I really wanted something like this to be part of Tabletop Day, so I commissioned these awesome print-and-paste-and-cutouts from my friend Lar Desouza (of Least I Could Do and Looking For Group fame, among other things).

These images are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 license, so feel free to print them out, share them with people, and most of all … take pictures of them in action and submit to As Seen On Tabletop!
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I don’t know if we’ll be doing anything for Tabletop Day (moving, blegh), but I’m planning a Boards and Brews event (gaming and homebrew) that I think table Wil Wheaton should totally preside over.
This is toooooo fricken awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! Now get Felicia to commission one of herself from Lar and we can have the two responsible parties at every one of the events! I suggest that she be holding a Dr. Zombie.
Confused. Is this an alternative monster for King of Tokyo?
Now we just need the King of Tokyo monster board to go along with it. Giganto Wil rampages through the city!
Awesome!! (although, what’s going on with the package on that Wil cutout? holy moly!)
These are awesome. Another vote for Felicia!
This is perfect! My husband has planned a father-daughter bonding train ride to celebrate her 16th birthday. They’ll be traveling back to Los Angeles on Saturday and Sunday and I suggested they take some games for the trip and made them PROMISE to play on the train. Now I’m going to print this out and have them put it on the table where they play so that others might join in!
I had these PDFs printed on a good quality colour laser using the thickest card I could put through the machine I then mounted them on FoamBoard using spray adhesive and cut around the image. You will want to cut the slots a little wider than the thin slice and you will want to cut them at an angle to make them sit a little more snug but I can confirm they do stand up well and look great if you put a little effort into making them stiff and supported. https://twitter.com/loudmouthman/status/317180978982432769/photo/1
These are incredible! I’m totally running my own event here in my small town! It’s at my house so I registered as a private event. These are going to look AMAZING and really make me feel connected to the larger Table Top event! Thank you!
Well, that’s all well and good and the cutouts look amazing, but how do we make those fancy nametags for our trophies? I’m just not sure I’m made of money, Mr. Wheaton.
The gal running the Tabletop Day event I attended (St. Charles, MO, Fantasy Shop) had Cutout Wil presiding with her at the sign in table, and had printed four cutout Trophies of Awesome to give out with their four play-to-win games. At noon, 3, 6 and 9 they broke out a new copy of a game that had been seen on Tabletop. Those who had signed up played the game and the winner took it and a cutout trophy home. We played Dixit at noon and my friend I brought along won it. They played-to-win Small World at 3, Settlers of Catan at 6 and Ticket to Ride at 9. All that plus door prizes and catered subs. Amazing spread for a free event.