now BUT..
have you seen the video from Arnold Schwarzenegger? (If you haven’t it’s worth a watch for sure). In it he talks about the Night of Broken Glass. Hitler and his goons attempted an insurrection and lost. They got caught, convicted and ended up in jail… and 10 years later Hitlter was elected Chancellor of Germany and I think everyone knows what happened after that. 11 million murdered – 6 million of them Jews. 20 million soldiers/sailors/airmen and 40 million civilians.
Nearly 75 million voted for Trump. This is far from over.
I wish it were. I hope I’m very wrong. But… I’m not counting on it.
You’re right. As a European and as survivors could tell you: it never is over. This is a constant fight. Democracy should never, ever be taken for granted. The rational part of the nation needs to 1) Get the whole truth out and make their representatives accountable for their passive or active support. 2) Testify again and again so the truth isn’t forgotten. You’ve all lived through this. You know what happened. You’ve witnessed it. Don’t let your stories be forgotten or retold by liars. 3) Stay vigilant. Don’t let shit you hear fly (taking a stance or speaking up is exhausting and you should only do this when you’re sure you’re in a safe space and have all the mental spoons to deal with it), vote every time you can, educate people who wants to be educated (racists and the likes aren’t able to even consider changing their minds unless something happens in their little circle that makes them personally concerned by the issue so don’t waste your time and energy on them), promote people, public figures, media which do 1 and 2.* lots of hugs*
What are your plans to take personal action to prevent those things from happening? Predicting doom and gloom is not useful and can in fact make things worse by making people feel that apathy is an appropriate response since supposedly there is nothing that can be done.
There is nothing Trump and his followers would like more than for you to decide that it’s hopeless. You’re playing right into their hands.
Thank you for this. As you say, much to be done, but it’s a start.
160+ million didn’t vote for Trump. If you let the 70+ speak for all of you, that’s all you’re gonna hear. It’s not easy moving on from hate and fear (you can have a look at Germany, France, Italy, Spain to name a few and see how we do; constant vigilance, constant fight for democracy every election, racism always there and alive) but it’s all humankind has every tried to do. Can’t say it’s a quick process but we do move forward. Think of what was life like 100 years ago for women or PoC. Hate and fear are always going to be there. They’ve always been there. Because it’s easy, it takes no effort, it makes you feel powerful. It’s very, very selfish. You aren’t going to convince all of them that they were wrong. That’s not the point. The point is to say, we, the other 160+ don’t want what you want and we’ve learned our lesson and we’ll be more careful in the future. Which puts the burden on your shoulders. But that’s the only way it’s not going to happen again. You can’t count on the idiots and bigots and fascists to have epiphanies.
You’re absolutely correct. I won’t lie and say that most people who didn’t vote will have a wake-up call. They won’t. There are reforms the US could make to make the voting process way easier, accessible and meaningful to some extent but it still won’t change things dramatically. I’m sure you hear the same lazy arguments that politicians are all the same, one vote doesn’t change a thing, they don’t care about politics, they only vote in local elections, blablabla. All European countries have had to face the rise of dangerous fanatics and extremists in recent years and it’s basically always up to the same people to make the right choice again and again and it doesn’t really get any better :/ But, as you said, the key is in there being enough people. It’s possible. Several countries have resisted. And you did it this time, don’t forget that, and I think we can say it wasn’t easy or a safe bet. Far from it. At least from an outsider’s perspective. I also think recent events will change things a bit. I think some passive supporters didn’t expect things to go that far (they could ignore all the other awful things that happened as long as they felt it didn’t concern them directly). I think that counts for something.
For what it is worth, I frequently checked your black friday blog post over the past four years.
I share the jubilation of Wil and others — and also Stephanie’s fears. I understand her need to vent them, to admit to them, and to face them. Eric: what are your suggestions for things people can do? How do we work against the hate and FOR the beneficial efforts of the incoming administration?
