We went to The Last Jedi at the Chinese theater last night. It’s the first time I’ve been to the Chinese since Pulp Fiction or 12 Monkeys, and I feel no pressing urge to go back any time soon. That area of Hollywood is just gross and crowded, like someone took the worst aspects of Times Square in the 70s and now, put them together, and concentrated them into two awful blocks.
But I digress before I even begin, because of course I do.
I loved The Last Jedi. It’s a little long, it has some humor that felt a little out of place to me, and some of the edits were a little jarring, but I am willing to overlook those flaws because it was just a really fun Star Wars experience. I felt like, if I were a kid today, this movie would be my Star Wars, it would the one I would still be talking about in forty years, the way the original Star Wars (that I refuse to call ‘episode whatever’) is for me today.
You may need a second to parse that, because I did and I wrote it so go ahead. I’ll wait.
Hi. I’m still here. Glad you are, too.
I’m not going to discuss specifics, and I hope you won’t comment on specifics, either, so people who haven’t seen it yet don’t have to worry about spoilers. But here are some thoughts:
- I loved that there are so many strong and independent female heroes in Star Wars now. I loved that there are role models for girls the way there have always been for boys, and I love that there are people of color the way white dudes have always been there. I know there’s a type of fan out there who will be pissed about me even mentioning this (keep fucking that chicken, kiddo!) but it’s important in ways those people can’t or won’t understand, and it made me really, really happy.
- I loved seeing characters who were so important to me as a kid. I teared up several times, just because it felt so good to see them again.
- The battle sequences were amazing. The duels were some of the best lightsaber fights I’ve ever seen.
- The Porgs are adorable and fun and didn’t upset or annoy me the way literally everything in that goddamn Jar Jar movie did. I can’t wait to go buy a little Porg plushie.
- The themes of resistance and hope and the refusal to give up in the face of overwhelming odds felt incredibly timely, but also timeless. I loved that that message is there for anyone who wants to hear it.
- I mentioned that it’s a little long. At almost 3 hours, it felt like the second and third parts of a trilogy that started with The Force Awakens. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, just an observation.
- I can’t wait to go see it again. It was in 3D, which I didn’t know before we got into the theater, and I’d like to see it without having to wear smudgy glasses that were impossible to clean. I don’t think it needed to be in 3D, but that could just be my deep-seated aversion to 3D. I’m going to say 3D one more time: 3D (yes, that was two more times. Settle down, Francis.)
- It was a delightful surprise to see Captain EO in the movie. I didn’t expect that, and the CG was kind of incredible. that didn’t really happen i just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
Oh, and you probably already know this, but I went in costume:

Live long, and may The Force be with you!
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Bwahaha! I read this on gmail when you first posted it but didn’t notice the costume! Awesome! 😀
I feel the same re: The Chinese Theater—I avoid that area as much as possible. Introverts hate crowds. But it’s so fun to go see a big movie on a big screen. And I learned long ago that 3-D sucks. The glasses give me a headache. I saw it in IMAX 3-D, and man, seeing Luke Skywalker being a badass again…..
The costume choice was amazing Wil. And I agree with your assessment almost to the letter. Although I agree that the Porgs are adorable, they didn’t really add anything except “oh hey look, adorable thing that your kid wants to see, bring them to the movie” and could very well be another gateway thing, like the Ewoks… I would rather have a Crystal Fox plushie than a Porg…
Interesting use of CGI to write over all the real puffins though…
Oh come on Wil, we both know that The Last Jedi sucked the big Wookie….search your feelings,,,you know this to be true.
Potential Spoilers Below – WARNING
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1) Stupid “I’m holding for Hux” crap at the beginning. I was expecting a narrator to break in and tell me to turn off my cellphone.
