Last night, we wrapped production on the third season of Tabletop. It was bittersweet for me, as always, because I’m so wiped out and teetering on exhaustion, the idea of sleeping until I don’t need to sleep is very appealing … but I’m also sad, because I love the crew so much, and they are such a joy to work with. We truly have become a family over the last three seasons, and it’s going to take me a few days not only to decompress from the intense production schedule, but to get used to not seeing all these people who I genuinely like for 12 hours a day.
I’m incredibly proud of the work we did this season, and I am super excited to get to work on editing and the other post-production tasks, starting on Friday.
For those of you wondering, here is the complete list of games and players from this season, in the order they were played (not the order they will be released):
- Tokaido – Jason Wishnov, J. August Richards, Chris Kluwe
- Concept – Joseph Scrimshaw, Rett and Link
- Roll For It and Sushi Go! – Jason Ritter, Jennifer Hale, John Ross Bowie
- Forbidden Desert – Felicia Day, Alan Tudyk, Jon Heder
- Love Letter and Coup – The Fine Brothers and Felicia Day
- Hare & Tortoise and Council of Verona – Jessica Merizan, David Kwong, Alison Haislip
- Sheriff of Nottingham – Meredith Salenger, Ashley Clements, Derek Mio
- Stone Age – Nika Harper, Jesse Cox, Jordan Maron
- Geek Out – Anne Wheaton, Bonnie Burton, Clare Kramer
- Five Tribes: Jenna Busch, Richard Garriot, Satine Phoenix
- Epic Spell Wars: Jonah Ray, Emily Gordon, Veronica Belmont
- Mice & Mystics, Chapter One – Anne Wheaton, Ryan Wheaton, Nolan Kopp
- Dread – Molly Lewis, Ivan Van Norman, Laura Bailey
- Catan Junior – Emily Anderson, Brett, Baligrad, Adam Chernick
- Libertalia – Karen Gillan, Seth Green, Clare Grant
- Kingdom Builder – Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt, Paul Scheer
- Dead of Winter – Dodger Leigh, Grant Imahara, Ashley Johnson
- Legendary – Allie Brosh, Mark Fischbach, Brea Grant
- Tabletop After Dark: Cards Against Humanity – Aisha Tyler, Ali Spagnola, Laina Morris
Our backers also get a special mini-episode that includes a whole bunch of behind the scenes stuff with our crew. I’m keeping that stuff secret unless backers want to talk about it and share it. Also, we have an episode order as well as a season premiere date, but we haven’t announce that stuff, yet.
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I thought I saw Shadowrun: Crossfire in the picture of “games to be played in season 3” a while back. If so, what happened with that?
Finally Will! I am missing the show. Also my government just made up a tax called internet tax 0.5 eurocents/ 1 Gbyte up – and download. But i will watch you Will even i have to pay a shitload of money to the Hungarian government (they suck bigtime).
Thought the internet tax was on ISPs not consumers, are the Hungarian ISPs passing on the cost to the customers then because wow that’s even more fucked up.
Where do you think the ISP gets any money? Corporations don’t pay taxes, they collect them. ( they are just a legal fiction, after all.)
Just got home from an absolutely disgusting session of CAH and can hardly wait for your showing! Thank you for all this wonderful… stuff!
Uncle Wil, what would it take to convince you to join us at boardgamegeek con in Dallas in November?
Any word about the D&D show?
We are in pre-production on the RPG show right now. I’ve chosen a system, and I’m building the world with the help of some talented writers. I have a loose idea of what the campaign will be, but haven’t gotten into the specifics of it, yet. We haven’t announced anything beyond what I’ve written here, and when we have more information to release, I’ll post about it.
Forgive me if I’m behind the times, but should we take that to mean you’ll be the Game Master?
Great selection of games this season. So happy to see Mice and Mystics. It is such a great game that every family should own.
Love Letter, Forbidden Desert and Catan Junior hit the table a lot at my house. All are worthy.
Good group for Dead of Winter as well.
Hey Wil,
We just got our shipment of ALL THE GAMES!! Where can we post a picture?
Oh boy!! Submit them to!
Did you just purchase them all or are they available through the show? I just started watching Tabletop myself.
I want to have our game in Season 4…how do I get this done?
Thank you to you and your whole team’s hard work. I only got in to Tabletop gaming after someone got me and my wife Settlers of Catan for our wedding this past June. Now we get together with our friends as much as possible to play. I’m already on loyalty punch card number three at my friendly local game store for all the games I’ve bought. It’s made a profound difference in how much I get out and get together with my friends. I will definitely be backing season 4! I am really looking forward to the Five Tribes episode.
I just checked out the Dread game, and I would strongly suggest an Alien Isolation version, with Mark Edward Fischbach as a GM. You may know him as Markiplier youtube channel.
The number of characters (Wes, Ripley, Androids, etc..) inside the game (inside numerous space stations at different time of the game) would make this RPG Dread version ridicuslously fun and thrilling.
I mentioned Markplier because he just completed the whole game with editing on his Youtube channel and would know very well every characters who could participate in it.
Just a though, I know you have finish your season but I think that could have a lot of potential 🙂
Mathieu P.
A lot of cool stuff on the list. Definitely looking forward to this season.