I know nothing about others on this list. We all have capabilities and limitations as to what we can do and give. (I, for instance, have health issues that restrict what I can do.) I don’t want to jump on anyone for being scared or for feeling helpless. Perhaps we could offer each other ideas on how to help repair our nation. I ended up finding organizations that needed people to write letters and postcards to Get Out the Vote — something I could do when I had energy, even if that was at three in the morning.
Snort. “America won’t have a Fascist in the White House” hasn’t been true since 1825. (Maybe 1853 if you’re generous.)
You posted a lot more words than necessary to say “I don’t know what fascism means,” since that’s what you’re actually saying there.
Yay! I thought it would never come!
Thank you for sharing this. I can literally feel my stress & anxiety fade a little bit as the numbers tick down.
would love it to see that countdown in the sidebar, as a (mostly) daily visitor!
I was just thinking about your countdown the other day.
I recalled the gloomy mood I was in.
I also recall the sense of hope I felt when I realized you and others were feeling it too, like we were in this together.
So thanks, Wil.
Yes! And this was a very good day, what with the second impeachment vote assisted by some of the Republicans. I’ll bet he is having a coronary or an aneurysm right about now.
This countdown is just the reminder I needed that our long national nightmare is almost over. Thanks, Wil!
Americans are sticking their heads in the sand if they think for one moment politicians on either side care about anything other than power over the people while enjoying their freedoms.
Even the heroes of the left have repeatedly passed down rules and have been caught breaking them. Of course they are “so sorry” for the “error in judgement” (with the exception of Pelosi and Lightfoot…they don’t seem to feel even a little bad for going to get their hair done while salons weren’t even supposed to be open). Our government is full of egotistical megalomaniacs who believe they are smarter than the citizens they rule over. I wonder how the left would have responded had Trump won a second term. Would they have gone quietly into the night like they did last time? Oh wait. The left felt that Donald Trump didn’t win in 2016 and has been fighting against him ever since.
I don’t think violence for violence’s sake is a good thing. However, there is a huge number of people who want the government to stop dictating every facet of their lives while taking a larger and larger portion of their incomes and sending it to places who hate the United States. The government more and more is trying to tell people what they can and can’t do and what they can and can’t think or say. Those people who disagree with that feel they have no other option but to protest. I have been to several conservative protests and not once has there been violence or destruction of property. Obviously this one at the Capital Jan 6 was different than that. BUT
This past summer there were protests that cost millions of dollars in damage to businesses that have NOTHING to do with what people say they were protesting about. The left applauded those protests and participated in them. Many of those protests were peaceful…but there were several times when they weren’t. People were beaten. People died. Business owners lost everything and protestors justified it by saying “they have insurance”. As if that give someone the right to steal from them and burn their building to the ground.
The left was okay with protests that put people in harm’s way until it came to their doorstep and was for a cause they didn’t agree with. Now they want people doxxed, prosecuted, and silenced. That should raise alarms to EVERY citizen of our country no matter what side of the issues they are on. We have given our government WAY too much power over our lives and if you believe for one second they will give your rights back after taking them away, you are in for a really nasty surprise.
The mask mandates should be the least of your worries.
When the government can force a person to sell his property that he owns free and clear simply because he lives in an AFC (that he self pays, no government assistance or insurance)…that is a government taking away rights. That happened to my dad against his wishes. It nearly killed him. That had nothing to do with Covid. It happened 3.5 years ago. It has a lot to do with my realization that they have far too much power over people.
The stuff the government has done during Covid is just showing their true intentions to the whole country. They want to control our right to make a living, where we go, and who we go with, all the while doing whatever they want to do and simply apologizing when they get caught. It’s not a good trajectory.
Amen Julie. You are not wrong. We should all be concerned about our Government… who I think we all can agree is about the worst entity on the planet to manage OUR money… taking more money and power from us. Trump did it, and now we are on the… correction-slippery-slope.
And to the rest… we are Americans. Right, Left, Left Handed-and-Middle like me, we are lucky to be born here and live here. Travel a bit of the world (and I am not talking Resorts, but where real people live) and you will realize how lucky we are.