2) BB8 kills about 20 guards by shooting coins at them….wow
3) The “Super Leia” scene….guess she held her breath in space (I hear that’s hard to do)
4) Yoda burning down the Jedi tree of knowledge and destroying the Jedi books. “Not a page turner, they were”
5) China requires that all movies shown there “Show China and Chinese in a good light” Check and check. Great pandering, Disney
6) When BB* runs out of fingers to fix Poe’s ship, he smashes his head into the circuit board to get it fixed. That always works for me.
7) The whole plot of the movie is that the Resistance ships were a little faster then the First Order ships under impulse power. Why didn’t the First Order just jump a few miles forward in hyperspace, to close the gap. (Wow…I’m a friggin’ genius)
8) Not the gun thing again! Why did the First Order need to S L OW L Y roll the laser cannon up to the rebel base door? It looked pretty powerful. Maybe they could have shot the door from where they landed it. Or, landed it right in front of the door? (again, genius)
9) Benacio Del Toro….The Stuttering Prick
10) The all powerful Supreme Leader Snoke, cut in half by the old Jedi mind trick. They just don’t make Sith like they used to.
11) Maybe Laura Dern could’ve turned and hyperspaced the First Order ship in half a little earlier? Many Bothans died……
12) The stupid rebel ‘bomber’ ships. Uh, Disney powers that be….bombs wouldn’t fall in space, just because you open the bay doors. They weren’t B-29’s over Germany.
and the biggest reason…..
13) Luke “muh fu*$%’in” Skywalker, the main character in the Star Wars series and one of the most beloved, went out with a whimper. I guess the remote viewing was too much for him. Should have got his flu shot. They didn’t have the right to do that. That’s Luke Skywalker.
Basically, it appears that Disney doesn’t understand Star Wars. They bought it, but the can’t do it. Look at this way, if Disney bought the rights to Beethoven, it doesn’t mean that they can now produce Beethoven quality music.
Dum dum dum Duuuummm
Why not let people enjoy the things they enjoy, even if you didn’t enjoy them? Those points you listed may have ruined the movie for you, but not for a lot of other people.
I saw the original Star Wars at the Hollywood Cinerama Dome in 1977 the day it opened. I went on to see it 37 times that year. I have seen every movie of the franchise. Even under George Lucas, the series had it’s ups and downs, but since Disney has bought Star Wars, the movies are dumber. They are Guardians of the Galaxy and Iron Man. If you argue with that, you either are too new to the series to know what they were, or in denial.
Like I said before, if Disney bought the rights to Beethoven, it doesn’t mean that they can now produce Beethoven quality music.
I knew Star Wars. Star Wars was a friend of mine. You sir are no Star Wars.
I was 7 years old when the original Star Wars came out. I saw in the theater and it knocked me away. I’ve been a huge fan ever since. And yes, I loved The Last Jedi and think every point you make is wrong. Especially #5. I don’t know what the fuck you’re on about there.
Sorry if people enjoying something you didn’t bothers you, but…too bad. Let people enjoy it. Don’t be a dick about it.
Since when does stating your opinion make you a “dick”? I gave my honest review of the new Star Wars movie and you bash me for it and call me a dick. A little background on me, I am a 53 year old African America woman with a 144 IQ who likes science fiction (thanks to the original Star Trek series.) This was not a fun way to grow up in my neighborhood. It made for a lot of isolation and bullying. I don’t appreciate being called a “dick”. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am to have to put up with that. My opinion is my opinion and it is just as valuable as yours. You should apologize for that remark.
Sorry, I don’t think you personally are a dick. And stating your opinion isn’t inherently dickish. But insisting that your opinion is right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong (which is what it seems like you’re doing), and stating that because you saw Star Wars when it originally opened in the theater makes you more of an authority on whether or not The Last Jedi is a good movie (it doesn’t, which is why I mentioned that I also saw it when it opened and loved TLJ–because the fact that we both saw it when it opened is irrelevant)…it’s like you want people to not like it and are determined to make them not like it. Which is pretty dickish behavior. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. You didn’t like TLJ? Fine. You gave your reasons. I don’t agree with any of your reasons, I loved the movie, and it seems like a lot of people here in the comments did. Why rain on that parade? And if you’re not trying to rain on the enjoyment parade, if you didn’t like the movie but you’re happy other people did, if you’re just trying to state your opinion without insisting that you’re right and people who liked the movie are wrong, then I truly do apologize for misreading what you’ve said.