Hooray! I just started playing Mice and Mystics with my 4 year old and it is fantastic. 🙂 It’s like an RPG bed time story
Excited for this season, glad to have been able to play a ridiculously miniscule role in it (your crowdsourcing, some lobbying to your producer at charity events I host that he comes to). Even more happy to see my lobbying to Bo at our charity gaming events here in Seattle for ‘DoW’ may or may not have helped get it rightly featured. Likely had nothing to do with it, but I can pretend. That Colby and Plaid Hat got featured twice this season (DoW, M&M) is awesome for him; very hard worker, he and his people deserve it. Little sad that my lobbying for ‘Red Dragon Inn’ yielded no fruit, cause I think those guys deserve it (great game, and they are always right there at the ready to help support the charity events), especially given this season seems more heavily geared towards gateway games than previous years and ‘RDI’ definitely fits that bill.
I guess the one thing I think is missing, looking at this list, is much representation for good medium-weight Euro games or co-ops, which is a little bit of a downer. I’d have loved to have seen a Manhattan Proj. or a Caverna, a Francis Drake, a Robinson Crusoe/Police Precinct get a feature. If you do another ‘After Dark’ episode someday, might I recommend ‘Help Wanted’? It’s a cross between CAH and Gloom, and I mean that in all the best possible ways.
Get some much needed rest, mate, and thanks for all you and your crew do to help community build through the hobby. It’s been fantastic to see how the hobby has evolved over the last few years with it being in no small part due to the accessibility of this show you all put on for the masses.
If I may get one piece of advance lobbying in for Season 4 – there WILL be a season 4, right? Right? – I present to you a game called ‘Slaughterball’ that would play incredibly well in your show’s format & which I allowed Frog The What to demo at my home for their successful/since completed crowdfunding campaign (and for the record, it’s about 75% your fault that I got that ridiculously expensive table, cause you kept showing how useful it was for gaming. Next time you see Robert, tell him he owes you an entire crate of brew for driving that particular sale…)
(Edit: Apparently linking to the world’s most famous video uploading site triggers a block error. Do a search for ‘Slaughterball Exhibition Gameplay’ on it and you’ll see it)
Was it Legendary Encounters Wil? What did you think?
Hi Wil. I own the following fantastic board games that I would lend to your show. Heart♥throb (the best!), Dream Phone, Which Witch? Full House (from the TV show), and Stop Thief (nerd game).
You should release some of your homrbrewing. You purportedly enjoy that as well. Somehow you could crossover and do tabletop too…maybe the red dragon Inn game?
But yay, Rhett and Link! I love those guys!
my friends and I played forbidden desert once where we were so into the game that we added a house rule for running out of sand. For some reason we had a giant bowl of fun size snickers on hand and decided that 1 snicker was equal to 4 sands and if we ran out of snickers we would officially be “snickered” and lose the game by the end of the game our board was littered with snickers and we just barely won with 2 fun size snickers left. I know it wasn’t a “true” win but it was probably one of the funnest games I was ever part of!
Hi Wil, nice to see that it’s all coming together! I’m looking forward to seeing the first episode on the 13th! I’m also very happy to see that you were able to do a show with all your family, just as you’ve been wanting to do for so long! Keep the laughs and good times coming my friend.
Best wishes and cheers,
My son created the first tabletop gaming group at his college this year in honor of Tabletop!
No Jamaica? I suppose you’re saving that for season 4.
An episode of Love Letter! Love (for this episode) is already on the air!
Disappointed we didn’t get Jay and Silent Bob for Cards, but still TABLETOP IS almost BACK
If you can get Alan Tudyk to come on again in season 4 you should so have a Firefly reunion episode maybe …playing Firefly the board game…ironic much?
Darn. I thought you were going to play Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice? as per Kathleen
Tokaido! Great game! I taught it to my 5 year old. He loves playing with us & it’s teaching him a tone!
I started listing everyone I was excited for…but I was pretty much just listing everyone appearing this season so I decided to be brief and just WOO!
Wasn´t there also talk about a after dark type-ish episode?
It’s at the bottom of the list.
Woooooo, can’t wait! I’m probably most excited for Love Letter and Coup with Thefinebros and Felicia and Dead of Winter with Grant.
Where the hell is Arkham Horror! They just lost me as a subscriber!
I believe Wil made a post a while back about why some games made and some didn’t. He specifically mentions Arkham Horror when making the choice of Elder Sign during the first season. I think it comes down to length and how they can film certain aspects of the game, so for the most part more complicated games get left to the side…. maybe if he makes a Season 4 he could do a couple of special episodes on the longer game types…
And Eldrich Horror is a better game anyways.
So excited to see Chris Kluwe! I was on my High School football team when we won Florida state championship and was playing D&D 2nd ed. and Vampire Masquerade and was often made to feel the outsider in both groups. It is great to see more people who can enjoy both athletics and be a dork.
Wil, I wonder if you have come across the game Splendor – – it’s a fun game and something that I think would be great for TableTop.
Can’t wait! Please don’t put off uploading the CAH episode lol.
I like that you have a few heavier games on the list. Do you have release dates for each of the videos or do you just make them available as you finish edits?