So let’s try to move on and live… together.
Thanks niteRider. Even with all it’s flaws, I do believe we live in the best country in the world. People literally risk their lives to come here for a better life. That ought to be a good indication to us of how good we have it.
However our freedoms are being threatened and we as citizens should be telling our government ENOUGH. Passing bills they haven’t read through should be an indication of how much they don’t care for us.
Anyone who as ever signed a contract should know that you need to to read the find print and make sure you aren’t agreeing to terms that differ from what you think they are. Many politicians have law backgrounds, they know exactly what they are doing and they still don’t care to read the bills they are passing.
This is a dangerous game they are playing and it’s our responsibility to hold them accountable.
Stephanie I’m sorry that you feel the need to call people names and try to shame them for not believing that our government is good. We can disagree on many things, but the citizens of our country ought to be aware of what is happening and stand together.
Our government wants to divide us and keep us infighting so that we are focused on that instead of all the stuff they are putting into these bills and passing without reading them or allowing the public access to the information until it’s already passed.
If the government really truly wanted to protect and help us…why are cigarette companies still in business? Why are opioid manufacturers still pumping out highly addictive and dangerous drugs? Why are products “known to cause cancer” still allowed to be sold here? Why are food additives that are banned in most other countries in the world because they are toxic still added to our food here?
It’s not because the government as it stands now doesn’t have the power to shut those places down. Those companies place millions into the pockets of politicians to allow them to continue to operate. This is happening from low level government all the way to the top and people just don’t see it for what it is.
Julie is radicalized, broken, plays false equivalencies, and is so far down the cult rabbit hole that there is no way back. She is afraid of everything except the horrific threat that her Cult Leader and her cadre of terrorists bring to America. And you know what? She probably has aa comfortable life thanks to this great country. What a pity that she has chosen CULT over COUNTRY.
Hal, you don’t know me and you only know the barest minimum about me so to speculate that I’m radicalized or part of a cult from behind your computer screen is at best childish. Really it falls more in line with being cowardly.
Yes, I have a really great life. I have my own business and am thankful that I have had a steady income throughout this past year. However I also know and have seen how quickly things can change when the government gets involved in a person’s life. I watched my dad tell a judge he didn’t want to sell his home and she looked him in the face and made the decision to force the sale anyway. My dad owed no debt, broke no laws, had no quarrel with any part of government. Yet the government gave a judge the power to take everything he worked for 30+ years away. Sure, he got to keep the proceeds from the sale (after his court appointed attorney – my dad wasn’t allowed to hire his own attorney – got his $20,000 out of it) and when he dies, the court will then tax whatever money that might be left. Frankly I hope my dad’s end of life care takes every last dime so the government can’t take any more from him. That is just one small example of what the court and the government is capable of. Watch a parent or loved one go through that and tell me how good the government is. In my state our Governor and DHHS have decimated small business while big corporations have gotten richer and richer.
A cult is when someone blindly follows a leader (or leaders) and never questions anything and I am far from that. I think our entire government system is terrible. I don’t want anarchy because I believe that there should be law and order…but when the government can dictate whether I can work or not, or whether I can travel, or buy and sell things, or see my dad? That is government taking away my rights. And yours as well.
The left isn’t going to save our country. Neither is the right.
Watching this clock is as hypnotic and comforting as watching the Yule Log on TV during Christmas.
Amen Will! I just want him to go away & let an adult back in the White House.
Wil, I am very happy that you are on the side of righteousness. We are bigger, smarter, and more patriotic than the Dark Side, and we will prevail. One by one, group by group, they will fall. Peace and justice is the American Way. We’ve got this!
Thats that jquery tminusCountDown plugin, don’t know how it looks with the stylesheet for all those jedi classes though
Remember those naïve, carefree days back in 2000, when we all thought the Bush v. Gore decision was the most egregious thing we’d ever seen politically? Good times.
Sadly, the cult of Trump will not leave on he same timeline. How do you fight a cult tat is founded on a conspiracy theory? I don’t know.