I love that Josh was mean to you until he found our you were a smart black woman. Lucinda you are right and nobody has even commented on your remarks.
Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.
Best. Response. Ever. 😀
cackle Good on you, man.
I NEED THAT on a t-shirt.
Wow, Lucinda, you need to get laid or something.. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. You paid you money and you lost. Get over it. If you didn’t like it, just don’t go to the next one.
I should “get laid or something”?? Since when does giving your well thought out opinion on a movie require this type of childish and abusive response? I gave my honest review of the new Star Wars movie and you bash me for it and say that I “need to get laid.” A little background on me, I am a 53 year old African America woman with a 144 IQ who likes science fiction (thanks to the original Star Trek series.) This was not a fun way to grow up in my neighborhood. It made for a lot of isolation and bullying. Right now in America a change is happening, a long deserved change, where women won’t have to put up with comments like that. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am to have to put up with that. My opinion is my opinion and it is just as valuable as yours. You should apologize for that remark.
Yeah, I may disagree with your take on the movie, but that “need to get laid” remark was disgusting and offensive and…I’ve run out of words to express my anger about this. You absolutely deserve an apology, at the minimum.
I appreciate that
I tend to agree with your take on the movie (your points 1,3,4,5, and 10 didn’t personally trouble me, but all your others, and a couple more besides, totally did), but even if I didn’t, that was uncalled for. Debate on the merits, even saying “you’re thinking about it too much” are valid responses, but personal attacks are out of line, and I’m sorry that got thrown at you.
No Apologies from me, none at all. I really don’t care about your race, or religion or sexual preference, but from what I read from Lucinda originally was insulting to me, and to anyone else who happened to stomach their way through the entire thing. I get the feeling that anyone who liked this movie was supposed to be somehow beneath her, and not worthy of her respect. (Pandering to China? WTF?) If you’re this uptight about a movie you didn’t like, you must be awesome to go to parties with. I mean, who wouldn’t want to go to a party with someone who will lambast you for serving red wine with chicken instead of white?
Seriously, I would hate to be a creator in today’s world. Especially if you’re working on something that there is a huge fan following because you’re never going to please everyone, but since the fans seem to know the motivations and the concepts of the content better than the creation, anything the the fans don’t like becomes a witch hunt online. Did the Last Jedi have parts that could be better? Yes. Did I agree with everything Rian Johnson did with the story? No. But the main question, is did I enjoy it, and feel I got my money’s worth for 2:36 of entertainment? Absolutely. And my wife and I will go next week to see it again, as is our tradition.
I’ve sat and watched the original trilogy with my son a lot. I think for the era, the effects and what Lucas did with the films was amazing. But the dialog was weak, and the acting even more so. It doesn’t make them too much less entertaining than other movies, they are what they are. But just because you “know” Star Wars from way back, doesn’t mean that they have to be stylistically the same with the same kind of slow plot and poor dialog.
And you can’t tell me that when the rebel ship went to hyperspace through the First Order fleet and the theater went silent that you didn’t find yourself catching your breath, even just a little? When I saw it, there was a collective gasp from everyone in the audience, and the silence of the theater and film itself was almost deafening.
