We looked at eleven million games, and playtested ninety-six thousand games, for season four of Tabletop.
The exact order that we’re releasing episodes and the exact timeline for the release isn’t set yet, and it isn’t up to me, but here are the games we’ve settled on for Tabletop Season Four:
- Lanterns
- Fury of Dracula
- Mysterium
- Code Names (with six players for maximum funtimes)
- Dragon Farkle
- Flashpoint
- Harbour
- Eldritch Horror
- Star Realms
- Monarch
- Star Trek – 5 Year Mission
- Champions of Midgard
- Steam Park
- Tiny Epic Galaxies
- Welcome To The Dungeon
- Misspent Youth RPG
This season, I wanted to play games that were accessible to families, indie games, more RPGs, and at least one or two games that broke the rules I usually use to choose games. We start filming in a few days, and the season will be released starting in June or July. And because I know it’s going to end up being a FAQ: Titansgrave’s second season is in development right now. We’re aiming to film it in a couple of months, and release it in Autumn.
I hope there’s at least one thing here that you’re looking forward to, and PLAY MORE GAMES!!
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OMG this will be the best season so far! I can’t wait!
Really looking forward to this!
So clutch. I didn’t even know there was a dragon version of Farkle. This list is amazing!
Dragon Farkle is awesome, adds magic item cards, companions and the ability to fight a boss dragon by recruiting soldiers using your dice rolls. Even allows pvp fighting via dice. Very very cool dice rework of a dice chucker
Thanks Wil, really looking forward to it!
Only played 6 of these. Mysterium is great at Halloween.
Finally managed to get a Star Trek game onto the show. Can’t wait to see the ribbing you’re going to get for that 😉
Don’t forget Star Fluxx a while ago…
Um, they already did Star Trek Catan
There was star trek catan don’t forget!
This isn’t the first star trek game that has been on the show is the 2nd or 3rd
Pretty sure they played Star Trek Catan in season 1 or 2
There’s only ever one thing I look forward to in a season of Tabletop, and that’s getting to see new games that I’ve never heard of before! Well, not true, I also enjoy seeing the guests and the interactions, and of couse seeing you not win 😉
Really strong line-up. I was, however, hoping that you would also feature at least New York 1901 (just brilliant fun) and Deep Sea Adventure (so great in design, mechanics and execution) but still: Tabletop Season 4 will be fantastic.
Can’t wait! I know exactly none of those games. but if the previous seasons are anything to go by at least a few of the games listed will be in our gaming collection by season’s end
I’ve been waiting for this announcement for so long! Can’t wait for Tabletop and for Titansgrave! I’m currently running a group through Titansgrave now. 🙂
Five gold and a mother***ing party!
Wow. Can’t wait to see how you edit an Eldritch Horror session. That will be a challenge!
How long does a game typically last of it?
Anywhere from 3 to 5 hours.
Yeaaaah! Can’t wait 🙂
Ps. Sorry for LAK 🙁
Looks like a great list. I first saw about tabletop during season 2, at that point I had never played anything more than scrabble and monopoly type games. I thought who would ever watch a show about others playing boardgames? Turns out me! We now have weekly game nights and a large collection of games many picked from watching tabletop. Keep up the great work!
Eldritch Horror on TableTop. I am now officially happy.
Watching the first 3 seasons of Tabletop is what got me in to gaming (which was what I needed at a time when my life had fallen apart around me). I love the fact that the new season has games I know, games I love (Mysterium) and a whole bunch of new ones to discover. Thank you.
Like! Like! One thousand times like!
Love finding new games on tabletop. It’s a shame Star Wars Rebellion is really a 2 player game…would have been great to see that here otherwise
So excited for all the tabletop games, and can’t wait (well I can but I will be excitedly shaking the whole time) for next season of Titansgrave…
But I don’t know if my wallet can handle a new season of Tabletop yet…
So excited for a new season of Tabletop and to see more family-friendly games! Tabletop inspired me to get back to my gaming roots a few years ago and now with a toddler I can’t wait to share the fun with her… we played her first game, a cooperative one (Haba My very first games “First Orchard”), just before her second birthday a few weeks ago and it was so awesome to watch her pick up on the rules so quickly and enjoy it! Next up, Pandemic?! Hmm, too soon? lol Thanks, Wil!
I know you’ve had some issues with being let down by people working with you in not following through on promises, and my training is more Script Supervision, but honestly, I can be the Best Damn PA you and your team ever “Gently Used”. If you need additional help WITH ANY PART of this production, I can’t think of a better way for me to spend my summer. I’ll even VOLUNTEER my services for Day One, and if you all like me, you can add me to the team!
Other than working with you on Season Four, I look forward to watching the episodes. It’s all Win.
Thanks for the update! So great to know the lineup 😀
Can’t wait!
