Last night, we wrapped production on the third season of Tabletop. It was bittersweet for me, as always, because I’m so wiped out and teetering on exhaustion, the idea of sleeping until I don’t need to sleep is very appealing … but I’m also sad, because I love the crew so much, and they are such a joy to work with. We truly have become a family over the last three seasons, and it’s going to take me a few days not only to decompress from the intense production schedule, but to get used to not seeing all these people who I genuinely like for 12 hours a day.
I’m incredibly proud of the work we did this season, and I am super excited to get to work on editing and the other post-production tasks, starting on Friday.
For those of you wondering, here is the complete list of games and players from this season, in the order they were played (not the order they will be released):
- Tokaido – Jason Wishnov, J. August Richards, Chris Kluwe
- Concept – Joseph Scrimshaw, Rett and Link
- Roll For It and Sushi Go! – Jason Ritter, Jennifer Hale, John Ross Bowie
- Forbidden Desert – Felicia Day, Alan Tudyk, Jon Heder
- Love Letter and Coup – The Fine Brothers and Felicia Day
- Hare & Tortoise and Council of Verona – Jessica Merizan, David Kwong, Alison Haislip
- Sheriff of Nottingham – Meredith Salenger, Ashley Clements, Derek Mio
- Stone Age – Nika Harper, Jesse Cox, Jordan Maron
- Geek Out – Anne Wheaton, Bonnie Burton, Clare Kramer
- Five Tribes: Jenna Busch, Richard Garriot, Satine Phoenix
- Epic Spell Wars: Jonah Ray, Emily Gordon, Veronica Belmont
- Mice & Mystics, Chapter One – Anne Wheaton, Ryan Wheaton, Nolan Kopp
- Dread – Molly Lewis, Ivan Van Norman, Laura Bailey
- Catan Junior – Emily Anderson, Brett, Baligrad, Adam Chernick
- Libertalia – Karen Gillan, Seth Green, Clare Grant
- Kingdom Builder – Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt, Paul Scheer
- Dead of Winter – Dodger Leigh, Grant Imahara, Ashley Johnson
- Legendary – Allie Brosh, Mark Fischbach, Brea Grant
- Tabletop After Dark: Cards Against Humanity – Aisha Tyler, Ali Spagnola, Laina Morris
Our backers also get a special mini-episode that includes a whole bunch of behind the scenes stuff with our crew. I’m keeping that stuff secret unless backers want to talk about it and share it. Also, we have an episode order as well as a season premiere date, but we haven’t announce that stuff, yet.
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Very much congrats to everyone involved!
I read the entire list looking for her name. Very excited to see Aisha Tyler made the cut.
Ashley Johnson wins Dead of Winter, surely? I feel like she’s got an unfair advantage there.
Cannot wait for CAH w/ Aisha Tyler… also Alan Tudyk was a great get. Looking forward to it!!
Long sleep and the it’s editing! Because there’s not nearly enough to do in the world.
Allie Brosh? Hell yeah!
I’m So Excited, and I Just Can’t Hide It!
(so excited I capitalized EVERYTHING, for no real reason other than to show just how excited I am. Which is a lot.)
My son is also looking forward to the Catan Junior episode, which we enjoy here at our house.
Where’s the episode you did with your family?
Oops. I forgot to add that one. Edited.
Awesome! I was looking forward to that one and was concerned it was getting held back. Thanks!
Super excited! This season’s gonna be amazing! Has the date of the 1st episode been announced yet? I’m little behind on news(…and TV shows T.T).
Wow what a line-up! No Colin Ferguson again?
Awesome! I love that you have both a kid’s episode, and an after dark episode 😉 Thanks for spreading the board game love, looking forward to these episodes!
When will you get John Barrowman on the show? Surely he’s good for more than eating burritos with mustard in them.
So many great games and great people. Can’t wait to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Congrats on the Wrap! 🙂
Wow! What a fierce schedule. Thanks for taking time to share a little of each day even though you are dead tired.
That looks like a great list of games. I can’t wait to watch!
OK, that’s pretty sweet that you got to do an episode with your family.
Looking forward to it!
The Fine Brothers! Allie Brosh! Cards Against Humanity! Yes!!! Sooo excited!!!
Cards Against Humanity with Laina Morris!?!?!!! My mind is blown.
I would rather spend an hour with Laina Morris than with Miley Cyrus.
Boy, you missed the opportunity to put Clare Grant, Brea Grant and Grant Imahara in the same episode. It would have been called “Bruce”.
That would have been gr-eat!
Wow, I didn’t expect to see Lord British on the guest list.
Nice! Impressive lineup! Can’t wait!
Wil! How’s the RPG side of tabletop going?
I think I saw they’re going to be doing that in January.
WOOT. The game and player lists are great…can’t wait to watch. Thanks Wil!
No Tom Vasel 🙁 I’m still excited about it though~
Dread! Been meaning to check that out, can’t wait for that episode.
Did I miscount, or are there only nineteen episodes instead of twenty?
Mice & Mystics is a two part episode, so you did not miscount, and there are twenty episodes.
ALLIE BROSH?!?!?! That is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard.