Long story longer, I find your anger and point by point dragging down of someone’s artistic work insulting. Thousands of people worked on that film, and you might not like it, but lots of people did, and there’s no point in being literally mad about the movie. You didn’t like it, and that’s OK. Just move on with your life and don’t go see the next one, because J.J. Abrams has his work cut out for him with the Finale.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree. We both have our own feelings about the film. I think mine is probably a little more justified (Rotten Tomatoes 54% Audience ‘Liked It’ score and it looks like the Monday Tuesday box office is going to be down almost 50% from Force Awakens) but that’s neither here nor there. Your opinion is your opinion…and an opinion can’t be wrong. One other thing though, you should apologize for your “you should get laid” comment to me. You’re not a neanderthal and those type of sexist comments are hurtful, just like racist comments are. If I were you, I’d think long and hard about what kind of person you want to be going on. There is no place for those types of comments.
Let me play devil’s advocate here. Lucinda could use the same logic as you and say: ‘Wow, Ian, you need….. Let people who did not enjoy what they did not enjoy. If you liked it, just don’t read/comment my post.’
Star Wars Last Jedi is currently tracking at 54% “liked it” audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. That’s not a good score. It’s not a good movie. See my review above for my take on it.
See her review…and do not forget she has a 144 I.Q.! as stated in at least 2 posts….
I was stating my opinion (review) about the movie and was called a “dick” ad a “jerk” and that I should “get laid”. This was very disrespectful, especially since I am an African American woman. I brought up my race, gender and IQ to make the point that these terms were especially disrespectful to me. I wonder if the posters would have said these things if they would have known my background upfront. My first experience with racism was when I was 3 days old and a charming caucasian man told my father (who was carrying me to the car out of the hospital) to “get me back to the zoo”. Now, I’m sure no one would use that type of racial slur here on these boards, but when you tell a woman to “get laid” it’s just as bad as the racial slurs. This is what needs to be understood. These types of comments hurt me just as bad as the racist comments do…maybe worse. Your parents taught you to not say racist things, now you need to teach your kids to not say inappropriate things to women.
I was rather annoyed with your #5 comment and then shocked that you made it at all considering your background. So why don’t you go 1st and apologize for your pseudo affirmative action comment.
And this is coming from a 40 something African American male who remembers seeing Star Wars in the theater twice in a row when it first came out and has seen every one since and not only loved them, but thinks TLJ is the best work of the franchise since Empire.
Spoiler jerk.
Ragey fan-boy is ragey.
I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not without its flaws, some of which are named above, but if you didn’t like this movie you’re just looking to be unhappy.
Super Duper Spoilery responses to Lucinda:
1) “Holding for Hux” is absolutely hilarious, and perfectly in character. And it makes Hux make mistakes.
2) & 6) I got nothing, except for “Rule of Cool” and percussive repair. Plus, the silly crap R-2 pulled EVERY movie.
3) Meh, she’s Leia. She couldn’t die. Yet.
4) The books weren’t in the trees. Yoda as much as says that: “There is nothing there that she does not possess.” And neither the camera nor Luke ever enter the tree.
5) The actresses parents are from Vietnam, not China. The character is from a mining world, not China.
7) & 9) & 11) Then the Resistance would have changed course and gone elsewhere. The plan was to get to a specific world, have everyone leave the ship under cloaking and set up at an old base. The kamikaze run was a last ditch effort to save the remainders when the plan failed. Because of Del Toro’s character. Oh, and Vice Admiral Holdo turned the ship around and got to speed as fast as she could. Achieving Hyperspace takes a minute, as does turning a big ship completely around.
8) I got nothing. But it is in line with how the bad empires/military groups in science fiction operate. And it gave us the obligatory ground chase scene.
10) & 13) Snoke had to die. He was the symbol of the old way. Kylo “Ben” Ren is the new. Same with Luke. Only it wasn’t with a whimper. He used a serious load of energy to manifest across the galaxy. He was old and had cut himself off from the Force for years. Then he goes and pulls a major bad ass move so everyone else can escape. How, with the Falcon long gone was he going to actually GET to where the action was. Plus, we only know that Rey and Leia know he’s gone. We haven’t seen whether Kylo felt it or not. So he may not KNOW Luke is dead.