Fury of Dracula, Mysterium, Eldritch Horror, & Champions of Midgard?!?! Stoked!!!!
Looking forward to this!
Awesome! I’m looking forward to FATE and Star Realms!
I probably don’t even need to ask this, because it’s obvious that you will be playing Tak (It’s a beautiful game) in Season 5. So I won’t ask.
Also, having now made my own set of Tak stones, and played 2 games so far, it’s a really awesome game.
YES We just bought Dragon Farkle! Mainly because on the back is said “you accidentally kill part of your army” Who doesn’t want to play that! The whole list looks awesome!!!!! Can’t wait
I just recently started watching this series, but I am so freaking excited that a new one will be out soon!
I’ve bought sheriff of Nottingham, coup, sushi go and takenoko because of tabletop…amazing games and great times with friends, which none of us were even casual gamers before. Put down the screen, find your gaming team.
Sounds exciting. Thanks for the update. The games look amazing.
Oh my word, that picture just sums up SO MUCH about the show. I love it!
Wil, you beautiful man you. Its thanks to you that I got back into board games, and in the last month while thinking about Tabletop and hoping for a new season it’s also thanks to you I got into audiobooks. John Scalzi is a brilliant author and it’s hard to listen to other narrators who have less emotion after a couple of books read by you. Thank you for everything and good luck on these upcoming endeavors!!
It’s 6pm and I’m still at work because everything around me is broken. But now I’m suddenly happy!! OMG OMG OMG I’m so excited for season 4!!!!!
TITANSGRAVE!!!! W00000! (and YAY s4 TT! 😀 )
No Secret Hitler? 🙁 And you did the voice for the companion app!
A shame, I was hoping maybe we’d see a tabletop after dark episode of that.
I haven’t gotten the chance to play it, but I did get to see TotalBiscuit play it on TableTop Simulator, and it was hilarious to watch, possibly moreso than Cards Against Humanity
I T ‘ S H A P P E N I N G ! ! !
For Fate Core RPG, Might I suggest that you play the Dresden Files RPG (a Fate variant), and Invite JIM BUTCHER to GM. He has frequently stated that he’ll never play the DFRPG because:
1) He’d make the worst player ever. “Yes it does work that way, and I’ll put it in the next book TO PROVE IT!”
2) GMing would be too much like work.
But if he was getting some sort of appearance fee, it WOULD BE WORK. How awesome would that be?
no Cosmic Encounter?
Love that tabletop is still going can’t wait for this season
Kinda surprised they’re not playing Machi Koro. But the lineup looks great.
I don’t like Machi Koro at all, so it didn’t make the list.
Oh…… my…… friggin….. its almost here!!!! I cannot wait to watch the new season!
This new season looks very interesting, I am definitely looking forward to it. I’ve been having Tabletop withdrawal. Hmm… I know it’s a fairly complicated system to play, but have you considered doing any sessions of Edge of the Empire? I would love to see you play it, I just had my first session last night and it is pretty legit.
Hope you call over Cox and Harper for an episode! Nice lineup by the way
I couldn’t get them on the same game, but they are both back this season.
Love the show!!! so glad it’s back is a huge fan! now if you could get get someone from Supernatural to be on would make my year
Wil has Felicia Day on the show pretty much every season… Granted, she was part of the nerd-community WAY before she was on Supernatural, but that doesn’t take anything away from how AMAZING Charlie was as a character.
True and I love Felica she is amazing which was why I was thinking it would be great to to a couple others from the show on with her because from what I’ve seen they seem to be a fun and funny group no idea if there gamers but they all seem to have a great sense of humor so thought they would all fit in well with Wil and Felica
Love the show and happy that you showcase the world of games. Sorry to hear of the drama last season as games are supposed to be about fun and good memories.
so happy to hear about season 4 coming this summer sometime…time to rewatch seasons 1-3
Play exploding kittens too. LOL!
I was going to complain that I knew pretty much every game on the list…
Then of course I remembered that the only reason I know so many games now is thanks to Wil Wheaton. A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon table top one day, and ended up watching all of season 1 (and 2) without ever having played a modern board game (or even heard of the concept). Now I play regularly with my 9 year old son (just finished playing roll for the galaxy last night) and have joined a gaming group that plays every wednesday evening in a great couscous bar in Paris (open invitation obviously to Wil) where we eat some great North African food, drink french beers, and play german games (played Dynasties: Heirate & Herrsche last wednesday. would have been the PERFECT tabletop game).
So…a huge thanks to Wil Wheaton who made me discover this great world.
My son and I are really looking forward to season 4
A sincere thanks to you.
I know this is selfish, and the game probably doesn’t fit with what they like to Play on tabletop (short, uncomplicated games), but I keep hoping to see Hegemonic just because I kickstarted it and want to see someone play the card I got to name.