Yeah, she’s one of my heroes, so it was kind of a big deal for me, too.
19 Episodes! 22 Games!! Can’t wait for this to air!!
As a backer this makes me very happy. What makes me even MORE happy is that Meredith Salenger is back and that I contributed to that.
Questions: How many games do you play/film per day? Do you try to match people to the games or just when they’re available?
Thanks! Can’t wait to watch!
We film two episodes a day, so we usually play two games in a day. We always match players to games that they’re comfortable playing, and we ensure that players know and understand the game before we shoot.
I’m seeing a distinct lack of Jonathan Frakes/Levar Burton on this list. After that Google Hangout thing I was really looking forward to the possibility of seeing one them on the show. Bummed they couldn’t work things out, I’m sure it was a scheduling thing. Maybe Season 4? 😀
Can’t wait to see.
Yeah, scheduling was really an issue this season. If we do a 4th season, I’ll try to have them on.
I am suprised that board game company’s don’t try to contribute or back yal. Since sales skyrocket when you play a game. Amazon had betrayal house on the hill for 140$ for quite a while. This time I am gonna scope the games out in advance before the influx 🙂 thanks for the list! Also almost every game I have never heard of, it’s a great place to find amaizing games to play.
I believe it would be a massive and profound conflict of interest for us to take any sponsorship from game companies for the production of Tabletop.
Yeah, you are right.
Just want to say, Thanks again for doing Table top! It gives my friends and I stuff to do on our days off while we are over seas!
I just recently bought, Lords of Waterdeep (+ the expansion) and I want to get Dead of Winter, it looks soooo good. But the price is a little too high 🙁
So, I got Eclipse, and looking to get Shadowrun Crossroads, next.
Can’t wait to see CAH (although somehow I feel like you’re going to make us all wait until late in the season to see it – aren’t you. AREN’T YOU?!?!?)
Congrats on the production wrap – looking forward to seeing the end product (as always…)
Agreed. It’s a great line-up, but he was one of my absolute favorites from before.
I don’t even begin to know all of the hard work, behind-the-scenes tasks, and even “just” getting schedules to mesh that goes into “playing some games with friends”, but the finished product is so polished and everyone appears to be genuinely having so much fun, that it is easy for the audience to think it’s “that simple”.
Thank you for all of your passion and effort and for sharing your love of games with the world. We truly appreciate it.
Great! Really love your show, glad it’s back for another season. 🙂
I’d love to see you play Ascension on the show sometime. It’s a really fun game that can be played in an hour or less (if you use the amount of honor you’re supposed to, my friends and I usually play with more honor). For four players though, you’ll need an expansion. I recommend Chronicle of the Godslayer with the Return of the Fallen expansion.
Oh day-um! Karen Gillan?? Aisha Tyler?? Alan Tudyk?? All those other amazing people?? Man, oh man, am I glad I contributed to S3!!
Hey wait! I didn’t see me there. Obviously an oversight. When do I show up for my film day? WHAT! You don’t pull people off the streets from 3000 miles away even if they are your best buddy that you never met? Oh well!
Looking forward to more Tabletop, especially the CAH! Since first seeing Tabletop, I have purchased 6 of the 8 varieties of Ticket to Ride, Love Letter, Say Anything, Can You Name 5, CAH and the 5 expansions, Sorry(I have an 8 yr old), and have 8-10 more games on our Amazon wish list.
I also paid over 100 dollars to get a game that has been out of print for over 40 years that I played as a kid. (My wife made me, saying I deserved it, because I am the first person whose wants are sacrificed due to budgetary concerns.)
Beyond excited for all aspects of season 3. So many great games and great guest, but I am personally most delighted about 3 of my very favorite voice actors: Jennifer Hale, Tara Platt, and Yuri Lowenthal. Loved Tara and Yuri in the Castle Panic episode. This is gonna be great, y’all.
Is it too early to start talking about season 4? 🙂
Which Legendary?
is there going to be a slow jam for Tabletop After Dark? if so that would be mad fitting
Wow, I’m so ready for this.
I’m hearing impaired, so please please please add English subtitles/captioning feature to all of them.
Another season without an episode with the TBBT band… The dream lives on…
I am intrigued to watch you play Tokaido, mostly for admiring at the sheer beauty of the game board. I hope I like it enough to buy it! I am always looking for games to bring to school for my 6th graders. Tsuro has been a hit. Does this game seem like it would be easy enough for 11-year-olds to play? I am trying to research it online and can’t find too much about it (at least in non-gamer speak), however, I am excited to see real people actually playing it! Are there different versions of the game? if so, which one did you pick? Do you have any idea when the season will start? (I know you’re still determining sequence).
For the sake of my work and sanity please tell everyone you can only buy CAH online through their website or through Amazon.
We already get about 10 questions a day about it D;
I didn’t know there was a season 2. Will both seasons 2 and 3 end up on hulu at some point?
Just you tube it. Table Top season 2, or look up geek and sundry on youtube. All the episodes are there for season 1-2 and some extended episodes which are funny and great to watch… POOPING POSITION!!!!! -_-
I find the lack of Rampage disturbing, and after you got my hopes up in the video for the kickstarter..
Dead of Winter!