12) The Rebel Bomber ships. Am I SERIOUSLY the ONLY PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD to assume those are MAGNETIC BOMBS???????? Why else would the bombers need to be DIRECTLY OVER THE ENEMY SHIPS?????????
RE: Disney not understanding the material. Still a better Star Wars movie than ANY of the prequels. Was it perfect? Oh, hell no. Was it fun? Oh hell yes. Was it a decent story? Pretty much. But then even the originals were pretty much a mess of plot holes we ignored.
Lisa, he had his x-wing.
I liked it. Very much.
It was everything I was hoping it would be. It was funny, poignant, adventurous, had great characters, new and old, gave agency to so many people that could have easily been nothing more than plot devices, gave what I believe is a fantastic and heroic resolution to a couple of stories and only had one truly over the top moment that knocked me out of the story. (My daughter loved it but won’t ever forgive it for torpedoing her “ship”)
Many criticisms of this and other Star Wars movies can be dismissed with one change in the viewer’s mindset: Star Wars is not science fiction. It is fantasy. Once I came to this conclusion, I’ve liked the movies a lot more.
This. Exactly this.
just because it is fantasy that doesn’t mean the logic has to be absent.
The movie was filled with terrible plot twists that were resolved by deus ex machinas.
While such a combo might be fun once, over-use was terrible.
Silly plot twists :
– bridge get blasted … but Leia survives and is shown to be in a sickbay of sorts
– Hospital ship gets blasted (which is where we assumed Leia to be … except she isn’t there ? What’s the point of a specialised hospital ship anyway ?)
Either of these would have been a good way to let go of the old as Darth Emo said.
Why not have the guts to make Rose and the bomber crew member be romantic interests ?
But no … then Fin wouldn’t have a love interest for the next series and we certainly don’t want a Poe&Fin romance subplot, do we ?
Did the focus groups object to these variants ?
In a universe that has flocking torpedoes that can be aimed at a one meter diameter hole by a newbie pilot why the heck do the bombers forget that they operate in a 3D space ? (that’s a flaw in a lot of space fights … it’s a 2D naval battle, not a 3D fight.
Never mind the rather silly weakness on such a gigantic ship … or the fact that they needed that many bombers when one was enough.
How the heck did the thief know about the plan to abandon ship before the Rose and Fin ?
Why the focus on the black/’evil’ BB-8 ?
How did Rey escape ?
Why not tell the hotshot pilot the plan so he wouldn’t think of something dangerous ?
Telling him to trust you while he clearly doesn’t believe you are the general he was told about shows a complete lack of social skills.
The new trilogy was better than the prequels, but that’s only because those were beyond bad.
The Force was strong with her, like her father before her and her brother beside her. I assume that sometime between RotJ and TFA Luke gave her at least a little training in how to use the Force, and that her innate strength and training worked together to help keep her alive.
She wasn’t moved to the hospital ship; they probably didn’t have time with her condition. I assume the hospital ship has specialized facilities for badly wounded patients to recover, and ideally it can be held close to but off the front line so it’s in less danger of being attacked. That’s how I would assume the US Navy would use its hospital ships in a combat situation.
It only took one bomber’s load to destroy the ship, but they sent plenty to increase the chances of one of them making it through the defenses. As shown on the screen, it’s good they did.
BB-8 was hugely popular. Would toys representing an evil variant be popular as well? It would likely be easy to produce them. Besides which I don’t think they focused all that much on the evil BB-8.
I believe they actually said this in the movie. She regained consciousness before Kylo Ren did, and took an escape pod.
The enemy has some way of tracking you through hyperspace. That could mean there’s a spy on board, secretly sending them transmissions. Under those circumstances, why share your plans with anyone you don’t absolutely HAVE to tell? Loose lips sink ships. WE know (from our mostly omniscient observer position) that Poe is one of the main characters and so is unlikely to be the traitor (but it’s not impossible: see Lando in ESB.) THEY don’t know that, and even if Poe isn’t a traitor that doesn’t mean he won’t share that information (accidentally) with a real traitor. The best way to keep a secret is to tell no one. The second best is to tell one other person. There is no third best.
I think it’s hilarious that you went in a Star Trek shirt! I think it even MORE hilarious that there are people pissed off about it in the internet. (I’ve seen a few FB posts!)
It took me a while to process this movie. I felt (and still do) like there was a major plot hole, but the more I’ve though about it, the less worried about it I am. The fight choreography was amazing, and even funny in parts. And I may have teared up a bit in several places with Carrie Fisher. Not the least of which was in the credits.
I really liked it. A lot. I will need to see it a couple of more times because I know I missed some things. But I will enjoy doing so!
“Live long and suck it” oh man, if I didn’t <3 you before, which I did, I do now, which is redundant.
One thought that struck me that I’m following: given that this movie is obviously de-centering White cis guys, maybe I should de-center my voice in commenting on it. So I’ve been following along in the spoilers-are-okay space that friends of mine setup after TFA, and my employing a “read lots, comment little” tactic has, I think, been serving me well.
So I’m curious if a similar thought has struck you, and if so, if you’re considering elevating other non-(White cis male) commenters via your blog.
I agree on almost everything you said. Exception on the Porgs and the last statement. That last comment almost made me crap my pants that I missed it.
My own review.
YES! Yes to all of it.
Good post, Wil. I think you got your costume wrong. Riker normally wears red.
He got promoted to ensign from then to here. Frankly, he should be disappointing that hes not a captain yet. Lol
There is a lot of hype (positive and negative) about the fact the main characters a not just a bunch of pretty white males. It’s a good start to the diversity,but this is star wars. A universe with thousands of different species and they just keep throwing new ones in for kicks. Apart from the occasional appearance of Chewie there are no ‘non-human’ main characters. They only get brief appearances or portrayed as sidekicks as best. Why couldn’t Poe have been a Bothan? The closest thing we have to an interspecies relationship is Maz’s reference to Chewie as her boyfriend (possibly jokingly).
I understand that this could be a business decision, if people can’t relate to the characters as well they may not buy as many toys. Plus your right wing bible bashing red necks would burst a blood vessel seeing something like this on screen. I’m not looking for some furry action or more Twi’lek dancing girls, I’m looking for the stories to acknowledge the importance of the other sentient races in the galaxy.
Yes they did put a main character in Episode I but he shall not be named.
In costume. Awesome. 🙂
You described the movie like it is a fresh thing. It’s not. It is supposed to be Star Wars. Star Wars is a well defined universe created by a younger George Lucas. What Disney did was buy the rights to the name and intellectual property and then use them to produce a science fiction flick to benefit from the Star Wars theme but it is not Star Wars. It is a SWINO (Star Wars in name only)!
When I was seven years old, I went to see a movie (in a theatre that’s a drugstore, now). And from then on, a broom could be a lightsaber, and I would look up to the stars and hope to see a spaceship racing past.
in its final scene, The Last Jedi perfectly captured those dreams, and brought me back to being a seven year old again.
I like this comment … nicely done.
Was I the only one that kept seeing references/call backs to Battlestar Galactica (which may have been BSG references to the original Star Wars… anyone remember that copyright infringement case)? What with the “chrome dome” and the following the fleet through a jump (BSG Season 1 – 33)? Not to mention the run or fight dilemma that Roslin and Adama had?
It was an entertaining movie – funnier than I expected – but definitely not the tightest plot. I mean, the plot’s not really why I go, but it’s nice if there’s a little more motivation than just putting two people in a situation for kicks.
Aren’t you supposed to wear a Red shirt when visiting anything Star Wars related? 😀
I do wish the lightsaber would end up in the NetHack game, though. Would be sooooooo cool…
Well, it is “timely”. A determined and seemingly hopeless group trying to overcome an arrogant and powerful enemy with limitless resources wins to everyone’s amazement. Then, as that group turns to the processes of returning the government to the people, the remnant of that enemy uses every immoral and unethical tool and lie (i.e. the completely unproven Trump-Russia collusion myth) in their power to frustrate and destroy the triumphant rebellion. But, amazingly still, the true resistance or rebellion (take your pick) triumphs over the First Order (Democrats, the media, the Deep State) and returns prosperity, peace, and good governance to the people. You’re right, President Trump is leading his resistance to the arrogant Democrat First Order to WINNING!
Whoa! i haven’t seen so much getting on each other’s face as here.
Really! Poor Lucinda! She was stating her opinion. Anyone that did not agree with her opinion, her thought process or conclusions, or anything, was free to ignore her comments or politely disagree. Read a number of times about her ‘not letting others enjoy the movie’ or similar comments. Really, there is nobody in this world that could be insecure enough that a comment from a person might actually ‘ruin it for them’, specially after having watched the movie already. Frankly, I did not agree of how Lucinda saw the movie, or how she came up with that but bashing her for it with derogatory comments is not the way to go.
Having said that i was skeptical at first to see this movie. I believe the last Star Wars movie was the worst Star Wars movie i have ever seen. Not because it was badly done, but because it represented absolutely no entertainment value for me at all. It was indeed an identical replica of the first stars wars movie in terms of story line, characters, comic relief, the whole nine yards. And i understand the director’s need to set a strong story background to lead from there. But really? The same exact story?
On to this movie. Well, there were a few details that i believe were copied from the original like the comic relief ideas. I personally thought the little furry creatures were unnecessary. One did not relate to (or felt for) them, as we all (majority I imagine) did for the ewoks. A few other ideas also copied made this, instead of an epic movie a great movie (in my opinion). But the story was entertaining, the fighting scenes well done and the characters did grow on you (even the evil Dark Vader looking costume – another obvious copy that for once was used in the movie to evolve the character when he decided to mash it against the wall). All in all, i was happy i spent the time and movie to watch this movie.
And Wil, I am with you buddy, hate 3D. Pure marketing if you ask me. The technology needs quite a few years before 3D is real 3D and not this headache producing, must-have-awckard-googles idea.
Finally, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Hi Wil. That sounds like a truly amazing and unforgettable experience. I wasn’t sure if I’d want to see this one–but I’d really like to see it now. Everything you said has me sold. The “resistance and hope” part especially.
The Jar Jar comment you made sums up why I had reservations. I still wish I could go back to the theater I saw the Jar Jar abomination in and ask for a refund for 11 year old me. It almost turned me off to the series because it was the first Star Wars flick I saw!!! I’m glad it didn’t stop me from going back and looking at the previous titles. I would have missed out on something pretty cool.
Love the costume and Porgs are super adorable!!!! Live long, and may The Force be with you too
My husband also wore a Star Trek shirt to see The Last Jedi. And we loved it for all the same reasons.
I can’t wait to see it a second time! I didn’t do 3D but I paid a bit extra for the motion seats (ugh, my theater’s brand name for them is “D-Box” how is that not the worst name ever??) anyway, the opening battle felt like a Universal Studios ride and not only was I excited about the movie, but I was so ready for Star Wars Land to open ! If you have a theater by you with fancy seats like this, it is so worth it!
HP Lovecraft’s Nemesis, sung to the tune of Billy Joel’s Piano Man. Because of course.
If you want to know how good the new Star Wars movies are ask a 10 year old. The reason they aer so popular now is because the original 10 year olds grew up and wanting to recapture the magic, kept the franchise alive, including JJ. I love the new movies, just wish I could watch it through my own 10 year old eyes. Just try to enjoy the movie, without looking for a reason to dislike it.